Oh Those Shirts! 🤩 || 2024 Spring100

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58

How about a few photos from Spring100 finishers looking FABULOUS in their NEW Spring100 shirts?? 🙌🏻💯 This is the FINAL 2024 Spring100 post. Almost unbelievable but also such a huge milestone! Each photo was such a blessing to receive. Thank you for sending them in! I love seeing the Deep Green, pretty Megenta, and vibrant Blue Spring100 Shirts being worn by participants around the world! What a pleasure it has been to host the Spring100 this year and to walk alongside so many for the glory of God. I pray you enjoy those shirts for many wears to come!!🙋🏼‍♀️

Question! If the Lord allows, who will be back next year for another Spring100 Challenge?🙋🏼‍♀️ Comment below and let me know!👇🏼

“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work”
2 Corinthians 9:8

And They Are Off!! 📦 🙌🏻 || 2024 Spring100

“Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy, and for thy truth’s sake.”
Psalm 115:1

That’s right! 🙌🏻 If you ordered a 2024 Spring100 Shirt, it’s on its way. 📦 Approximately 800 Spring100 shirts have shipped and are making their way around the world! I am so humbled by God’s goodness throughout this entire event and extremely excited for YOU to receive your Spring100 T-shirt!

👏🏼 A HUGE round of applause goes to Jalen Davenport for traveling to Texas from the great state of North Carolina to digitally streamline the shipping process and help package shirts. Jalen’s work cut our shipping time down by over 60%… I will call him our Spring100 efficiency manager this year! 😉 As always, THANK YOU to my family who faithfully dedicated their time to package and ship off all of the Spring100 T-shirt orders!

I’m beyond thrilled to know these shirts will be worn by Spring100 finishers soon! It is my hope and prayer that they are enjoyed for many wears to come.🙋🏼‍♀️ Leave a comment below letting me know if you received your shirt!

Once you’ve started enjoying your Spring100 T-Shirt, SEND ME photos of yourself/family in their shirts! We will have a fun post with all the participants in their shirts later this summer! Photos@Spring100Challenge.com

“Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”
Ephesians 3:20-21

2024 Finish Line || 100MileMonday

Spring100 Featured Photo: Peace Fuhrmann

284,559.91 miles walked by 4,327 Spring100 participants around the world with 1,784 making it the 100-mile goal!

“I will go in the strength of the Lord God: I will make mention of thy righteousness, even of thine only.” Psalm 71:16

Praise The Lord, here we are meeting at the finish line. What a fabulous challenge this has been!! Wow… I am both amazed and humbled at what the Lord has done through this 2024 Spring100. WHAT A JOY! Well done everyone!! For those who faithfully participated but could not meet the 100-mile goal, we are giving you a huge round of applause for your dedication and perseverance. 👏🏼👏🏼 REMEMBER, “bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.” This is just a physical challenge that is intended to encourage you in the spiritual race you are daily participating in. Run the race with endurance setting your eyes on Jesus Christ, the Author and FINISHER of our faith!! For those who made it 100+ miles, CONGRATULATIONS! 🎉 A fun goal of 100+ miles was set, many obstacles were overcome, and by the grace of God YOU MADE IT! 🙌🏻 Reminder, you can now order your 2024 Spring100 T-shirt. ORDER HERE! As we wrap up the 2024 Spring100 challenge, I am praying for all of you. May you leave this challenge encouraged, strengthened, and renewed in the Lord! It is my prayer that you would “grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.” He is always faithful! 🙋🏼‍♀️

Until we meet again… in Christ’s unfailing Love,
Rachel – Psalm 147:11

QUESTION: will you be back for next year’s challenge(Lord willing)?? Let me know in the comment box below!👇🏼

A huge thank you to:
Jalen Davenport for countless hours spent creating and maintaining the Spring100 Member’s Portal.
Each gentleman who donated his time to write the 2024 Spring100 Weekly Devotionals
Our Spring100 2024 Sponsors
YOU! For your faithful participation and encouragement.

REMINDER: If you reached your 100-mile goal you have until June 28th to order your Spring100 Shirt. ORDER HERE!

Are you ready for the 2024 FINISH LINE Photos?? 🙌🏻💯 Let’s GO!

“Crossing the 100 mile mark after a 3-mile evening walk!” Bethany & Rachel F. 🙌🏻🎉💯

“Praise the Lord, Becca and I crossed the 100 mile line! This challenge has been such a blessing to do again this year! Thanks everyone!🙌🏼☀” Lucy W. ♥️🙋🏼‍♀️💯 WAY TO GO!

“A beautiful Sunday morning was a lovely time to take a walk, and for these two (Spencer-11 and Spring-9) to finish their miles for Spring100! 😁” 👏🏼🙌🏻💯

“I made it! Just in the nick of time, but I got to the finish line. 😁” Sarah H. — “After a diagnosis of breast cancer in Jan. My Dr shared a study that documented walking was beneficial to chemo treatments and showed better outcomes. I was so excited to get the email the 100 was back! I cant say it was easy, if I couldnt walk, I doubled up when I could. I walked slow on a tread mill but I loved seeing all the pics of walkers, smiles and testimonials in US and around the world! Thank you for this challenge and your special verses, encouraging words and devotions! To God be the glory I DID 100! Bless you Rachel and the gang!” Stephanie B. 🙏🏼🙌🏻💯 Praise the Lord. Praying for you, Stephanie!!

“We have enjoyed the variety of Spring 100 colors. Thanks for the encouragement to accomplish a big goal as a family. The baby even logged a few miles!” Lori C. 🙌🏻🤩 LOVE THIS!!

“Finished my first ever Spring 100 Challenge! To God be the Glory! Im looking forward to next year! 🙌” Hannah R. — “We got to celebrate Fathers Day together as a family and it was the perfect time for us to capture this picture. We did it!! 100 miles each. It was such a good challenge for us and got us outside and moving everyday. We are so blessed to have a daddy that loves and serves his family so deeply. He gives and gives of himself every single day. He is a real blessing as a father and as a husband; and sooo loved.” Mary R.

“Excited to have made it past the finish line!! Its been EGGcellent! Thanks for doing this, weve had some great family time!🙌🏼♥🐓” The Hicks Family

“Finished my 100 miles! So grateful for these sweet siblings who I walked most of my miles with!” Naomi S. — “Noelle reached 200, and I reached over 300- happy summer everyone!💯🙌🏻☀” Nicole S.

“Walking together on the last day of Spring 100!” Herbel Family 🙋🏼‍♀️💯

“It took walking over 31 miles over the last two days, but I made it!!!” Faith G. — Emmi passed the finish line just in time. WAY TO GO!!💯🙌🏻🎉

“Finished my last mile of spring 100 on an evening walk with my dear friend, Lanae!!!” Chelsea C. 💯🙌🏻

Lydia enjoying a final Spring100 walk with sweet friend in Virginia!!🧡🙌🏻 — “We all passed the finish line ahead of schedule!! So fun! We took a walk along the river to get a last mile!” Baker Family 💯🎉👏🏼

“We so enjoyed participating in the Spring100 challenge again this year! We are looking forward to getting our shirts!” The Reeds 👏🏼🎉

“I finished!” Olivia T. 🙋🏼‍♀️🧡🎉 WELL DONE!!!!!! 💯

“We enjoyed a lovely Daddy’s Day walk!🤗 Sooo thankful for our Daddy!! His hard work, constant encouragement and support in our endeavors, and especially his heart to lead his family in God’s ways are such a special blessing to us all! Love you, Daddy!💗” The B Family

“Today I met the finish line! This is my first year doing the challenge, and I loved it! Such a treasure to spend so much time outside; soaking up the Lords marvelous creation!<3” Chlo B. — “This walking challenge was such a joy to do. So thankful for a sister a church who introduced us to this challenge. Bodily training is of value. God gave us these temples to steward well. Let us all be good stewards over what the Lord has given us. The kingdom of God is at hand Repent and believe in the gospel. Looking forward to continuing this walking challenge . Its now apart of our daily living.” Des E. 🙌🏻💯 AMEN!

“My 80 year old dad and I finally got to walk together for the first time this spring, since we live in different states. He’s got almost 700 miles logged! You read that right–he’s walked an average of 7 miles a day! I literally can’t keep up with him!” Carla E. 😱💯💯💯 WOW!!!!!!! Way to go!!!

Charlene B. crossing the 100-mile finish line!!🎉💯 — “Though not all of our family finished, we all enjoyed the time spent walking together very much. So grateful for this challenge! Thank you Rachel and team for all your time and work that you put into making this possible!😁” Lehman sisters 🙏🏼☺️ Praise the Lord! SO thankful to have you all join the challenge!!

“Hey, Rachel! I was just thinking how crazy it is how much has happened since I walked my first Spring100 in 2019. Thanks a lot for doing this for so many years. It’s cool to see other familiar faces each year, too.” Elisabeth SJ 🙋🏼‍♀️♥️ My pleasure!! What a joy!!

“Finished my last mile on Wednesday!!!” Esther M. 🙌🏻💯 CONGRATULATIONS!

Davenport Family checking in for the final week of Spring100!! So good to have you all part of the challenge. 🙋🏼‍♀️

“Finished with a walk to the Dairy Queen for celebratory ice cream!” April B. — “We finished a few weeks ago and always forgot to send a picture in so we finally got it done. Chyanne, Weston, and Nakita finished spring 100! It was a lot of fun getting to participate this year!” Chyanne 🙌🏻💯🎉 WAY TO GO!!

“One final Spring100 walk as siblings to finish out the season! It has been a lot of fun to participate together as a family!” Arlen P.

“A bittersweet last walk for Spring100 – sad that the challenge is over, but thankful for another year to participate in this wonderful challenge and for reaching our goals! 😊 ” Amanda S. — “Fun walk down to the creek with friends!” Beth B.🎉

“Hannah and I enjoyed Spring 100 this year and were so happy to be able to walk 100+ miles together! One of our favorite parts was birdwatching and seeing a wide variety of species. Congratulations to everyone who got in those miles this spring!” Bethany G. 🙋🏼‍♀️💯

“My sweet husband walked with me during my last 1 1/2 miles in the rain Thursday night. 😅♥” Rachel B. — “Walking our last miles for the Spring 💯! My walking Bestie is the bestest!!! It’s a blessing sharing our joys and concerns with each other while doing this challenge. Encouraging one another and praying for each other. Thankful for my dear Sister in Christ!!” Rebecca and Amanda

“Hannah and Emma S. grabbing one final Spring 100 picture!!! Thank you, Rachel, for all the work you put into this challenge!! We had so much fun participating!!!!! Great job everyone!!!👏🏼👏🏼” SUCH a joy to have you two part of the challenge. PRAISE THE LORD! 🧡

“Second year doing Spring100. First year to finish!!! 😁” Lena from Texas 🙋🏼‍♀️💯 Way to go, Lena!! — “Thanks to all who faithfully participated. It made it so much more fun to join others in the challenge.” Kent and Sherri S.

“Celebrating my Mom reaching 200 miles for Spring100!” Kaitlyn R. 💯💯🎉

“Walking our last miles!” Maris — “Walking with my sister on the last day of Spring100! She walked with me almost every day of the last week and helped keep me motivated. Lots of good conversations too! Crossed the 100 mile mark about 9:20 that evening 😮💨” John S. 🙌🏻💯🎉 WAY TO GO!!!!!!!

