Week 9! || 100MileMonday

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
Phil 4:13

Hello Everyone! ??‍♀️ Everyone is doing such a fabulous job and we are getting so close to the Spring100 finish line!! BUUUT for now, it’s the time to log your mileage for WEEK 9! Super easy form to fill out below. If you have any questions at all in regards to the SPRING100, leave a comment below or send over an email to Spring100@shilohPhotography.com!

Spring100 MILE LOG



Featured Spring100 Photographer Micah L.

“The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him.”
Psalm 28:7

How was week 9 of the Spring100 for you all??? If my calculations are correct, we have only 33 days left in this challenge(not counting today?)! The end is in sight and so many are there waiting to see us cross the finish line! ? As I go through Hebrews 12 each week, I am reminded of verse 1 in where it says “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses”. These witnesses are men and women who have finished the race, who have run with endurance, and left a lasting testimony! These witnesses are not those who have witnessed their own faithfulness in running BUT God’s faithfulness working through them. Whether it be Corrie Ten Boom, Eric Liddell, the Apostle Paul, or King David- their testimony points us to God’s faithfulness in their lives and HIS strength made perfect in weakness[2 Cor 12:8-10]! I love these verses from Hebrews 11 where it says, “And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets: Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions. Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong….”(Heb 11:32-34) As we look to these men and women, we are pointed to the grace and strength of our Lord and Savior. 🙂 By His grace they fought the good fight, they conquered, they finished the race, and they kept the faith[2 Timothy 4:7-8]!! So, are you ready to conquer week 10 of the Spring100 and the race of life? Let’s press forward in the strength & grace of the Lord! ??

Week 9 QUESTIONS!! Yep, there are 2 today! ? 1.) What is the biggest challenge you face in accomplishing your daily goals? 2.) Has the Lord put any truths from His word on your heart during your walks? Comment below answering one or both questions.  Can’t wait to hear your answers!!

As always, tese posts are made possible and fabulous by YOU!! Your photo submissions and comments make these post fun and my job of putting them together super easy. Thank you! So with that being said, don’t leave without commenting and remember to send in your Spring100 walking/running photos + Videos to be featured! Send your photos to Spring100@shilohPhotography.com to be shared in next week’s post!

The Cooks getting in some extra miles for week 9 of the Spring100 at Palo Duro Canyon!! ??⛰

Emmi has been enjoying visiting the sheep when she grabs her miles on the freshly cut trail around our grazing field! We even got Pearl to smile for us. ??

The Fitzgereld Family enjoying beautiful scenery as they grab miles for week 9 of the Spring100! ??? Great job y’all!!

These ladies made it to the 100 mile mark!!!!! Way to go Amanda L & Dawn. Y’all are inspirational!!!! Dawn says, “I made my 100-mile goal this week! I enjoy listening to sermons when I’m walking solo; the Lord is growing my physical AND spiritual strength!” Praise the Lord! ????

Catrina enjoying a lovely Spring100 walk with her sister for week 8!! Keep up the fabulous work. ???

These sweet little ladies are energetic! Alison N. enjoying Spring100 runs with her girls. ❤️?‍♀️ Great job ladies!!

Beth E. enjoying some beautiful beach miles for week 9!! Love having her part of the Spring100. ???

Rainy day run for Abigail and her brother! She’s down to her last 4 miles before she reaches the finish line. ? WAY TO GO!! And let’s all give a round of applause for Amber G!! She completed her first ever 5k this past week for the Spring100 and did it in fabulous time!! ??????

The Thenhaus family checking in for week 9 of the Spring100! They are enjoying some gorgeous Colorado Spring Walks!! ??‍♀️

Julia M. dodoging the rain and Kyra enjoying quality time as they grab miles for week 9!! Great job ladies! ???

Kina enjoyed a fun walk with fellow Spring100ers the H. ladies for week 9!! SO fun!! ????‍♀️

Hannah says, “We had some lovely rain showers and a few thunderstorms here in the Chicago area that resulted in a flooded walking path!? “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.” ~ Isaiah 43:2a Keep pressing onward!❤️” THANK YOU, Hannah! Holly F. is conquering week 9 with good company by her side! ????

From MA to TX, Barbara and the Cahill crew are faithfully finding time to enjoy the Spring100!! ????

Linda O FaceTimed Grace + Lydia in for a Sunday Spring100 walk and they had a blast! ???

Martha Joy + Lucas B. looking ready to tackle a few miles together for week 9 and Timothy S. had quite the feat as he backpacked 70lbs of weight for his Spring100 walk! Great job y’all! ???

