Giveaway Winner for Week 12 || 100MileMonday

“Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.”
1 Corinthians 9:24

Week 12 is accomplished!! Well done everyone. ?? You know what that means…. GIVEAWAY winner announced below and some really fabulous entry photos posted! ?? BUT WAIT!! First things first. NOW is the time to log your mileage forWEEK 10! Super easy form to fill out below. If you have any questions at all in regards to the SPRING100, leave a comment below or send over an email to!

Spring100 MILE LOG



“And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.”
1 Corinthians 9:25

THE MOMENT Y’all have been waiting for!! We have a Spring100 GIVEAWAY winner! I love the creativity of each photo. Thank you to all of you for participating!! Randomly Selected, the winner is…. LUCY WILSON!! Congratulations! ?? I will be contacting you via email by the end of the evening. As mentioned in last post, I will be featuring the videos received this past week in on our FINAL “Finish Line” 100MileMonday post(June 22nd!!) which is just 2 weeks away! But y’all get to see the fun photos today. ??? According to our Countdown, we have officially 12 days left until the end of Spring100. 12 full days to grab as many miles as you can and meet or even beat your Spring100 walking/running goals! So many participants are already waiting at the finish line and cheering you on. I am praying DAILY for each one of you! That you would be able to finish strong and reach the 100 mile goal. We are so close, you can do it! ? Let’s press forward in the strength of the Lord and conquer week 13. ??‍♀️??‍♀️?‍♂️

2 questions for this week!! Do you plan on continuing walking/running after the completion of the Spring100? 2.) How will you be treating yourself once you cross the finish line? I don’t know about you but I think I will have a cupcake and some icecream! ???

?Let’s make these final 100mileMondays the BEST YET! We are nearing the end so let’s finish with a splash! Your photo submissions and comments make these post extremely fun and my job of putting them together super easy. So with that being said, don’t leave without commenting and remember to send in your Spring100 walking/running photos and videos to be featured in these final Spring100 2020 posts! There are only 2 more 100MileMonday posts left!! ? Email to

?‍♀️Spring100er: Emma E.

?‍♀️Spring100er: Sarah Beth made it to the finish line!?

?‍♀️Spring100er: Madeline F.

?‍♀️Spring100er Martha Joy B. made it to the finish line this past week!?

?‍♀️Spring100ers: Gita + Sheri

?‍♀️??‍♂️Spring100ers: Lodi Family

?‍♀️Spring100er: Megan J.

?‍♀️Spring100er: Katie R.

?‍♀️Spring100er: Elisha E.

?‍♀️Spring100er: Elizabeth F. crossed the finish line! ?

?‍♀️Spring100er: Emmi L.

?‍♀️Spring100er: Bethany D.

?‍♀️Spring100er: Caroline F.

??‍♂️?‍♀️Spring100ers: Barth Family

?‍♀️Spring100er: Emily M.

?‍♀️Spring100er: Heidi M.

?‍♀️?‍♀️Spring100ers: Bright Sisters

?‍♀️Spring100er: Julia M.

??‍♀️??‍♂️Spring100ers: Rojas Family

?‍♀️Spring100er: Ellie M.

?‍♀️Spring100er: Anna D.

?‍♀️??‍♂️Spring100ers: Gabe and Sara Cleator

??‍♀️Spring100er: Ruth D.

??‍♀️?‍♀️Spring100ers: Wendt Sisters

??‍♀️Spring100er: Hannah G.

??‍♀️Spring100er: Kaitlyn R.

??‍♀️Spring100er: Lydia D.

??‍♀️??‍♂️Spring100ers: G kids

??‍♀️Spring100er: Amanda M.

??‍♀️Spring100er: Elizabeth B.

?‍♀️?‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♀️Spring100ers: Hurlins in Texas

??‍♀️??‍♂️Spring100ers: Mrs. & Mr Girotti Both have crossed the 100 mile finish line?

??‍♀️Spring100er: Rebekah L.

??‍♀️??‍♂️Spring100ers: Warren, Aliyah, Bronwyn & Pam H

??‍♀️Spring100er: Amanda S.

??‍♀️Spring100er: Amber G.