“Ended our miles with Golden wheat and a Golden sunset of Kansas! Farewell, till next time, yall!” Rachel W. 🌾🙋🏼‍♀️

“Celebrated the end of Spring100 with a walk to buy eggs from the neighbors!” Bethany M. — “It was a lot of work and took a lot of motivation, but I finished! So happy!” Joy K. 👏🏼💯 Way to go!

“Friends and sisters finished strong 100 miles (and more) before the heat of summer hit.” Angela C. 💯🙋🏼‍♀️🧡 WELL DONE!!!

“…What a wonderful, encouraging, just over-all strengthening addition to this past Spring. It flew by, and I am amazed we are breeching Summer now! It was sure amazing to see everyones faces and snapshots of so many brothers and sisters on their walks/runs:), the encouragements and beauty of just experiencing this as a Body, truly. Thank you, Rachel and Spring100 team:), for everything you guys have done to make this possible!” Anne E. — “We took one final spring walk along the shores of Lake Superior near Split Rock Lighthouse!” Erika M. 🙋🏼‍♀️💯

“Final miles and a stunning sunset to help Daddy finish just in time! 🙌🏻🎉”

“Getting in one last mile 🥳🎉” Gideon M. — “100 miles complete!!” Rachel S. 🎉💯👏🏼 CONGRATULATIONS

“Were delighted to have been a part of Spring100 this year! With this challenge complete were now onto our next adventure with welcoming our baby girl into the world in about two weeks!
Carter & Hannah Moody — “When my friend Susie told me about Spring100, we knew I couldn’t join. I had broken my knee a month and a half earlier and was still on crutches. The doctor gave permission shortly after to learn to walk again and begin physiotherapy, and I was amazed at how much more quickly I began to recover than I would have imagined. I joined Spring100, and imagine how 100 miles of walking combined with physio exercises helped regain strength and mobility! On June 19, about 1300 miles apart in distance, my friend and I finished our 100-mile goal together! Thank you for providing this challenge, and praise God for healing and strength!” Karissa H 🙌🏻🙏🏼💯 Praise the LORD!

“The Flournoy family finished strong this year with more walkers than ever. It was fun to watch siblings help and encourage each other (and their mom on her first 100!) Looking forward to next year!” 👏🏼👏🏼💯

“Victory hike at the gorgeous Breaks Interstate Park (KY/VA) for the Moores!! Also a late Fathers Day outing with dadthankful for this man!” Moore Family🙌🏻💯

“Excited to reach finish Spring100 this year. 💯 Thanks for putting it on Rachel!” Delila F. 🙋🏼‍♀️🧡💯 YAY!! Well done!! My pleasure. 👏🏼

“These miles climbing part way up Dirty Face Mountain were probably some of the hardest, but they were a ton of fun and brought us to an incredible view. I am thankful for the time we spent exploring God’s creation with my amazing roommate while she was visiting!” Macy C. — “Yay, my first Spring 100 accomplished!” Teresa B. 👏🏼💯🙌🏻 Way to go!

“The Nasby Family from MB finished 600 miles total on the last day of Spring!” Amber N. 🎉💯 GREAT WORK!!!

“Sheri’s last two 100+ miles for 2024!! Fun Spring100!” Sheridan C. — “Finished my 100th mile in beautiful Iceland!” Kelsey G. 💯🙌🏻👏🏼 CONGRATULATIONS!

“We had fun walking at the river with our puppy! 🥰” Madison B.

“Thanking the LORD for His blessing of life, good health and the wonderful creation!” Deb from TN and Deb from AL

“I really enjoyed this challenge! Thanks for giving me the motivation to take walks! 👏” Lisa F. — “Crossed the finish line just in time😊” Hannah G. 🎉💯 WAY TO GO!!!

“I made it to 100 miles, and 3 days to spare! (: It took a little longer than usual, but the Lord blessed me with beautiful weather this last week in PEI.” Hannah 🧡💯🙋🏼‍♀️ YAY!!!!! Congratulations!

“Finally Made it to the end!💯”“By Gods Grace, I made it to the finish line. As I walked my last stretch this week, I was reminded of my favorite Bible verse, Philippians 6:1:Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” He is SO faithful and SO true to His Word that He has made us a promise He will complete what He has begun in us. Praise Him! 👏 ♥” 💯👏🏼WELL DONE!!!

“Enjoying a lovely golden evening walk with my sister, both of us very much enjoyed participating and finishing the Spring 💯, and look for to taking part in next years!” Olivia C.🏃‍♀️💯🎉 So happy to have you!!

Way to go W. family for finishing Spring100 strong!! 💪🏼💯🙌🏻

“Getting in the last few miles!” Akrissa D🙋🏼‍♀️💯

Linda O. checking in as she crosses the Spring100 Finish line!! 👏🏼💯 — “Finishing my one hundred miles at Lake Lansing Park North.” Sarah P. 🎉🎉. WELL DONE!

“We enjoyed the Spring 100 this year! Thank you for putting it on! Split Rock Lighthouse on the shore of Lake Superior in northern Minnesota was a beautiful location for a walk yesterday!” Gabriel C 👏🏼

“This was such a fun challenge ! I thought we might not be able to finish it but with a little determination we got those last miles in – just in time !🤗” Dorothy G. 💯👏🏼🙌🏻 GOOD JOB!– “We had a nice little walk in Telluride, CO!” Elisabeth M.

“We finished our Spring100 challenge by walking around the entire perimeter of Mackinac Island! So many sweet memories were had!” The greater Derby Family🙋🏼‍♀️👏🏼

“Finished Spring 100!!” Makayla F. — “Made it to 100 miles on the last day of spring! It has been a crazy busy spring for me, so has been a bit of a challenge, but I finally made it! 😀” Daniel F 🙌🏻💯👏🏼 WAY TO GO!

“200 miles!” Rosalyn B. 💯💯👏🏼

“I made it to 100! There is nothing like a windy and foggy day to go for a walk in the woods! 💯😁” Sophie H. — “Finished up Spring 100 on the streets of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea!” Stacy H. 🎉🙋🏼‍♀️💯

“Just finished my last 2 miles over here in Kuwait” Timothy S. 💯💪🏼 Good job!

I was so very blessed to spend my final few days of the 2024 Spring100 hiking moutains and walking gorgeous farm roads with my dear friends in Virginia! Thank you Fuhrmann family for walking my final Spring100 miles with me.🙌🏻🙋🏼‍♀️ Hosting this year’s challenge was such a tremendous joy and I thank the Lord for the good work He has done through it!! Can’t wait to see you next challenge. 👏🏼

“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Hebrews 12:1-2

Week 13 👏🏼 || 100MileMonday


Here we are! Just 3 more days left in this 2024 Spring100 Challenge. This is what you need to know:

👉🏼 The final day to grab Spring100 miles is Thursday, June 20th, 11:59 pm!

👉🏼 There will be 1 more 100MileMonday post next week(June 24th!) For this post, we will share all the fun “finish-line” photos. I would love for this to be the MOST exciting post yet! With that being said, even if you’ve met your 100-mile goal would you grab one final 2024 Spring100 walk/run and snap a selfie to be shared?💯📸 I would love to see photos from as many participants as possible in this final post!

👉🏼 The Deadline for ordering your 2024 Spring100 Shirt is Friday, June 28th! Your order must be placed on or before this date. CLICK HERE for shirt ordering details!

Spring100 Featured Photographer: Clara H.

Spring100 Devotional

With Victories Come Temptation – So Guard Your Heart!

Mr Wesley Strackbein || FINAL 2024 Devotional – Week 13

When we achieve long-fought for milestones in life, it’s a time to gratefully rejoice. Yet it’s also a time to guard our hearts from evil.

With victories come great temptations to sin, with pride being the chief offender. Big accomplishments tend to puff us up. Whether we voice it outwardly or not, our hearts are prone to arrogantly think, “Look at what I’ve done!”

Dear friends, all that we have—including every earthly victory—is a gift of God (James 1:17).

“And what do you have that you did not receive?” asked the Apostle Paul, “Now if you did indeed receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?” (1 Cor. 4:7).

Despite this obvious truth, history is littered with the legacies of men who were empowered by God to achieve great feats, only to crash and burn when they responded with senseless pride.

Take King Uzziah, for example. Reading the record of Judah’s kings, we learn:

And God helped [Uzziah] against the Philistines, and against the Arabians that dwelt in Gurbaal, and the Mehunims. . . . And his name spread far abroad; for he was marvellously helped, till he was strong. But when he was strong, his heart was lifted up to his destruction: for he transgressed against the LORD his God, and went into the temple of the LORD to burn incense upon the altar of incense.” (2 Chron. 26:7, 15b-16)

After God made him strong, Uzziah flaunted authority that did not belong to him by acting the part of a priest. God’s response was swift, as he smote the king with leprosy, bringing his reign to an abrupt end(2 Chron. 26:20-22).

Complacency is another great temptation we must guard against, following earthly success.

David famously slew Goliath of Gath to defend God’s honor (1 Sam. 17:32-58), among many other exploits. But then he grew complacent. “[A]t the time when kings go out to battle . . . David remained at Jerusalem” (2 Sam. 11:1). In his dallying, he committed adultery with Bathsheba and then spiraled into more heinous sin which God sorely judged (2 Sam. 11-12).

When victories come, we must not rest on our laurels, as David did, invoking God’s wrath. Nor should we take pride in them, as was Uzziah’s foolish downfall.

Instead, we must humbly acknowledge to God that “all things come from You, and of Your own we have given You” (1 Chron. 29:14)—even as we continue to “press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:14).

We must “lay aside . . . the sin which so easily ensnares us” and finish strong (Heb. 12:2).

Rather than faltering after a notable milestone, may our witness be that of Paul’s:

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing (2 Tim. 4:7-8).

QUESTION! Did you find this challenge easier or harder than expected? What were some hurdles you had to overcome or are overcoming to complete your 100 miles?

Don’t forget! These posts are made possible by YOU!! Your photo submissions and comments make these posts extremely fun and my job of putting them together super easy. Thank you! So with that being said, don’t leave without commenting, and remember to send in your Spring100 walking/running photos for a chance to be featured in next week’s post. Thank you!

“The Mathews family has all passed 100 miles! Two of us grabbed the last miles on a special (and humid!) Fathers Day walk! Weve enjoyed walking many miles together once again this spring!” 🙌🏻💯🎉 CONGRATULATIONS!!!

“I finished my 100 this morning with my Dad on Fathers Day!” KT Coy ♥️🎉💯 WAY TO GO!!!

“We had a lovely Fathers Day hike up our mountain with grandparents! So thankful for loving fathers!!🥰” Baker Family — “Me and my son Jonathan on Fathers Day evening!” Thomas G.

“We were not able to be with either of our dads in person today (video calls are a blessing!), but to walk side by side with the father of my kiddos, through all of the delights and challenges of parenthood, is a gift beyond words! How I love this amazing guy! 🥰We did a slow mile tonight, hobbling a bit, after he conquered over 7 miles yesterday in hopes of finishing on time. 😆” Kathryn S. 👏🏼🙌🏻

“So thankful for our dad! The gift of a father is truly something wonderful!🫶🏼🥰
Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit. Jeremiah 17:7-8″
Hicks Family ♥️

“My aunt and sister helped me cross the finish line! 😊💯” Amanda S. 👏🏼💯🥳 CONGRATULATIONS!!