Derby + Meiczkowski ladies doing their miles together for week 9!! Great job ladies!! ?❤️?‍♀️

The Maxwell crew accomplished their longest Spring100 walk to date by tackling 3 full miles together!! Great job!! ??????‍♀️ Rachel B. baby wearing for week 9 and her daughter joined in the front carrier fun. SO sweet! ???

The Austin Clan won’t allow cold days to get in their way, Spring100 walks inside happened for these ladies during week 9!! ??????

Grace L. getting out and grabbing her miles even in the midst of a busy schedule and Jodi taking time to smell the flower during week 9 spring100 walks!! ?????

Gabe + Sara C. seem to capture the best sunset selfies! Checking in for week 9. Great job to you two! ??????‍♀️

Miles are better walked together!! ? Mrs Silvey and Amanda watching the storm clouds roll in and Sarah and her niece Abby doing a Sunday Spring100 walk together! ??❤️

Emily, Anna and Ellie enjoying sweet friend time for week 9 walks!! Keep up the great work, ladies! ????‍♀️??

Anna P. enjoying a Sibling Spring100 walk and Esther D. not letting the Texas heat slow her down for week 9!! ????

Elizabeth W. taking a Spring100 walk with her adorable niece and Sarah S. enjoying some sunshine as she conquers week 9!! ???❤️?‍♀️

The Cook Family finding time to do their miles together!! LOVE the hats. ? Keep up the FABULOUS walking!!

Alyssa C. enjoying some glorious beach walks for week 9 ? and Kendalyn and Crew continue to press forward to the finish line. Great job!!????‍♀️

Whether it’s a fabulous book or hands full of furry kitchens, Spring100ers Elizabeth and Caroline are finding ways to pass the time during their daily walks for week 9!! ???

Lydia enjoying some lovely Spring days as she accomplishes her Miles for week 9!! ???

Deborah S. enjoying some lovely sights with these sweet little ones for week 9!! ????

My driveway walks have gone from Torrential downpours to picture perfect spring Days for week 9! ⛈? I am praying week 10 is filled with blessings for each of you as you continue to press forward toward the finish line. ALMOST THERE! ???

“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Hebrews 12:1-2

Rachel @Spring100

Hi! I'm Rachel @Spring100 and Blogger at ShilohPhotography.com! As the founder of Spring100, it is my hope and prayer this challenge encouraged you forward in the strength of the Lord. I am looking forward to walking 100 miles with you this Spring! "For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light" Ephesians 5:8


  1. Reply


    May 18, 2020

    I’m not quite sure what you meant with “Daily goals”….. Do you mean daily goals with walking?

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      May 18, 2020

      Yes ma’am! 🙂

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        May 18, 2020

        Aha! Silly me! In that case…the hardest part is probably avoiding headaches or knee/ankle twisting while walking… My right leg isn’t super strong, so I have to be a bit careful

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    Caroline Flournoy

    May 18, 2020

    Week 9 was really good for me. 🙂 I walked the most I’ve walked in one week during the SPRING100!!! 21.12 miles! I only have 1.25 miles left to go to get to 100!!! but I’m not going to stop after I get to 100…I’m going to try to get to at least 150 and maybe 200!! 🙂 we’ll see. 🙂 it’s been slowly getting hotter here in Ohio so I’ve been taking more water with me when I go walking/running. One verse I’ve been thinking of when walking/running is 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 which is this…. Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 .What better motivation to exercise and stay fit than this? It’s sometimes a challenge to find time to walk/run when you live in a family of 14 ’cause there’s always something going on but I usually am able to do it another time for longer if I can’t do it when I wanted to. 🙂 Keep up the great work everyone and keep on going! You can do it! 🙂 Happy walking and running for week 10!! :0 😉 🙂 !! ~Caroline Flournoy

    • Reply

      Bethany Griggs

      May 19, 2020

      Good job, Caroline!!! You got a LOT of miles in this week! And what a good motivation to run: glorifying God!

      And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23-24

      Happy walking to you this week, Caroline! ?

    • Reply


      May 22, 2020

      1 Corinthians 6:19-20 is such a PEEEEEEERFECT PORTION of scripture for the Spring100!!!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    • Reply


      May 22, 2020

      Oh my goodness!! Someone else from Ohio!! 🙂 What part of Ohio do you live in? We live in the Southwest part. 🙂 🙂

  3. Reply


    May 18, 2020

    We’ve discussed many, many things on our walks/runs! It usually ends up we (my sisters and I) realize how much our faith can grow as we talk about our unchanging and ever faithful God.