??‍♀️Spring100er: Anna P.

??‍♀️Spring100er: Hannah D.

??‍♀️Spring100er: Avery Nicole

??‍♀️Spring100er: Heidi

??‍♀️Spring100er: Laura D.

??‍♀️Spring100er: Hannah N.

??‍♀️Spring100er: Heidi M.

??‍♀️Spring100er: Hannah M.

??‍♀️Spring100er: Elisabeth L.(She did 400 as she has officially hit 400 miles for the 2020 spring100 ?)

??‍♀️Spring100er: Liza D

??‍♀️?‍♀️??‍♀️Spring100ers: Grace, Lydia, Ruth L.

??‍♀️Spring100er: Anna M.

??‍♀️?‍♀️??‍♀️Spring100ers: Melanie, Abigail, and Christina M.

??‍♀️?‍♀️??‍♀️Spring100ers: Silvey Ladies

??‍♀️?‍♀️??‍♀️Spring100ers: Nelson Sisters

??‍♀️Spring100er: Miriam G.

??‍♀️Spring100er: Lori C. She’s crossed the finish line!! ?

??‍♀️Spring100er: Elizabeth D.

??‍♀️Spring100er: EmaLee V

??‍♀️Spring100er: Rebecca D.

??‍♀️Spring100er: Mary M.

??‍♀️Spring100er: Lindsay M.

??‍♀️Spring100er: Lydia D.

??‍♀️?‍♀️??‍♂️Spring100ers: Halbach Family

??‍♀️?‍♀️??‍♂️Spring100ers: Grace, Sophia, and Cameron

??‍♀️Spring100er: Kelli Ebel

??‍♀️Spring100er: Leona G

??‍♀️Spring100er: Rebekah D.

??‍♀️Spring100er: Suzanne S.

??‍♀️?‍♀️??‍♀️Spring100ers: Melody, Rosalie, and Grace W.

??‍♀️Spring100er: Hannah G.

??‍♂️Spring100er: Phillip F.

??‍♀️Spring100er: Rebecca B.

Fabulous job to everyone who sent in a 100 themed photo for the Giveaway!!????

Lydia M. enjoying a Spring 100 walk with fellow Spring100ers for week 12! ?

Allison N. checking in for week 12!! She’s conquering those miles. ??

Linda + Laura O. celebrating making it to the SPring100 finish line!! Congratulations ladies! ??

Furhmann enjoying a fun walk with fellow Spring100ers!!??

The Del family grabbing a walk with fellow Spring100ers the Martin Family for week 12! ???

Gorgeous Spring100 views from fellow SPring100er Amber G.!! ?

Rosy and Gracie M enjoying a family walk for week 12 of the Spring100! Love the photo. ?? Great job, Ladies!

Thenhaus ladies enjoyed a wonderful hike with friends during week 12!! ???

“I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air:But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.”
1 Corinthians 9:26-27

Rachel @Spring100

Hi! I'm Rachel @Spring100 and Blogger at! As the founder of Spring100, it is my hope and prayer this challenge encouraged you forward in the strength of the Lord. I am looking forward to walking 100 miles with you this Spring! "For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light" Ephesians 5:8


  1. Reply


    June 8, 2020

    I definitely plan to continue walking after this ends: thanks for the fabulous kick start, Rachel! You’re so inspiring. 🙂

    • Reply


      June 8, 2020

      Aw!!! ? Praise the Lord!!! So happy to have you part of this challenge.??

  2. Reply


    June 8, 2020

    Oh, Rachel! Your sisters are HILARIOUS!!!! I can’t stop laughing! ?????(Talking about Grace, Lydia, and Ruth ?)

    So….. I might walk a little bit once the Spring 100 is over, but it all depends on the weather. I literally can’t walk very much once summer hits, because it gets TOO hot! It gives me a terrible headache. ?
    When we finished our 100 miles, we ate icecream…. LOVELY, delicious, CREAMY icecream! ????

    • Reply


      June 8, 2020

      ?? Keep hydrated, Anna! Texas heat has been intense this week. ? YUUUM! Great finish line treat!! ???