“Emmett has completed his 100 miles! Possibly the first horse to do the Spring100 Challenge. We shaped a yummy 100 to celebrate crossing the finish line!” Elizabeth W. 🎉💯😁 WELL DONE! — Emmi grabbing week 13 miles with her dad!!🧡

“This is my first year walking 200 miles for Spring100! My family agreed to walk an extra lap with me so I could make it to 200. It was a beautiful night to walk and enjoy the sunset!” Macy C. 🙋🏼‍♀️🙌🏻💯🎉 WAY TO GO!!!\

“Yay got our 100 miles! 👏🏼” L. Stutzman family — “Got my last mile in the airport with my amazing nephew. 💯 miles down!” Susanna Z. 🥳💯🙌🏻 CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!

“Abigail has completed Spring 100!” 💐💯🙌🏻 SO EXCITING!!! Way to go!!

“Praise the Lord, 100 miles! Oh rejoice in the Lord- He makes no mistakes! He knoweth the end Of each path that I take!🙏” Naomi P. 🙏🏼👏🏼💯 Well done, Naoimi!! Amen. 🧡

“Finished my 100 miles! I walked the last one with my moral support team on video call!” Anna W. 🎉💯🙌🏻 YAY!! Way to go!!!!!

“Enjoyed a walk with visiting relatives! Awesome views!” Rachel W. 👌🏻

“I didnt think Id actually make it, but with the Lords help, I hit 100 miles right before I leave for camp.” Lilly W. 💯🥳 Great job, Lilly!!!

“Anniversary hike!!!” Kelly M. ♥️🥾 Happy Anniversary!

“Going for a sunny evening walk with Jenna in our neighborhood” – Faith L.

“A beautiful evening walk. 😆” Halbach Family

“New York City is a great place to get a lot of miles in one day!” Sheryl H. 💯

“I was able to finish Spring 100 in Mexico on a missions trip, throwing rocks off the runway and clearing mesquite trees from around the airstrip.” Arlen P. 👏🏼💯 Way to go!! — “Finished my miles at one of my favorite places with one of my favorite people 🥰” Josephine H.💯🎉 CONGRATULATIONS!!

“Passing the 100 mile mark on a walk with my sisters. :)” Alyssa P. ♥️🎉💯 CONGRATULATIONS!!!

“Hiking The Ledges Trail with sisters and friends.” Sarah P.

“Grabbing some miles with my sweet husband and our baby to be born in September, in the fields of the east of France !” Marie & Samuel B 🧡👶🏻 Aw, congratulations on the new little blessing!!

“Reached 100 miles this week!! :)” Caroline F. 🙌🏻🎉💯 WAY TO GO!!!!! — “Becca and I are a little behind but determined to finish!” Lucy W. 🙏🏼 YOU GOT THIS!!!!

“One of our favorite places to walk we Haab girls took a lovely walk to the bridge where my parents got engaged on their anniversary this week! 😊♥” Haab girls

“Today we walked 2 miles in support of Type 1 Diabetes. My daughter Ava was diagnosed almost 2 years ago.” Alison N.

“I walked my 100th mile earlier this week and then celebrated with my 8-year-old, Aiden, with slushy floats after he got to mile 100 yesterday. He also completed his 100 reading lessons book last week! The rest of the family will finish their miles next week!” Amber N. 💯🙌🏻🥳 CONGRATULATIONS!!!

“5 year old Caroline standing on the 100 mile mark. She wanted to finish her last 3.84 miles in one shot.” Joyce M. ♥️💯🎉 WAY TO GO!!!! — “Lydia and I crossed the 100 mile finish line while daddy played disc golf!” Kristin T. 😁🎉💯 LOVE IT!! CONGRATULATIONS!

“Getting in some Minnesota miles!” Gabe & Sara C. 💯🙌🏻

“A very excited 3-year-old who just walked his 100th mile (after 3 previous springs riding 300 miles in the stroller)! He cant wait to get his very own BLUE tshirt! 😃” 🎉🙌🏻💯 CONGRATULATIONS!!! — “Extra miles with my brother, Levi, because sibling walks are the absolute best!! 🥰 “Grace F.

“Finished even though I was behind!” Darrin Bartel 🥳💯🙌🏻 WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!

“Theres nothing better than a Spring100 walk with two best friends!😊” Grace S. — “Walking my last two miles with my friend from Puerto Rico ❤” Phyllis C. 💯👏🏼🙌🏻 WELL DONE!!!

“Eliana was excited to finish her 100 miles recently! And we enjoyed this beautiful rainbow tonight! Praise God for His beautiful creation.” Hannah R. 💯🙌🏻🧡 SO WONDERFUL!!!!!!! Congratulations!!

“fun evening walk with sisters and girlfriends!!! 😁😎” Clara R.

“Trying to catch up.🏃💯” “Got a faithful dedicated little friend this Spring 100.” Kathryn 🐶🙌🏻

Grabbed a Father’s Day walk with my parents and siblings! So truly thankful to the Lord for my Dad! He is constantly pointing me and my siblings to the Lord, exalting God’s Word as the ultimate unfailing truth, and reminding his children and others to live a life well pleasing to The Lord. By God’s grace, he has laid down his life for his family and this has blessed me beyond words!🧡 Keep up the great work everyone! We are just a few short days away from the end of this 2024 Spring100. DON’T QUIT!! 🙋🏼‍♀️💯

A HUGE thank you to all of our 2024 Spring100 Sponsors:

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58

Week 12 🙌🏻 || 100MileMonday

Week 12 of the 2024 Spring100 is complete and we’ve entered week 13!! 10 days remain in this 2024 Spring100 Challenge. For those who are still working toward that 100-mile goal, you’re rounding the corner and the finish line is in sight! VICTORY is ahead. 👏🏼 Finish strong by God’s grace and in His strength! So many are already at the finish line cheering you on and I can’t wait to see you here. Our final day to walk or run Spring100 miles is June 20th!! 🙌🏻💯

Spring100 WEEK 12 Stats:

👉🏼Total Finishers to date: 972
👉🏼 Total Miles Walked for the 2024 Spring100 to date: 255,107.95

Spring100 Featured Photographer: Jonathan Fell

Spring100 Devotional

The Grace To Finish Strong

Mr David Covey || Week 12

Uzziah was the king who ruled over Judah, the nation that used to be part of greater Israel before its civil war. He may have lived thousands of years ago, but he would have fit well into contemporary American culture. The reason he would fit well is because we are all about starting the new most popular trend or starting the next most successful wealth building scheme. Uzziah started a lot of successful projects, but in the end, the key question is, did he finish strong?

We all started these 100 miles to walk in the cool of the spring, but now it’s not so cool. As I wipe the sweat from my brow ten steps into our walk, I’m reminded of this intense temperature. Although Esther, my wife, is experiencing the same heat walking beside me, I still feel obligated to express my power of observation in words and say, “wow, it’s hot”. Yeah, I know she knows it is hot but I just feel better after stating the obvious. But the point is, it was easy to start in the cool of the Spring, now the question is who will finish strong in the heat of almost summer? Even more important than Spring 100 is the race of life. As Paul says, “run in such a way that you may win” 1 Cor. 9:24.

Uzziah had a long race, and he was great, right from the start. Scripture puts it like this in verses 2 Chron. 26:5-6:

And he [Uzziah] did right in the sight of the Lord according to all that his father Amaziah had done. And he continued to seek God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding through the vision of God; and as long as he sought the Lord, God prospered him.

Uzziah restored the key coastal city of Eloth, a strategic naval base, he defeated major enemy cities, and he oversaw huge construction projects in the capitol city. How can you help but be impressed by a man of this caliber? You look at his life and you say, “this guy not only had potential, but he pulled it off.” Today he would be called an entrepreneur…a success. You’d hear his name mentioned with winners.

But verse 15 comes next and is what I heard someone call a “hinge” verse in this story. It’s certainly a hinge verse in the life of this man, Uzziah.

                        Hence his fame spread afar, for he was marvelously helped until he was strong.

Did you note the word “until”? Uzziah was God’s man. He followed God’s ways and pursued God’s friendship. Until he was strong.


Until something happened.

Until something changed.

Until he turned in another direction.

Verse 16 continues…

But when he became strong, his heart was so proud that he acted corruptly, and he was unfaithful to the Lord his God.

Unless I miss my guess, I’d say the number one reason Uzziah ran into that terrible “until” was that he began to spend more time and attention on the external rather than the eternal.

Friends, we can fill our lives with busyness and always respond to the necessity of the urgent, but to finish strong we must stay reliant on the grace of God not our own strength. Anything we think we have achieved is only because God has allowed us to accomplish it. True success is often never seen with human eyes. Success in God’s economy is walking faithfully before him and continuing to seek His face.

I pray you started this race well, but mostly I pray that we all finish this race well. Do not get worried or discouraged. Do not get bored or disenchanted because holiness is not praised by the world. Stay the course. Our heavenly Father is who we aim to please. Many start off well in the beginning but in the long routine of life begin to fall off course. Keep your eyes on Christ and run with endurance the race set before you.

In the end, I pray we all finish strong because God’s grace is sufficient.

ATTENTION! Now is the time to leave an encouraging comment to all your fellow Spring100ers. Spur them on toward their 100-mile goal and, more importantly, spur them on in The Lord!! Leave a Comment of encouragement below👇🏼

Don’t forget! These posts are made possible by YOU!! Your photo submissions and comments make these posts extremely fun and my job of putting them together super easy. Thank you! So with that being said, don’t leave without commenting, and remember to send in your Spring100 walking/running photos for a chance to be featured in next week’s post. Thank you!

“We had a super fun hike with friends at the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park!” Elisabeth M. 👏🏼💯

“The challenge this year has been an answer to prayer in happily and memorably burning energy. Such fun to do together! Excited for next year, hopefully with at least two of the muffins on foot! 🎉” S. Crew — “Samantha F. made 100 this week!” WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!💯🙌🏻🥳

“My dog and I enjoyed getting a few more miles in this week.” Joseph T. 🐕‍🦺🙋🏼‍♀️

“Walking with ScriptureFest friends surrounded by beauty in the CO mountains!” Darlene A. ⛰💯

“Finished up my 100 miles on a beautiful, morning walk with some of my siblings!”

“Cant believe we are in the final 10 miles! This has been so much fun! I definitely want to continue.” Mary R.👏🏼 — “Evening walk with the sis😀” Naomi S. ♥️

“A fun early morning hike with the siblings! 🥰”

“Got in a quick 26.2 miles! 😅” Luker 🥇

“I made it to 100 miles! My littles accompanied me for most of it in our trusty double stroller. ;)” Susan F. 🙌🏻🥳💯 WAY TO GO!!!! Congratulations!!!!

“Getting some more miles while visiting the Black Hills!” Darleen W. — “Getting a lovely morning walk in☺” Susanna D. 🙋🏼‍♀️👏🏼

“Walking when I can while on a retreat in East Texas! (Weather permitting we have had some pretty wild storms this week!)” Anne E. 🙌🏻 Good job!!