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      May 22, 2020

      YES!! It is so true. Reminds me of Ps 105:2, “Sing unto HIM, sing psalms unto HIM: talk ye of all HIS wondrous works.”

  4. Reply


    May 18, 2020

    Revelation of John 21:3-7 has been on my mind all the time!?
    “And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. “

    • Reply


      May 22, 2020

      One of my absolute FAVORITE portions of Revelation!!!!! ???

  5. Reply


    May 18, 2020

    My biggest challenge is probably just actually pushing myself to go walk, and a truth I realize when I walk is how beautiful the world is. The sky, trees, and birds are so pretty, and the wind and sunshine feels amazing.

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      May 22, 2020

      Isn’t God’s creation amazing?! LOOOOOVING the warm sunshine here too.☀️?

  6. Reply

    Bethany Griggs

    May 18, 2020

    I had just been thinking about the “cloud of witnesses” this afternoon when I read this verse: “He hath delivered my soul in peace from the battle that was against me: for there were many with me.” Psalm 55:18. When you are feeling lonely and discouraged, it really helps to think of the “many” that are with us. Even though they may not be physically with us, they are our brothers and sisters in Christ who have gone before us or are walking this way with us. It also helps with loneliness when we remember that God is our Companion and Friend.

    That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full. 1 John 1:3-4

    There is no room for loneliness when we have fellowship with God and many fellowsoldiers in the fight for the faith with us!!!

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      May 22, 2020

      Your comment was an encouragement to read! Thank you, Bethany!! ???

  7. Reply

    Lydia D.

    May 18, 2020

    Probably the biggest challenge that I face in accomplishing my daily goals is waking up and getting out of bed every morning ????

    Week 9 was super awesome and lots of fun! And as always I loved seeing all the amazing photos 😀

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      May 18, 2020

      LOL!!!!? Oh, well, you can always sleep walk if all else fails!?

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        Lydia D.

        May 19, 2020

        lol true ?? Actually, for some reason I didn’t realize that it daily walking goals… well, I guess it’s just hard for me to stop whatever I’m doing and just go out for a walk ?

        • Reply


          May 19, 2020

          I wasn’t sure at first either ?

    • Reply


      May 22, 2020

      ??? That can always be a challenge!!!! ? So glad you had a fabulous week 9!!!!

  8. Reply

    Yvonne Johnson

    May 19, 2020

    I love the pictures! So glad so many of you are taking them! So beautiful and love to see the smiling shining faces! Many of you I haven’t met but one day I will! Also, kept thinking about Sheri Claude’s testimony about her spiritual Mom last week. It makes me think of Corrie Ten Boom and her testimony of concentration camp time. I was reading abou!t angels yesterday and the comment below said that angels probably watch us as we are little children up to carrying us to heaven when we die. I know that they are “ministering spirits” and they don’t want any glory or worship because they recognize where true worship belongs, to our Triune God! The hardest part about walking is on the days when my back starts to ache. The best part is talking with my children or prayer walking with my LORD! So many times HE has encouraged me in HIS creation or has brought many verses to mind while I am walking. How can we help but “stand still and consider the wondrous works of God!” Press on, everyone! Keep your eyes on the finish line. If you have already reached 100, keep going! The LORD will bless you!

    • Reply


      May 22, 2020

      Thank you for the encouragement to press forward, Yvonne! It was so gooooooood to see your comment come in. ??

  9. Reply


    May 20, 2020

    My biggest challenge with this Spring 100 challenge is walking on rainy/cold days! It has been a VERY cold spring where I live (we just had another frost a few weeks ago!) I find it easy to skip those gray, rainy days.

    Has the Lord put any truths from His word on your heart during your walks? Yes! I’ve been studying Romans 12 during my walks from mile 50 until now (mile 130.) Romans 12 is such a truth-filled passage, however, verse 2 has specifically encouraged me over these past few months of the pandemic: ” Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” It’s so easy to become “conformed to this world” by giving in to the temptation of fear and panic. Yet, God calls us to a higher standard. We are to focus on what is good and acceptable and perfect as it says in Philippians 2:8.

    KEEP PRESSING ON, Spring 100ers!! Great job this week!

    -Anna P.

    • Reply


      May 22, 2020

      I love what you have been studying during the past 80 miles, Annie! AMEN!! Reminds me of the command in Phil 4 to Be anxious for nothing!! The world is running around in a chaotic state yet we are told not to be conformed to the world. We can rest at ease in peace and quietness of heart as we trust the Lord’s goodness and mercy!!

      Great job surviving the cold Spring!!!!!!!!!! ☃️☃️☃️

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