      • Reply


        June 8, 2020

        My icecream was my fave: Mocha Fudge! ??

  3. Reply


    June 8, 2020

    Also….. Hey, everyone! Keep up the FANTASTIC work!!; Keep going, I know you can do it!!!!! Just don’t give up! ?

    “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

  4. Reply

    Laura Danner

    June 8, 2020

    Congratulations Lucy!!!

  5. Reply


    June 8, 2020

    Congratulations Lucy!!

    • Reply


      June 8, 2020

      Keep up the wonderful work!!!!???

  6. Reply


    June 8, 2020

    I plan to keep walking until my family finishes, and then figure out something for the summer. My blood sugar has been stable since starting the Spring 100!

    • Reply


      June 8, 2020

      How wonderful about your blood sugar! You should definitely keep waking! Fun AND good for your health. Great work!!!

    • Reply


      June 8, 2020

      This is such a blessing to hear!!! Praise the Lord. ???

  7. Reply

    Abigail Warkentin

    June 8, 2020

    Yes, I plan to continue walking/running after summer starts! I didn’t really do anything to celebrate being done 100 miles? I actually didn’t think of doing something special!? Congratulations Lucy and WAYDAGO EVERYONE!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!

    • Reply


      June 8, 2020

      Great job Abigail!!!! Amazing work! Keep it up!???

    • Reply


      June 8, 2020

      Good for you!! ? Hope the continued walking is a blessing to you! ???

  8. Reply

    Mary Mieczkowski

    June 8, 2020

    I definitely plan on walking more this summer, mostly depending on the weather 😉 I celebrated hitting 100 miles by eating chocolate!!

    • Reply


      June 8, 2020

      Great work, Mary! Hmmmm….. Chocolate ? Yeah!!! That’s a great way to celebrate! (Only for me, it would have to be DARK chocolate with no dairy ?)

    • Reply


      June 8, 2020

      ???? Fabulous celebratory snack!!! ?

  9. Reply

    Lucy Wilson

    June 8, 2020

    I plan to keep walking/jogging!
    Thanks y’all! 😀

    • Reply


      June 8, 2020

      CONGRATULATIONS, Lucy!!!!! I’m so glad you won! Keep up the AMAZING work! Way to go! ?????

    • Reply


      June 8, 2020


    • Reply

      Julia L.

      June 11, 2020

      Congratulations Lucy!

  10. Reply

    Kina Lamb

    June 8, 2020

    Such clever and hilarious photos… 😀 😀

    • Reply


      June 8, 2020

      Yes! Very hilarious! ? I used duck tape for mine ? Keep up the wonderful work, Kina!!!?

    • Reply


      June 8, 2020

      Everyone did such a fabulous job!! ???

  11. Reply

    Lindsey M.

    June 8, 2020

    I definitely plan on continuing to walk after Spring 100! My sister and I always go together, and it has been great spending extra time with her. We actually haven’t really thought about doing anything to celebrate when we finish, but I like the sound of dairy-free ice cream!

    • Reply


      June 8, 2020

      YAY!!!!!! Another dairy-free icecream-er! Are you allergic to dairy?

    • Reply


      June 8, 2020

      Keep up the great work Lindsay!!!!! ??????

    • Reply


      June 8, 2020

      I hope you enjoy a few scoops of that ice cream Lindsay!! ?☺️?

  12. Reply


    June 8, 2020

    It was so fun seeing so many creative “100” photos! 😀 Congratulations to Lucy on winning the giveaway!!
    I will probably keep walking some after spring (our dog would probably appreciate it 😉 ), but my family also enjoys biking so we’ll be doing a lot more of that after we get our miles in. 😉 I’m not sure how we’ll celebrate; we’ll have to come up with a fun plan for that. 🙂 (Ice cream sounds really good, though!)

    • Reply


      June 8, 2020

      Wonderful job, Leona! Keep up the good work! ???

    • Reply


      June 9, 2020

      ??? Biking sounds fun!! ?

  13. Reply

    Rachel M.

    June 8, 2020

    I am definitely going to keep walking and running after the Spring100. :):):) As for a treat……….I haven’t really thought about it. 😀

    Everyone was SOOOO SUPER CREATIVE with all the 100 pictures!!! It was so fun to see them all! <3

    Keep going!!!!!!!!!!