“Night runs with friends are the best!!🙌🏼” Natilyn H. —“Had to say goodbye to our 14 yr. old Golden Retriever today. He provided us with so much joy and was an enthusiastic walking companion.” Sherri S 🙏🏼❤️‍🩹

“Got in a mile with some friends. We were also able to take some time to bird watch. Gods creation is amazing! 😍🪺🦅” Hannah P.

“My siblings took me hiking to this beautiful spot in Kansas for my birthday.” Naomi S. 🎉 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

“We’ve so enjoyed every walk we’ve taken together for Spring100! Thank you! 😊” The Haabs 🙏🏼 Praise the Lord! ALWAYS a blessing to have you part of this challenge!!

“Been some great walks in with my sweet sister! We saw this really unique tree while walking a trail the other evening! Talk about determination to be all you can be no matter the obstacles!☺” Ruth S.

“Finally crossed the finish line!!!! Yay!!!” Jane F. 🙌🏻💯🎉 WELL DONE!!!!!

“Enjoyed a nice run, and then fed our calf. 💯💜 “ Victoria F. — “The joys of living in the city are that you can get some miles in and get groceries for dinner at the same time!” Kristin T. 🙋🏼‍♀️

“Grabbing some miles with my Mom while we visit Taiwan together!” Kari W.😍 What an incredible Spring100 walking location!!

“Levi was excited to finish Spring100 this week!🥳🎉💯” WAY TO GO!!!!!!🙌🏻👏🏼🎉– Joy K. checking in for week 12 as she grabs her miles with a crew of cute kiddos!! 😊

“Lehman crew enjoying some great family time and an afternoon hike at largo springs in MI!😁”

“A sweet sister walk!” Averey F. — “SO EXCITED to have finished my FIRST spring 100 ever!!! I have had so much fun competing with friends and family members!” Valor D. 👏🏼💯🎉 WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!

“Had a couple companions join us for our beautiful evening walk! 😁” Jennifer S.

“Enjoying a lovely Spring100 walk with a friend virtually!” Grace S.👏🏼 — “Having fun walking 👍🏻” Kelly M.

“While walking 9 miles, we came across a policeman that talked to us, a turtle and a snake that couldnt talk to us, and some geese that hissed at us. 😁” KT C.

“Morning walk in SW Manitoba With Asa and Aiden. These boys are trying to get their last 25 and 14 miles!” Amber N. 👏🏼🙏🏼 YOU GOT THIS!

Ruth grabbing a Selfie with sisters as they conquer their Spring100 miles together! 👏🏼

“Foggy morning today! These morning walks have been a sweet time to listen to the Bible while I walk. Im so grateful for this challenge and all the ways its growing me!” Hannah R. 🙏🏼♥️ Praise the Lord!

“Getting some miles in with a sweet friend in the Smoky Mountains!”🙋🏼‍♀️

“Ive been enjoying walks with my horse. Its good exercise for both of us” Elizabeth W. — “Our adventure walk took us through a drainpipe 😂” Gideon M.

“Hiking at P J Hoffmaster State Park” Sarah P.

“Grabbing some miles at the WISCO Mile meet!” Fell family 🏃‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️

“Finished Spring 100 today! Definitely am going to continue walking though❣” Hannah P. 💯👏🏼🙌🏻🎉 CONGRATULATIONS!!

Elizabeth & Lydia F. enjoying SPring100 miles together for week 12!! 🙋🏼‍♀️♥️

Three finishers from our family this week!” Amy C. 👏🏼💯🎉 — “Adam finished the Spring 100 with the Fargo 5K on May 31st!” 🙌🏻💯🥳 WELL DONE!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!

“Hi fives all around! Weve all completed the Spring 100! Huge praise on May 23 at about mile 80 my husband lost his job and we were trying to decide if we should get the tshirts this year. By Gods grace, he received a really great job offer this week and will be starting June 17! Cant wait to get our shirts and support the Spring 100 ministry. 🙌🏻🤗” Charity B. 🙏🏼🙌🏻💯 PRAISE THE LORD indeed!! Way to go B. family. YOU DID IT!!!!!!🙋🏼‍♀️🎉

“We walked through some storms this week here in VA (we dont recommend doing that it happened by accident, haha). Thank the Lord for His protection! ⛈ 👏” “Taking a late afternoon Sunday walk with my cousins!!” Abby. S

“Walking with some nieces❤” Lucy

Was soooo blessed to be able to walk Rebekah’s final Spring100 miles with her this past week!! Summer weather is kicking in and we are now working on grabbing extra miles after sunset. It has been such a beautiful Spring100 to date! The Lord has blessed it and I am so thankful. 10 more days left in this challenge! FINISH STRONG!!!!!!! I am praying for you all. 🙏🏼💯🙋🏼‍♀️

This week’s post is brought to you by:
Beautiful Bathtub

Beautiful Bathtub specializes in Porcelain refinishing, restoration, and Vintage Bathroom and Kitchen Fixtures. Visit us on Facebook and Instagram!

A huge Thank you to Beautiful Bathtub for supporting the 2024 Spring100 Challenge!

“And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.”
2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Week 11 🏃‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️ || 100MileMonday

We’ve entered June and have just finished out week 11 of the 2024 Spring100!! 17 days remain in this 2024 Spring100 Challenge. What a wonderful time it has been!! For those who have made it to their 100 Mile goal, feel free to take a look at the Shirt Ordering FAQ. Once you’ve reached that 100 miles, you are eligable to purhase your 2024 Spring100 T-Shirt! To those who are nearing the finish line, KEEP IT UP!!! You got this. 🙌🏻💯 Can’t wait to see you all at the finish line!!

REMINDER: The final day to grab your Spring100 Miles is June 20th, 2024!

Spring100 Devotional

Do Not Grow Weary

Mr Lee Crawford || Week 11

“Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted. In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.  And have you forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons?  My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by him.  For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives.”  Hebrews 12: 3-4

There is a struggle against sin.  There is discipline from the Lord.  There is a reproving by the Lord.  We can grow weary but God tells us that our struggle is when we lose sight of what He shows us in Scripture.  Instead, we let what we see, hear or experience direct our steps and not God’s Word.

 There is, as we see in Scripture, a great preparation that God has done in order for us to see the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  The Lord tells us that Christ is seated at the right hand of God.

“Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet?”  Psalm 110:5-7

         God has prepared all creation, all angels and all his people to proclaim the glory of Jesus Christ.  God is on His throne, CHRIST is seated at the right hand of God but we say it doesn’t seem that way.  We many times trust what we see or feel rather than God.   He still says “Be encouraged”!  Because we don’t see in this world that He is on His Throne, or feel that He is on His Throne, or see people acting like Christ is seated on the throne, we often look for answers in other places.  Whether it’s for salvation or immediate help, however, THE REALITY is the Lord is there, in control, seated on His throne, ready to answer and help.

      That is why in Hebrews 2:1 He implores us, “Therefore, we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it.”  Yes, pay close attention to what we have HEARD not what we see in this world.   Hebrews 2:3 says, “For since the message declared by angels proved to be reliable, and every transgression or disobedience received a just retribution.”  We are assured that transgression does bring about death so we need to focus on and not neglect the reason He spent all creation lifting up His Son Jesus Christ.  Please do not miss it.

In Hebrews 2:3 He says, “How shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?”  The answer is no one escapes except by one way and that way is Christ Jesus, warning us not to neglect so great a salvation–a salvation prepared before time to redeem us.  A great price has been paid by Christ, a great love has been given by the Author of love.  What great love from Him to implore us to think on this.  

Many times in life we don’t see love, so many times we only see and experience hate.  The reality is that the God of Love prepared the greatest plan of redemption.  A plan that we can see through Scripture which was written and lived out throughout God’s providential history.  We see a God so great who is not bound by time; a God who gave us His inerrant and infallible Word.  We see that the Bible has been proven over the course of History to be the Word, which is Christ himself.  He tells us this in John 1:1 and in John 1:14,15 that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. He tells us all in Hebrews 2:4, “It was declared at first by the Lord, and it was attested to us by those who heard, while God also bore witness by signs and wonders and various miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will.”  God has revealed Himself to us. We are to focus on Him which is the purpose of Spring 100.

          Spring 100 is a great exercise in I Timothy 4:8 “For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and for the life to come.”  Spring 100 helps to remind us that Godly discipline moves us ahead spiritually much the same way as physical discipline does when we continue in it being a “doer” in our walk or run.

          As we may be growing weary in the discipline of “running”, let this day be used to encourage us to push on while not growing weary in doing the things of the Lord.  Let us face neglectfulness in our lives whether physically or spiritually, not turning away, ignoring it or hiding it.  Let us instead confess this neglectfulness to God and bring it and our weariness to Him. The Lord takes the failed and missed opportunities and replaces them with hope.  A hope placed in Him not in ourselves or others. 

Hope in the God who prepared a great salvation. 

Hope in the God who shows great love and forgiveness.

Hope in the God who finished (completed) salvation. 

Hope in the Savior Christ Jesus. 

Let us finish the race well. 

Do not grow weary.

Praise be to God.

QUESTION! Will you continue setting walking/running goals even after the Spring100 has ended? Answer in the comment section below!

Don’t forget! These posts are made possible by YOU!! Your photo submissions and comments make these posts extremely fun and my job of putting them together super easy. Thank you! So with that being said, don’t leave without commenting, and remember to send in your Spring100 walking/running photos for a chance to be featured in next week’s post. Thank you!

“John Luke and I both finished our 100 miles today!! It was a great challenge, and we plan to keep walking!” Hannah R. 🙌🏻💯🎉 CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!

“Last mile completed together!” Michaela & Andrew L. 💯🎉 WAY TO GO!!! — “Enjoying a beautiful evening walk with some really sweet lil people.❤🥰” Delila F.

“Exploring new trails together!” F. Ladies 🙋🏼‍♀️🙌🏻

“It’s so fun to get up in the morning and just decide to almost run a marathon! 🤪 Needless to say, I don’t have many miles left!” Benjamin J. — “Ran a half marathon today in memory of my brother who passed away ten years ago 🤍” Heather L. 🙏🏼

“Enjoying a beautiful evening walk on the beach with my mom!” Kaitlyn R.🌊💯

“Running a 5k with my friend!!😊” Abby S. — “Dulcie Rejoice helping me (DeLane) to press on on toward the finish line (which she has already reached).. Slowly but surely!” Edee M.

“Enjoying a family walk!” Mary S. 👌🏻🙌🏻

“Went on a fun walk with friends on a warm, sunny afternoon!” Chelsea C.

“It was great hiking with friends at Pickney Recreation Park. We had sun, rain, and wind on our adventure!” Sonya M. 🥾

“Love the nights he joins me on my walk. Walking has been such a good thing for me in many ways. Thanks for doing this! Its motivation!!” Tamara Y. — “I had a special person(s) walking with me on Sunday!! My husband and my granddaughter!! Not sure if Ill make the 100 mile mark or not but Ill keep trying!!” Mabel C. 🙋🏼‍♀️🙌🏻

“After long hours working in the garden we are still plugging away at getting our miles in! My sisters and I enjoy taking our neices along with us when we can!” Sarah F. 👏🏼🎉 Great job!! — Lydia & Emmi doing laps around the covered porch to conquer their miles during a rainy Texas evening. 🙋🏼‍♀️🌧

“Saw the kite festival on our walk today” April B. 🪁💯

“A beautiful walk at Riley Parks!” Bethany F. 👏🏼♥️

“After missing several weeks, due to surgery, Im finally back at it!! This weeks trails in Zion, NP!” Elizabeth P. — “Running buddys! (we ran a Memorial Day 5k together)” Peace F.🙋🏼‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

“Michigander ladies enjoying a sunny and windy 4-mile walk near the downtown Holland historic district. 💨” Grace F.