    • Reply


      June 8, 2020

      Keep up the hard work, Rachel! You’ve done a wonderful job!

    • Reply


      June 9, 2020

      Soooo happy to hear, Rachel!! Thank you for being a Spring100 encouragement!??

  14. Reply


    June 8, 2020

    Gita and I hope to keep on walking for as long as the Lord gives us strength. Congrats to all who have finished the challenge, and to Lucy Wilson for winning the draw, and to Elisabeth L. for completing 400 miles!!!!!

    I really, really, really enjoyed seeing all the pics! Especially the super-creative Spring100-themed pics! I was amazed at all the varied ideas!!!

    Keep on keeping on, those who are getting close to the mark!!!!

    • Reply

      Amelia Crane

      June 8, 2020

      I’m one of those “getting close” people! Please pray for me, Sheri! We (Cranes) all enjoyed your picture with Mrs. Barker. So fun!

      • Reply


        June 9, 2020

        Praise the Lord, Amelia!!! I’m so glad you are getting close! I’ll be praying! Hope to see you this Sunday for Peter’s graduation! I’m planning on coming with the Herrons after my church meets. 🙂 Congrats for finishing home schooling your second one to graduate!!!

    • Reply


      June 8, 2020

      Keep up the AMAZING work, Sheri! You’ve done a great job! I assume you’ve completed the 200 miles by now? That’s amazing!

      • Reply


        June 9, 2020

        Yes, I did, Anna! The next day I walked 3 miles to complete 200 miles! Then I had to take a bit of a break. 😉 My toes didn’t like all those extra miles! 🙂

        • Reply


          June 9, 2020

          Oh, yes! I completely understand how hard it is on the feet to walk more than they’re used to…??

    • Reply


      June 8, 2020

      Thank you for the encouragement, Sheri!!! ? It’s such a blessing to have you and Gita part of this challenge!!

      • Reply


        June 9, 2020

        Thank you, Rachel! It has been such a joy to be a part of the group for two years! May the Lord bless you from His generous and loving heart to your heart that mirrors His love!

  15. Reply


    June 8, 2020

    Forgot to mention, Amber G., I love your two country pictures!!!

  16. Reply

    Amelia Crane

    June 8, 2020

    I will definitely be continuing my walks. The fresh air is wonderful, and this challenge has been more of a blessing than I can say. I’m a “slow and steady” participant, but I’m still determined to finish. Everyone who has already finished is a great encouragement!

    • Reply


      June 8, 2020

      Great job, Amelia! Keep up the great work! YOU CAN DO IT!!! Remember the old saying, “Slow and steady wins the race!”?

    • Reply


      June 8, 2020

      Aw, this is such a blessing to hear, Amelia!! Praise the Lord. ?☺️ Keep it up, you can do it!! Cheering you on from East Texas!! ?

  17. Reply

    Lydia D.

    June 8, 2020

    Yay Lucy!!! ??
    I LOVED seeing all the creativity in everyones pictures ?

    I’m sure I’ll probably walk some after Spring 100, but not near as much or as often ?

    • Reply


      June 8, 2020

      ?? sounds like a good plan Lydia!!

  18. Reply


    June 8, 2020

    Great work, Lydia!!! Keep it up!!!!!???

  19. Reply


    June 9, 2020

    YES! I plan on keeping a regular walking schedule after Spring100! Spring100 gave me the jumpstart I needed. ? As to a celebration, we don’t have anything planned right now. We might make a dessert or get some dairy free salted Carmel ice cream!

    Loved everybody’s creative 100 pictures!! Keep walking!

    • Reply


      June 9, 2020

      Keep it the great work, Sarah!!

      • Reply

        Caroline Flournoy

        June 10, 2020

        Your comments are SOO ENCOURAGING!!!!!!!!!!! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!! 😀
        ~Caroline Flournoy

        He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might He increaseth strength. Isaiah 40:29

        They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall RUN and NOT BE WEARY and they shall WALK and NOT FAINT. Isaiah 40:31

        • Reply


          June 10, 2020

          Aww, thank you, Caroline! Your comments are VERY encouraging a well! Keep up the wonderful work- I KNOW you can make it to 200!