Eva H. checking in and grabbing miles for week 11!! 🙌🏻😄 — “Taking a walk to town on a sunny day in Honduras!🇭🇳” Rachel B.

“Three generations of the Derby Family enjoying a Memorial Day stroll through a nature preserve” Joel D. 👏🏼👌🏻

“Another lovely walk.” Annina F. — “Hiked to the only waterfall in ND and got almost 5 miles!” April B. 💪🏼🙌🏻

“Fun walk with my niece and nephew.” ♥️

“Walking Spring 100 miles with my friend Anna having great conversation encouraging each other in the Lord! Made the miles go by so much faster!” Abigail S. — “An after-Memorial-Day walk with my Aunt Lynn. So thankful for the sacrifices of our American soldiers who showed the greatest love by laying down their lives so that others wouldnt have to! ❤” Amanda S. 🙌🏻🙌🏻

“Enjoying a rainy evening walk.” Neely Team ☔️🙋🏼‍♀️

“Walk-in with my little cutie pie! 🤗🧡” Kelly M. — “Ginger enjoying a free ride on our walk, since she did something to her foot. Would have left her at home, but she always gets excited when I put onmy shoes.” Linda O. 🐶

“We had the most peaceful AMAZING special day in Montana with my sweet father and a dear caretaker woman who works for AB elderly healthcare business and she is a CHRISTIAN and the LOVE was POURING OUT of her heart to my dear mother and father. My cup overfloweth. This is what I was feeling that whole miraculous WALK!!! Psalm 23: 1 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Georgia M. 👏🏼♥️

“Just completed 100 miles! I finished at the botanic gardens with a friend. 😊
Spring100 was a good exercise in perseverance and sticking to what I start! Thanks for doing this challenge!”
Esther S. 🎉💯 CONGRATULATIONS!! — “Running together on Memorial Day!👏🏼👏🏼” Emma S

“Lots of sunshine and miles this week!” Kathryn D. ☀️

“Exploring a new trail while babysitting” Sarah P. 🙋🏼‍♀️💯

“Celebrating our Aunt Lynn on her birthday! 🥳🎉” The Silveys 👏🏼♥️ Happy Birthday!!!

“Beautiful night for a walk with the duck and swans making noise!” Luke S. — “I love walking with my sis even if it’s super hot!! <3” Selah V. 🙋🏼‍♀️ Keep up the great work!!

“I’m walking my miles in PA this week while visiting my sister! My walks have been on beautiful trails in the forest and on lovely beaches! :)” Caroline F. 🌸☀️

“Dulcie Rejoice helping me (DeLane) to press on on toward the finish line (which she has already reached).. Slowly but surely!” DeLane M. — “So grateful that His mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness!” Hannah R. ♥️ Amen!

“We are getting our miles in at Kootenai Falls in Montana. It was a beautiful walk to do with the whole family.” Kim C. 🏔😍

“This week we walked in Canada and the United States within minutes of each other. Enjoyed the day at the International Peace Garden in Manitoba and North Dakota.” The Nasby Crew

“Enjoying a lovely evening walk together!!🤗 GREAT JOB, everyone, as we press towards the finish line!! Keep it up!🙌💯” The B family

Week 11 was rainy and wet here in North East Texas!! We are so close to the end of this 2024 challenge and I am so excited to see so many of you making your way to the finish line. Keep up the wonderful work and don’t loose heart!!🙌🏻🙋🏼‍♀️💯

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    “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9

    Week 10 || 100MileMonday

    Week 10 is complete and we are quickly moving toward the finish line!! If you find yourself behind, don’t give up. You can do this!!🏃🏻‍♂️🏃‍♀️ There are 24 days left in this challenge. Find a fun walking partner and conquer those miles!! So so excited to see all the finishers and so many nearing their 100-mile goal. You’re all doing such a wonderful job!!🙌🏻🙋🏼‍♀️

    Spring100 Week 10 Facts:

    👉🏼 Most miles walked/run to date for the 2024 Spring100 by 1 Spring100er: 738
    👉🏼 Total finishers to date: 654
    👉🏼 Number of miles walked to date for the 2024 Spring100: 221,527.71

    Spring100 Featured Photographer: Elisabeth Meneley

    Spring100 Devotional

    The Prize

    Mr Charles DeLadurnatey || Week 10

    In Hebrews 12:1-2 we read this:

    “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

    As we continue in our Spring 100 Walk, which is a small slice of our walk of faith in Christ, let us bear down upon the “how” of our walk.

    How we walk is the essence of faith applied. Reading books and papers about theology and doctrine are important but without application, even a good sermon will not serve to build out faith unless we find ways for practical application.

    Our relationship with the Lord is due to “regeneration” – the work of the Holy Spirt – see Titus 3:5..  A walk in the “newness of life” – Romans 6:4, a spiritual resurrection precedes our walk of faith and the bodily resurrection on our last day here on earth.

    We are to look unto Jesus and look with eyes of faith, not just eyes of fact.  The evidentialist has a weak and failed way of understanding the miracle of regeneration. To know that Jesus walked the earth does not mean we trust in Him for our redemption.

    Does your redemption humble you?  It should. I Peter 1:8 tells us that we do not see Him physically, but we believe through eyes of faith and “rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory”.  When we experience spiritual transformation by the unstoppable work of the Holy Spirit, we are a new creature and thus able to understand spiritually and then walk spiritually with real actions, attitudes, and words that are a product of looking unto the author of our faith, Jesus. Jesus the Savior preemptively chose us to inherit a guarantee of salvation.  We walk in His salvation, and conversely, we cannot walk for His salvation.

    Are you amazed by His omnipotent power to determine the beginning and the end of all things and all things in between including your salvation?  Humbling, yes, amazing, unspeakable joy.

    It would be awful to think that Christ came to this world as a God-Man to only hope of saving His people and only have a mere possibility of walking in the fruit of His suffering.  This cannot be a human-determined salvation, only by the miraculous work of the Holy Spirit to transform a heart from stone to flesh, from darkness to light, true life – real life – spiritually alive life.  Romans 5: 8 says it this way: “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”  We gain the prize of redemption and the joy and crown of rejoicing (I Thess. 2:19).  He became cursed so that we could rejoice, His obedience was necessary for our redemption.

    What should our looking unto Jesus look like?

    • Fearless in endurance
    • Submission to His commandments
    • Generous in our giving
    • Patient in trials
    • Joyful in our demeanor
    • Humble in our effect
    • Grateful in all things
    • Upward in our glance
    • Outward in our witness
    • Words of faith
    • Prayers of faith, continually
    • Bearing the fruits of the Spirit
    • Contentment over fleshly happiness
    • And much more………..

    Do you know Jesus, as the Savior of your soul? Jesus sits now with the Father having run His race perfectly so that we might run ours with a hope that has a promise, not a temporal hope for something good to happen.

    If you embrace faith in Christ, you are looking unto Jesus and the reward being at rest in Him, forever.

    Our race is not over until He says it is over.  Walk diligently, pray fervently, and look constantly to the One who is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Philippians 3:4 – “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

    QUESTION! Are you ahead of schedule, right on track, or finding yourself behind on your Spring100 Miles? Leave a comment below and don’t forget to encourage fellow Spring100ers while you are at it!!

    Don’t forget! These posts are made possible by YOU!! Your photo submissions and comments make these posts extremely fun and my job of putting them together super easy. Thank you! So with that being said, don’t leave without commenting, and remember to send in your Spring100 walking/running photos for a chance to be featured in next week’s post. Thank you!

    “⛈ Walking at sunset after a short thunderstorm! The weather was beautiful! 🥰🥰 “ The F Siblings

    “Enjoyed a little evening walk together!🤩👍” Emma H. — “Getting in a few more miles with my family in WI❣” Hannah P.

    “Hiking at Itasca State Park!!!” Elsie S. 🙌🏻💯

    “Late evening walks are the best!! If only you could hear the coyotes!!!” Luke S. — “Taking looooong walks at the Texas GOP Convention!! Lots of great patriots, debates, and walks😉” Lydia C.

    “Hiking the Cumberland Gap literally where Daniel Boone forged a trial to connect KY & VA. 🥾”

    “I made it to 100 miles!!! 🥳🎉” Eden 💯🎉 WAY TO GO!!! — “We had a great time climbing up this cool fire tower at Itasca State Park!!!” Elsie S.

    “A lovely evening walk ♥Keep pressing on, everyone!” Mary Jo H. 👏🏼💯

    “We got some miles in beautiful Ouray, CO!” Elisabeth M. 👏🏼🙋🏼‍♀️

    “My brothers did a 10K so I decided to join them and do a 5K to get a few more miles in! It was such a fun morning :)” 💯🙌🏻 — “Took a walk with a friend! Found a cute old truck to take a photo by.” Elizabeth C. 💐

    “We had a lovely walk with these dear friends! Even though half way through the walk it started pouring rain! 🥴 We all had fun! 💜” Baker family

    Marcia H. checking in for week 10 of the 2024 Spring100! 💯🙌🏻 — “Took an afternoon walk with the minis🤩” Sarah S.

    “Checking in with those still clocking in these remaining miles! Extra hot and humid these days, but were thankful for these moments together, as well as the solitary moments when we walk with the One who, when He so walks and talks with us, makes our hearts burn within us♥” Anne E.

    “Enjoying a walk with family!” Fuhrmann Family 🙋🏼‍♀️🙌🏻

    “I have had so much fun doing the Spring100! Thanks to all of yall for the work you put into the weekly emails and all of that! 💙” Madison B. 💯🎉 CONGRATULATIONS!!! — “Enjoying a walk out to check on the cows for the night.” Susan F. 🙌🏻

    “Enjoying a nice Spring walk with Abuela 😊❤” Nadia

    “I enjoyed a beautiful day walking between the US and Canada with my siblings at the International Peace Garden!” Macy C.– “Grabbing some miles with good friends! 🫶🏻” Sarah M.

    “Met up with our sister and her little family for a walk by the Shenandoah. 😁” Halbach Family 🙋🏼‍♀️

    “Out doing photography and a walk at the lake! 👊” Hannah K. — Joanna H. grabbing miles and checking in for week 10!! 🙌🏻💯

    “My sisters and I getting some miles in at a track meet!” Rebekah Fell 🙋🏼‍♀️💯

    “The B family has been really enjoying their Spring100 walks together!!”

    “Grabbing some evening miles while teaching a virtual harp lesson for another Spring100er!😄” Naomi P — “Made it to 100!🥳 Got the last few miles at the Falls.” Sharon

    “Finished up my 100 doing a mudrun with my bestie and my daughters!” Carletta F.👏🏼👏🏼

    “The Moores enjoyed a short hike to gorgeous views of the iconic Pilot Mountain in NC!! Its a must-see for sure, and we cant wait to go back!” Moore Family

    “Headwaters of the Mississippi River at Itasca State Park!!!😁” Elsie S. — “It was such a thrill to have my “little” cousin Allie S.(a fellow Spring 100 participant) come down from Paris, TN to spend a few days with me. We thoroughly enjoyed getting in some miles together!” Rebekah S 🙋🏼‍♀️

    “Taking a walk with my sisters-in-law and my walking buddy baby! 🙂 What a view behind us!” Bethany M. — “I made it 100 milessss💪🏽💪🏽🤩🤩🤩” Heahter H.