          Those are two of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE verses! ???

          “Cast thy burden upon the Lord , and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.
          ” (Psalms 55:22 )

          “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.
          “(Joshua 1:9)

          • Reply

            Caroline Flournoy

            June 15, 2020

            Thank you for the encouraging verses Anna! I LOVE both of those verses SO much and I had recently been thinking about Joshua 1:9 when walking…:) I LOVE that verse SO much! You are such an encouragement. 😀

    • Reply


      June 9, 2020

      So thankful the Spring100 gave you a jumpstart into regular waking, Sarah!!! ???

  20. Reply

    Jen Danner

    June 9, 2020

    I plan to keep this up after I get to 100! I’m quite behind but still trudging along 🙂

    • Reply


      June 9, 2020

      Keep going, Jen!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Don’t give up, I KNOW you can make it! You’re doing a great job!?????

    • Reply


      June 9, 2020

      Keep on “trudging”!! You can do it. ???? Keep up the fabulous work!!

  21. Reply

    Bethany Griggs

    June 10, 2020

    Hello Megan J!! I liked the “100” you made out of flowers!! After meeting you at the retreat in March, we were excited to see that you are doing Spring 100 too. I hope that you are enjoying it! 🙂

  22. Reply

    Bethany Griggs

    June 10, 2020

    Emmi, I never told you last week, but a GREAT BIG congratulations for finishing your 100 miles and getting done so early!! You did a wonderful job!!!!

  23. Reply

    Caroline Flournoy

    June 10, 2020

    Yes!!! I DEFINITELY plan on walking/running after the SPRING100 is done!!!! The SPRING100 has gotten me into the habit of walking/running every day and I really feel better and more energized from doing it!! 😀 I will probably not walk quite as much as I am now just because it’s getting SO hot here in Ohio and I don’t really find it very pleasant to walk in 95 degree(and very humid) weather for long periods of time. XD I’ll probably set myself a mark to finish a certain amount of miles by and that way I will have a goal to go towards! 🙂 The SPRING100 was just what I needed to get me into the habit of walking every day and exercising! thank’s so much for doing it Rachel… it’s been a BIG blessing! 🙂

    I didn’t really celebrate when I got to 100 but maybe I’ll have some nice cold ice-cream if/when get to 200. 🙂 I still have 19.94 miles to get in before June 20th if I’m going to get to 200!! We had ONE day this week that had some pretty nice and not too humid weather, so I walked 7 1/2 miles in the afternoon to get a head start on my weeks miles with some semi nice weather. 😀 It was a good thing I did too because the next day it was 92 degrees!!!!!!! :0 I Loved everyone’s creative pictures this week…So many neat ideas. 🙂 KEEP UP THE FABULOUS, SPLENDIFEROUS WORK EVERYONE!!!!!!!!! You CAN DO THIS!!!! for everyone who’s behind…You can TOTALLY DO THIS!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW YOU CAN!!!!!!!! KEEP RUNNING WITH ENDURANCE AND YOU WILL GET THERE!!!!!!!! Have an AMAZING week everyone and I hope you all have your favorite weather all week to walk in. 🙂 😉 😀

    ~Caroline Flournoy

    And we know that all things work together for good to those that love God, to those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

  24. Reply


    June 10, 2020

    Congratulations on winning the giveaway, Lucy! ? Everyone’s “100” photos were super fun and creative! And Elisabeth L. – BRAVO for reaching 400 miles!!! ???
    (Answer to questions: 1. Yes! My sisters and I have talked about how we are going to continue walking after the end of Spring100, which is so sad to think about! ? 2. We plan to celebrate with ice cream!)

    • Reply


      June 10, 2020

      I know! It’s going to be VERY sad when it’s over…. Sure, we can still walk, but it just won’t be the same! At least we can look forward to it next year…..? Maybe someday she’ll do a Spring 100, a Summer100, a Fall 100, and a Winter 100??

    • Reply


      June 10, 2020

      Keep up the amazing work, Amanda!

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