    “Taking a short walk with my Mom on a beautiful day!!!” Abby S.– “3 generations enjoying walking together while mom/mommom visits from 1000 miles away!” Lucinda A. 🙋🏼‍♀️🙌🏻

    “Matthew and I have enjoyed walking our miles in Branson, Missouri while on vacation this week. The Ozark mountains are beautiful! “The Lord has done great things for us, And we are glad.” Psalm 126:3 😁” Caitlin C.

    “Let all creation praise Him!” Melinda C. 😍🙌🏻

    “Walking with my mother and most of my sisters on a beautiful day” Sarah P. 👏🏼

    “Esther L grabbing some miles on a rainy morning.” “Walk at dusk with some awesome friends!!😁🤩” Janae M.

    “We enjoyed hiking in the Laurel Highlands in PA!” Lauren W. 🙋🏼‍♀️

    This week’s post is brought to you by:

    My Homeschooling ABC’s

    My Homeschooling ABC’s is a new website dedicated to helping moms on their homeschooling journeys.  Individuals seeking information about curriculum, scheduling, and methods from a Biblical worldview will over time find these issues addressed in regular blog posts.  As a homeschooling mom of 15 years, I also offer homeschool coaching for those desiring more individualized recommendations that will fit their family’s specific needs.

    A huge Thank you to My Homeschooling ABC’s for supporting the 2024 Spring100 Challenge!

    Week 9 👏🏼 || 100MileMonday

    Ladies and gentlemen, we are just 31 days away from the finish of the 2024 Spring100 Challenge!! 👏🏼🙌🏻 Wow, this is almost unbelievable… We are rounding the corner and nearing the finish line! So many fellow Spring100ers have finished and are waiting to see us there. In God’s strength, YOU GOT THIS!!! Don’t give up. Let’s finish strong!! 💪🏼

    Miles for Maleiah update:

    To all those who participated in Miles for Maleiah, THANK YOU! I am filled with gratitude by how many dedicated themselves to get out and grab a mile(s) on her behalf!

    315 Spring100ers worldwide Donated Miles to Maleiah!
    Total Miles walked on behalf of Maleiah: 701.16

    Spring100 Devotional

    The Joy Set Before Us

    Mr Wesley Strackbein || Week 9

    Running the race of life will involve hard days that are difficult to bear. And if we fail to look past our immediate distress, we will be prone to falter and lose heart.

    What’s the remedy? Look to “Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Heb. 12:2).

    The joy set before Christ compelled Him to bear the sins of the world and to scorn His shameful death on Calvary. By persevering through the greatest pain any man has ever borne, he received the joyous inheritance of saving sinners unto Himself and being exalted to sit at His Father’s right hand in heaven (Heb. 1:3; 12:2).

    This future joy was no fluke; it was prophesied of Christ in the Psalms:

    You will not leave my soul in Sheol,

    Nor will You allow Your Holy One to see corruption.

    You will show me the path of life;

    In Your presence is fullness of joy; (Ps. 16:10-11)

    This fullness of joy was not only promised to Christ; it will be our inheritance as well if we run our race in faith (Heb. 11:6), “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory” (2 Cor. 4:17).

    This truth should embolden us to endure hard things, for when we are weak, He is strong. When we’re tempted to despair, we can cling to Him and rejoice:

    Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; For I shall yet praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God. (Ps 42:11) 

    My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. (James 1:2-4)

    No matter what trials confront us, let us look to Christ, with joy, and persevere.

    Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, And to present you faultless Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, To God our Savior, Who alone is wise, Be glory and majesty, Dominion and power, Both now and forever. Amen. (Jude 24-25) 

    LEAVE A NOTE! Let’s take a moment to leave a note for Maleiah!! Cheer her on in her recovery and, if the Lord puts one on your heart, share a scripture verse to encourage Maleiah!

    Don’t forget! These posts are made possible by YOU!! Your photo submissions and comments make these posts extremely fun and my job of putting them together super easy. Thank you! So with that being said, don’t leave without commenting, and remember to send in your Spring100 walking/running photos for a chance to be featured in next week’s post. Thank you!

    “Local “Miles for Maleiah” walk. We were a group of 26 (20 of which were Spring100ers). We walked 3 miles together, with various ones pushing Maleiah’s wheelchair and carrying the banner. The LORD blessed us with a beautiful afternoon for the walk! God is so good!”

    “The Tope family is praying for you, Maleiah!! Much, much love in Christ Jesus♥♥”Madeleine T. — “My mom and I are praying for you, Maleiah!” Lauren W.

    Thank you Reed family for participating in Miles for Maleiah!!🙌🏻

    “So happy to walk for a loving purpose today!” Darlene A —  Abigail Shipman with Sister Naomi grabbing miles for Maleiah!

    “Feel better soon Maleiah!! We are praying for you. 💙” Madiosn B.

    Thank you to Joyce, Spencer Spring, and Caroline for donating miles to Maleiah!!🙋🏼‍♀️

    Mary B. Grabbing miles for Maleiah!!🙌🏻💯💝

    “Praying for you, Maleiah!!” The Hicks Fam — Sarah R. checking in as she grabs a miles for Maleiah!👏🏼

    “Praying for you, Maleiah! Keep fighting the good fight!” Lauren Pinney

    THANK YOU, Abigail!!♥️

    Abigail, Mary, Phebe A. blessing Maleiah with their miles!! THANK YOU ladies!!! 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Bethany C. conquering a mile for Maleiah! — “We are walking for Maleiah!! What a joy to be able to share one another’s burdens with our Christian brothers and sisters in Christ!!” Becky D. & Amanda L.

    “Praying for you, Maleiah!  Love, Rebekah, Kathy, Jessica, Ruth and Cynthia”

    Sarah B. grabbing miles for Maleiah!! — “God Bless Maleiah” David, Isaiah and Elijah S.🙌🏻

    “Praying for you on your road to recovery, fellow Spring100er, Maleiah!” — Ruth out walking a mile for Maleiah!! 🙌🏻💯

    “Beautiful evening to get in some more miles!” Sara C. ☀️💯

    “Had some great walks down our county roads this week with friends and family!! The sunsets were amazing! The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament sheweth his handywork. Ps 19:1” Natilyn H.

    “Enjoying walks with our adorable kittens!!!🐈” Carter W.

    The Barnes family grabbing miles and checking in for week 9!! 👏🏼🙋🏼‍♀️

    “Part of the Silvey and Harbor families enjoying a walk at White Oak Lake state park in Arkansas.” John S.👏🏼

    “Warming up to a weekend run and taking time to enjoy beautiful flowers along the way! Thanking the Lord for His goodness and the ability to tackle these miles in HIS strength! James 1:17🌺” Micah S.

    We got to see a beautiful rainbow on an evening walk. The light was so beautiful too!” Elisabeth M.😍🙌🏻

    “Beautiful evening for a walk! 😁” Alyssa M. — “Enjoying my quiet time while getting in morning miles…almost to 100!” Tom Girotti👏🏼🙌🏻

    “Spring 100 takes us to new heights. (: The fam went to PEI National Park for an evening beach stroll and we couldn’t resist scaling this rock for a break taking view.” Hannah S. 😄 Such a great photo!!

    “100 miles down for both of us!” Holly & Hannah W.💯🎉 WAY TO GO!!!!!!!! — “Went on a lovely walk to our creek with a dear friend and our dog Zoe!” Rebekah R.

    “William completed his Spring 100!” 🙌🏻💯🥳 CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

    “I visited my sister in MI, and we had some long walks on the pier and at the Holland windmill.” Sarah H.

    “Getting miles in with my sisters and friend. <3” Hannah H.🙌🏻

    “The earth is full of His glory!” Melinda C. ♥️👏🏼

    Sonya M. and crew checking in for week 9!! 👏🏼💯

    “Taking a walk with the little bros! 🥰” Peyton F.– “Enjoying a nice evening in Oregon! 😊” Bethany M.

    “Getting to fellowship with these dear girls this week!” Hannah S. 🙋🏼‍♀️♥️

    “Melody has been my faithful walking buddy this spring. Since she cant walk, she cruises alongside me in her pink Mercedes. 💗” Hannah T. — Rachelle A. and fury friends grabbing miles!👏🏼

    “I enjoyed meeting up with fellow Spring 100 participants Grace and Hannah S. to walk together this week! The Lord is so good to give us sweet friends to encourage and be encouraged by. 😊🤍” Caitlin N.

    Walking with family when traveling for my sisters wedding!” Sarah P.

    “Got straight out of bed to go on my walk this morning! Still a little sleepy, but it was so good to get out in Gods creation and spend time walking and praying 🙏 Also, I hit 50 miles today! 🙌 Halfway there!” Hannah R. 👏🏼😁 WAY TO GO, HANNAH!!!!

    “Taking a hike through Ireland with my dad on his birthday! Im so grateful for his guidance and influence in my life and am so blessed to be his daughter!” Rachael E. — “Our first Spring 100 as Man and Wife! Its also Johns first official year doing it!” Rachel W.🙋🏼‍♀️👏🏼

    “Meet up with my wife at the end of a run!” J Steve C.

    “Crossed the finish line! Praise the Lord!!💯” Lydia L. — “I am excited to have completed my 100 miles!” Lynn S 💯🎉🎉 Way to go!!!

    “Visiting our cows as I walk!” Elizabeth A. 🐮♥️

    Jacob B. checking in for week 9 of the 2024 Spring100!! — “We love finding all kinds of places to explore and take our walks. Its one of our favorite things to do together and gives us lots of quality time together!” Mary R. 🙋🏼‍♀️

    “Nathan hitting 100 miles at the top of Shadow Mountain. Suzy (5 mo) already hit 100 stroller and chest carrier miles a couple of weeks ago, so she slept through this hike :)” Rachel T. 👏🏼💯 WAY TO GO!!!

    “Me, my Dad and my brother Elliot got to walk around the Site of the Ingalls dugout in Walnut Grove, Minnesota! It was a great experience to walk where Laura Ingalls Wilder would play around!” Joel Swaim

    “A nice evening walk to wear off our evening ice cream treat on Mothers Day!” The Shell Family 🙋🏼‍♀️

    “Enjoying the warm weather while getting some miles in!” Kristin T. — “I’m 36 weeks pregnant, and my goal was to walk all through my pregnancy, but Spring 100 has given me the extra motivation I need to continue as I get closer to the the end! This evening me and my husband went to a beautiful park to get some miles in.” Laura M. 🙏🏼🙌🏻 Praise the Lord!!

    “Enjoying times with God and family!” Kristina W. ♥️💯

    “Grabbed a few evening miles this week! And ran into more family Spring 100ers💪😁” Susanna DeL

    “Becca & Lucy enjoying a walk on this beautiful evening!” Lucy W. 👏🏼🏃‍♀️

    “Grabbing a mile with a friend on a hot day!!” Abby S. — “On my way to the top of a waterfall!” Michaela L. 💯👏🏼

    “Hannah and I taking a walk after our Monday night children’s ministry. The sky was so blue” Faith L.

    “Fun sister time with my youngest sister!” Elizabeth F. — “Walking when it’s 60 degrees and pouring us awesome!!!” Lizzie Reynolds 🌸🙋🏼‍♀️

    “We’ve enjoyed the wildflowers we’ve seen on our walks this spring!” Hannah & Bethany G. 🙌🏻💯

    “Getting my steps while exploring in Sweden!” Annalysa C. — “Hiking at Grand Ledge, Michigan. Beautiful formations.” Sonya M.

    “Was fun getting some walking in with these people in of all places, St. Louis Missouri” Kristalyn S.👏🏼

    “Walked up a small mountain and had a jolly dust fight. 🤣” Grace — “Getting some miles in at a local state park. So beautiful!” Jasen P.

    “Having fun!! I picked some flowers along the way.” Faith Steves💯💐

    “It has been great to walk with some family the last few days and pick wild flowers along the different local trails!” Faith K.😍 — “Getting in some miles with my nephews and niece 😁” Lillian M.

    “Went for a Sunday afternoon walk this week with some friends and family!” Victoria F.

    Maleiah, the Spring100 community is praying for you!! What a joy to walk on your behalf. So thankful for the Lord’s mercies in your life and looking forward to your full recovery. May the Lord give you grace and strength as you make your way toward full recovery!! 🙋🏼‍♀️♥️🙏🏼

    This week’s post is brought to you by:

    Forge Ministries

    Forge Ministries is a Christian non-profit organization bringing conferences and events to Texas. This year’s conference is The Peace of God, which will take place on August 29-31 in Kerrville, Texas. It will be a wonderful weekend of encouraging messages, singing, and fellowship! Check out our website for more info!

    A huge Thank you to FORGE Ministries for supporting the 2024 Spring100 Challenge!

    Week 8💯 || 100MileMonday

    Week 8 of the 2024 Spring100 Challenge is complete!! 🏃‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️ KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK. With 38 days left in this 94-day challenge, there is still plenty of time to grab your miles and make it to the finish line!! Don’t give up, press forward. YOU GOT THIS!! 🙌🏻💯 We have some fun Mother’s Day photos and other great Spring100 walking pictures below. THANK YOU to everyone sending in photos. You make my job so much easier!!

    FUN Spring100 Week 8 Facts:

    Total Miles walked for the 2024 Spring100: 188,397.36
    Spring100ers who have officially crossed the 2024 finish line: 439

    Spring100 Featured Photographer: Hannah Williams

    Spring100 Devotional

    How to Run the Race with Endurance

    Alexander Strauch || Week 8

    This week I am doing something a little different. I was blessed to listen to Mr Stauch’s message in person and greatly encouraged by it! The theme fit perfectly with our weekly devotionals so I knew I had to share the recording. I hope and pray it is an encouragement to you!

    QUESTION! How do you enjoy spending your Spring100 walks? Listening to Podcasts/sermons, talking with walking companions? Taking in the beauty of the great outdoors? Leave a comment below and let me know!!

    Don’t forget! These posts are made possible by YOU!! Your photo submissions and comments make these posts extremely fun and my job of putting them together super easy. Thank you! So with that being said, don’t leave without commenting, and remember to send in your Spring100 walking/running photos for a chance to be featured in next week’s post. Thank you!

    “We’re so thankful for a mother who loves the Lord and points us to His Word for everything. Happy Mother’s Day!! 😊” The Haab ladies

    “So thankful for our mom!! Grateful for the wonderful example she is to us!♥ Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: But a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands; And let her own works praise her in the gates. Prov 31:30-31” Natilyn H. — “I’m so grateful for my lovely hardworking mother who has dealt with so much in her 45 years of motherhood and is still walking faithfully with the Lord, raising her children in the nurture and administration of the Lord! Happy Mother’s Day! ❤” Rebekah Rojas

    “Mom, we are so thankful for your Godly example to us! Thank you for being strong even in great trials. The way you look to Jesus even through a broken heart is so beautiful. 💜 I know you are missing your first baby of the nine of us today. 💔 We will see him again! We love you so much!” The Baker Family

    “Getting in some miles with Mama!” “A walk by the lake seemed like a good way to catch up on some miles!” Melinda and Hadessa 👏🏼🙌🏻💝

    “Happy Mother’s Day” LaToya J. 💝

    “Im so thankful to the Lord for allowing me to be a mother! Its a dream come true. We enjoyed a walk together in Australia on Mothers Day.” Stacy P.💝🎉

    “So thankful for all our mothers and all they do for us!” Lydia B.🙌🏻👏🏼🌸

    “Got another mile in and snapped a picture with my baby! 💞” Bethany C. — “I enjoyed some beautiful views with my walking buddy this week! I hiked this same trail almost a year ago when I was pregnant with him, so it was special to return with him.” Delie H 💐

    “Enjoying a Mother’s Day walk on our property. Very thankful to be a mom! Tom, Deb, and Jonathan Girotti” 🙌🏻💯

    “Being a mommy of 5 (number 6 on the way) has taught me a lot about the importance of depending on the Lord for patience. We consider each child to be a blessing from the Lord (I wasnt able to keep a pregnancy for two years and then between 2021-22 I struggled with several miscarriages before the Lord blessed us with another baby 😢🥰).” Sarah B.

    My mom and I on a sweet walk together at night on the streets of Jerusalem! :)” Grace C. — “We are so grateful for our incredible, smart, fun, and godly mother. We love you mom! – ❤ Youre Nine Children” 💝

    “Being a mother has brought me the greatest joy in my life! Life with kids can be crazy, but it’s always worth it.” Elisabeth M. 💐💯

    “We put in 6 miles on our last day of vacation on The Forgotten Coast! A few siblings finished well, and they are spurring the rest of us on! 🏁💯” Moore Family

    “This week we hiked almost 5.5 miles, really enjoying sibling hikes while simultaneously giving Mom and Dad some time off!” Amanda A. 🙌🏻💯

    “Enjoying a sister walk after a rain storm! Thankful for sister time and the beautiful scenery God gives us!” Emma S. — “I completed my 100 miles. Still going…” Lisa W. 👏🏼🙌🏻💯

    “We have enjoyed a few walks lately with the K. family – our friends & fellow Spring 100 participants!” 🙋🏼‍♀️

    “Soaking up some lovely morning sunshine with our puppy Blanca🥰” Lydia B.

    A fun group photo from Lydia L. of Spring100ers grabbing a mile together deep in the heart of Texas for week 8!! 🙌🏻💯

    “Backpacking in Glencoe, Scotland” Anna H. 😍💯

    “The Silvey and Harbour ladies catching a Spring100 walk together!” Amanda S.

    “We walked across a bridge from Minnesota to Wisconsin and back!
    Motherhood is the opportunity of a lifetime to be selfless and humble and receive Gods grace. It challenges me to choose activities that refuel my desire to serve rather than make me frustrated about how much I have to serve. Walking is definitely one refueling activity!”
    Erika M.💝🙌🏻

    “A beautiful way to finish Spring100!” Dulcie Moore 🎉💯🙌🏻WAY TO GO!!!

    “Completed my 100 miles today on a beautiful windy Texas spring day!!! Hebrews 12:1-2” Elizabeth C. 🎉💯 WELL DONE!!!! Congratulations!! — “Little Sam loving the farm!” Kelly M.

    “We all take walks but not often get the opportunity to do it as a family, but here we are!! Yay for getting closer to the finished line 👍👏” Mary R. 👏🏼 KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!

    “Enjoyed a walk with these girls today 🤩🤗” Melody P. — “Walked/ran 2.80 mi. tonight!👏” Prashansa N.

    “Grabbing some ice cream on an evening walk through town with the siblings! 😁” Halbach Family

    “Got in a couple miles and good talks with my sister Becs❤🙌🏼” Lucy — “I really enjoyed this challenge!! I look forward to doing this again next year Lord willing!! 😊” Sarah B. 💯🎉 CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    “A walk along the water with the family.” Greta S. 🙋🏼‍♀️💯

    “I enjoyed walking along the Florida beach this week.” Nancy M. 🙌🏻☀️

    “I completed my 100 miles with my best friend, my wife!!!” AP 👏🏼🎉💯 WAY TO GO!!!!

    “Yay to dragging your brother along for walks! We dont have fun. 🤫” Grace — “Finished mile 100 with a 9 mile walk” Thomas M. 👏🏼

    “The Herbel family and three members of the Penner family participated in Heartlands Walk for Life, to help raise money to remodel the building Heartland recently bought.” Arlen P. 🙌🏻💯 LOVE IT!

    “The heavy rains in Iowa this week have given my 5 and 7 year old renewed vigor to get their miles! Now we can go on “Puddle Walks”! :)”Julie F.☔️💯

    “It was a perfect day for a walk with beautiful weather and wonderful fellowship!” Rebecca B.

    “Out walking with sweet friends getting our Spring 100 miles in!” Abigail S. — “Happy Mothers Day from Laguna 💐” Lori H.

    “Walking with best friends! 💖” Averey F.

    “Two more finishers!!!😁” Martin Family — “Spring finally fully sprung in Fargo! Beautiful flowers! Finished all 100 miles Saturday, but hopefully will get to 150!” Ryah 💯🙌🏻🎉 WAY TO GO!!

    Woohoo!!! We kept track of our steps while we did highway clean-up in Minnesota! The girls said, take a picture and lets submit it the Spring100!❤” Heidi V. 👏🏼💯

    Heather H. checking in for week 8!! 👏🏼💯– “First finisher in the Cook family!” Lori C.

    “Having fun!!!!”🏃🏼‍♂️💯

    “Sunny day in Moorhead!!” Lyd —“Getting Spring100 miles with the English family while spending the week with them! I’m so thankful for the fellowship of brothers and sisters in Christ!” Macy C.👏🏼💯

    “a beautiful sunset walk after church to get some miles!!!!” Clara R. 🌅

    “Halfways to 💯! And quite appropriately photobombed by a blackfly, since they have been my constant companions for the last week. 😆” Hannah Y. — “Went on a nice afternoon walk with a cousin and a friend!!🤩” Janae M.

    “My siblings, nieces, & I went on a sunset walk the other night. On one side we had this pretty sunset & the other side we could see lightning. It was a beautiful way to spend the evening!” Victoria F. 🙌🏻👏🏼🙋🏼‍♀️

    Enjoyed a beautiful beach walk with my Mom this Mother’s Day!! Words cannot express how thankful I am for my mom. Her love, patience, support, encouragement, and enthusiasm daily blesses me and my siblings! HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to my mother.🙌🏻💝 Your labor in the Lord is not in vain!! – KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK everyone!! We are getting so close to the finish line. YOU GOT THIS! 🙌🏻💯

    This week’s post is brought to you by:


    Lenspiration provides family-friendly photography training to help photographers of any skill level feel confident with their cameras! Through online photography courses & training, real-life photo assignments, and hands-on workshops, our goal is to see inspiration planted, nurtured, and expressed for the glory of God in the world of photography. Start learning for free at Lenspiration.com/spring100!

    A huge Thank you to Lenspiration for supporting the 2024 Spring100 Challenge!

    “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.”
    Hebrews 12:1-3

    Week 7🏃‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️ || 100MileMonday

    Week 7 is complete and we are officially halfway through the challenge! Way to go everyone. 🙌🏻💯 For those who find themselves behind, there is still plenty of time to catch up! Even if you haven’t grabbed a single mile to date, you can still finish the 100-mile goal by getting 2.2 miles in each day. Keep on making your way to the finish line!! You got this!🙋🏼‍♀️

    Congratulations to the 339 participants who have already crossed the Spring100 Finish Line!! 🎉

    Spring100 Featured Photographer: Bethany Fleming

    Spring100 Devotional

    Running the Race

    Mr Charles DeLadurantey || Week 7 Spring100 Devotional

    “1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” – Hebrews 12:1-2

    Hello to My Fellow Mighty Spring 100 Challenge Walking Warriors!

    As we reflect upon this year’s Spring 100 theme Scripture passage, Hebrews 12:1-2, Iet’s be reminded that every Scripture passage has a context.  In that regard, I was looking over Hebrews 11 where the author has a completes a sweeping discourse about faith and I am struck by  Chapter 11 verse 40 that says:  “God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect.”  Wow, what a way to “set the stage” for the exhortations that are to come in Chapter 12!

    Looking at Charter 12:40 we find the writer wrapping up the familiar “Hall of Faith” verses about the Old Testament heroes with a capstone statement pointing us onward to our walk of faith, a faith that finds itself in the reality of Christ born of a virgin, living a perfect life in the flesh as the God-man (in the Greek: Theanthropos) , suffering the punishment of our sin, dying a real death and being resurrected to the Right Hand of God the Father and ruling as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  We have a “better promise”.  Comparatively better than the types and shadows of the Old Testament saints. Our standing today is that of a better covenant, a further administration of the covenant of grace. Jesus has both expiates and propitiates our sin.  What does that mean?

    Expiation is about Jesus taking away our guilt through His atonement (death and resurrection) that pays the penalty, the debt we owe to God the Father.  Propitiation is about how Jesus changes God the Father’s disposition towards us – we are no longer His enemies but His adopted sons – He is FOR us, not against us. So, Christian, you are in HIS favor.  Keep this solidly in your mind and heart as we move to Hebrews 12 and pick up with the exhortations therein.

    Chapter 12 continues the conversation from Chapter 11, beginning with “Wherefore…..”.  The author is saying, hey, looking back, those Old Testament folks endured much with the promise of Messiah, but you and I have the reality of Christ Incarnate and now seated in heaven, accompanied by many (a cloud) witnesses who walked in faith.  I see this as a clear and emphatic foundation for what comes next.  The charge to “…..lay aside every weight…..”.  Let’s pause and dig a little deeper about what “laying aside” means.  CLUE:  It does not mean our lives are free from stress, strains, disappointments, betrayal, and sins that seem to never fully go away……

    Matthew Henry has this to say – “….every weight, that is, all inordinate affection and concern for the body, and the present life and world. Inordinate care for the present life, or fondness for it, is a dead weight upon the soul, that pulls it down when it should ascend upwards, and pulls it back when it should press forward; it makes duty and difficulties harder and heavier than they would be.”

    You see this “weight” is additional to our circumstances, we can bring it upon ourselves.  The author of Hebrews is not just telling us to “pull up our bootstraps” and do better but rather he is in the context of the big picture – contrasting our standing in the resurrection of Christ to the position of those Old Testament heroes of the faith and saying – embrace the grace of God and give up the self focus and smallness of living ONLY a life in the flesh – “Walk by the spirit” friends! (Gal. 5:16 – “This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.”).

    How can we, having a “better promise” not find the freshness of freedom in the imperative to “lay aside” temporal concerns and cast them upon Him (Proverbs 12:25).  Not taking deliberate action to actively/daily “lay aside” leads being less able to also do the next charge of Hebrew 12:1 – To lay aside also the SIN that so easily besets us.  Sin moves us into backwards motion and stagnates our spiritual growth and holiness. You can’t complete 100 miles of walking by turning around and picking up the weight of sin.

    Let’s utilize our walking time to reflect on our position in Christ and how we have a living faith, not dead and ritualistic but one of power through the Holy Spirit that guides us as adopted children unto a Father who is righteousness and goodness.

    Whether we walk 10 miles or 1000 miles over the weeks ahead, carrying, as Matthew Henry puts it “a dead weight upon our soul” is off the list.  Look unto Jesus my brothers and sisters – What glory Divine, What a Savior, Hallelujah!  More on Hebrews 12:2 in my next devotional, See you then!

    QUESTION! As we enter week 8 of the Spring100, what is your best tip for fellow spring100ers when it comes getting out and accomplishing your miles?? How do YOU stay motivated?

    Don’t forget! These posts are made possible by YOU!! Your photo submissions and comments make these posts extremely fun and my job of putting them together super easy. Thank you! So with that being said, don’t leave without commenting, and remember to send in your Spring100 walking/running photos for a chance to be featured in next week’s post. Thank you!

    “Mile 100 today, May 3rd!! Praise God for His strength!” Sheridan C. 💯🎉 CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    “Went on a beautiful spring hike with my family in South Carolina! 🤩” Lydia B. — Rosalyn B. checking in for week 7 of the 2024 Spring100! 🙌🏻🙋🏼‍♀️

    “Catching a few miles with friends on a lazy Sunday afternoon😍” Angela G. 🌸 LOVE this photo!!

    “Finishing up Spring100 with a 5k race!” Hannah H. — “Becca and I enjoyed a short walk😄” Lucy 👏🏼💯

    “Hiking 40 miles on the Arizona Trail!” Kyle T. ☀️💯

    “First finisher in our family goes to Lance!” Amy C.💯🎉 WAY TO GO, Lance!!!! — “It was so great to walk with a friend from out of state!!” Grace L. 👏🏼

    “Mountain walk!” Bethany F. ⛰♥️

    “Getting some miles in with my little brother down by the creek 😊” Joy R.

    “Keith Family enjoyed a Sunday hike in the NC mountains!!! God’s creation is glorious!!!” Kate K. ⛰🙌🏻 Amen! It truly is!!

    “Angel & Faron Derby getting in a Saturday walk. The weather was beautiful and the trees new leaves have arrived!” “Visiting Isak Heartstone, the Breckenridge Troll” Taya T. 🙌🏻 Great job, y’all!!

    “Walking off the miles, kiddos in tow!” Victoria S. 😁💯 Keep up the great walking!

    “Taking a walk with my horse, and watching the sun go down” Elizabeth W. —“Had to walk with this guy.. 😩 😑 😂” Luker

    “Love it when we can get all the siblings together for a walk!” Amanda S. 👏🏼🙋🏼‍♀️

    “Walking with my husband in Cincinnati while satisfying pregnancy cravings, and also getting miles in!” Mercy and Gabriel–“My first year officially doing Spring 100! Grabbed a cool pic on this massive fallen tree near our hometown.” Rachel W. 😁🍦 LOVE IT!!

    “This picture is from a hike we took in Greyson Highland State park!” Madison B.

    “Me and my loyal dog Basil finishing the Spring 💯!” Olivia C. WAY TO GO!!🎉 — “Fun walking with our favorite fury friend.” Sherri S.

    “Got some walking in with my niece at my sisters track meet.” Elizabeth F 🏃‍♀️♥️

    “We’ve been enjoying such beautiful evening walks during our Spring100!!😍💐 So thankful for our little country lane and all the wildflowers strewn along the way!” The B. Family

    “Taking a walk with my friend Haddey!!” Abby S. 🙌🏻 Love the photo!!

    “Got in an enjoyable prayer walk today inspite of the rain 🤗” Melody P. — “Girl clan🥰” Yvonne W.

    “Enjoying a spring day in Alaska! #Spring100 🙌” Paige C.

    Elizabeth F. checking in as she grabs her miles for week 7! — “Getting some miles in with my nephews for their first Spring 100!” Rebekah M. 🙌🏻💯

    “Took a walk with Amy Busby and Tristan Wilson after a church college group party! Found some animal friends along the way.” Elizabeth C.🙋🏼‍♀️💯

    “I found some pretty flowers on my walk! :)” Bronwyn H. —“Doing Spring 100 with my daughters at a park with beautiful flowering trees and landscape!” Malinda S. 🌸🙌🏻

    “Logging some miles while visiting family in the California redwoods. Never tire walking among these giants.” Kristin T. 😍🙌🏻💯 Such a gorgeous place to grab your Spring100 miles!!

    Love this Spring100 Scenery from Korina S. and Remember a.!!💯😍

    “Hiking in Tennessee with a Sister in Christ!” Melissa A. ♥️

    “We took a nice walk in a beautiful garden near Knoxville, TN.” Elizabeth S. — Hannah P. sending in smiles as she grabs her miles!! 😄🙌🏻

    “Its finally feeling like spring in Minnesota! What lovely weather for walking.” Erika M.

    “Getting in some laps on our driveway on a misty day:)” Anne E. — “Enjoying the beautiful weather with little Victoria! :)” Bethany M. 🙋🏼‍♀️💯

    “Can you spot the copperhead? The children and I came across this on a hike! Thankful for God protecting us.” Charity B. 🐍 GREAT REMINDER!! Walk safe and watch out for the snakes.🙈 🙌🏻

    “Sister walk!!💞 So good to have my three older siblings back from college. 🥰” Megan J. — “After running a 5k, I decided to clock in some more miles , but walking this time 😄” Thomas M.

    “I loved participating in a community 5K with my little guy this weekend! We placed 3rd overall (or 3rd and 4th depending on how you count us 😁). ” Delie H.

    “Beach vacay walkin with siblings! 🏝🌊☀” Moore Family

    “A Sunday afternoon walk with my sisters complete with songs from the cicadas! They are alive and well here in GA!😄” Hannah R.

    “Hiking with the family at Charleston Falls, near Tipp City, OH!” Sheryl B 🙋🏼‍♀️💯

    “Enjoyed doing one of my miles this week just around our yard, taking in the sights and smells of spring!” Lydia B. 💐💯

    “Enjoying a nice walk and sweet fellowship with friends at the Michigan Scripturefest!! ❤ “ Nadia A

    “A fun evening walk with friends 🤍” Victoria S. 🙋🏼‍♀️💯

    Caitlin & Matthew N. checking in along with Emma H. and family for week 7 of the 2024 Spring100! 👏🏼🙌🏻

    “Soaking up the sun on a warm afternoon in ND!!” Chelsea C.☀️

    “Happy days on a beautiful hiking trail in Hamilton!” Chloe H. — “Mozzarella and Michelle hiking at Inks Lake State Park in Central Texas.” Michelle J.

    Grabbing a mile in the terminal as I wait for my flight! Keep up the great work everyone. Remember to take a moment and leave a comment + encourage fellow Spring100ers!! 🙋🏼‍♀️💯

    Live Oak Integrative Health

     I started Live Oak Integrative Health to help women and their families achieve optimal health for the glory of God. I specialize in pregnancy-related health, pre/post-natal care. I provide diagnostic and lab testing to help people understand the root causes of why they are unhealthy. Then I provide holistic recommendations and coaching so that they gain back energy and health that allows them to functions well. 

    A huge Thank you to Live Oak Integrative Health for supporting the 2024 Spring100 Challenge!