Week 7!! || 100MileMonday

Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the LORD.
Psalm 119:1

Well y‘all… week 7 took us over halfway through the Spring100 challenge!!! Congratulations to all! ??? The next few weeks we have some exciting happenings planned for our 100MileMonday posts (including our Annual Spring100 give-away?), so be ready!! Lots of fun photos below and a photo challenge for next week BUT FIRST you need to log those miles for week 7(April 27th-May 3rd)! Super easy form to fill out below. ???? If you have any questions at all in regards to the SPRING100, leave a comment below or send over an email to Spring100@shilohPhotography.com!

Spring100 MILE LOG



Huge THANK YOU to those who sent in videos!!? Keep them coming. ?? Upload to Google drive, drop box, or some other video sharing platform and send me the download link!

Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.”
Psalm 1:1-3

So here we are, half way through the Spring100 and in the Month of May!! That is so hard to believe! Y’all, set your sights on the finish line because I can almost see if over the next “hill”. ?? One of my all time favorite portions of Scripture when it comes to walking comes from Psalm 1. We are called BLESSED when we walk NOT in the counsel of the ungodly… BUT delight in the law/Word of The Lord, making His Word our meditation DAY AND NIGHT! As you journey forward on your spiritual race, are you doing this? Are you steering clear of the counsel of the ungodly and making God’s Word your mediation day and night?? Is His Word your delight? We are told in Psalm 119:105 that “Thy WORD is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” And Proverbs 6 says that obedience to God’s Word will keep us from walking in the steps of the ungodly. “For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life…”(Prov 6:23-24)! Just like you wouldn’t go out for a Spring100 walk in the darkest of nights through alligator laden swamps without a strong flash-light?, we shouldn’t run the race of life without the Light of God’s Word eliminating our path every step of the way. SO I want to encourage you to make the Word of God your continual delight and meditate on it DAY AND NIGHT! Have fun walking week 8 of the Spring100!! ??‍♀️


100MileMonday Photo Challenge:

 This coming Sunday is Mother’s Day and I want to dedicate next 100MileMonday post to all the mother’s out there! SO here is what you need to do. Take a Spring100 walk with your Mom/Grandma/a Mother-figure and snap a picture together! Send in your photo with a sentence or two about what you appreciate most about your her and leave her a little “Happy Mother’s Day Note” if you would like!

If you are a Mother: you can grab a Spring100 walk and picture with your children and write a sentence or two on what motherhood has meant to you and how the Lord has blessed you through it!

To those who are not able to be with their mothers this year but would still like to honor them, PLEASE DO! Send in a selfie of you or a picture of your family walking and share what your Mom means to you…?

We will feature Mother’s Day photos in NEXT Monday’s Post!


Week 7 QUESTION: Since we are half-way through, what’s been your favorite thing about the Spring 100 challenge so far? Comment below with your answer!↓↓  Can’t wait to hear your answers!!

????DON’T FORGET! To make the 100MileMonday posts fun and interactive, I need to hear from YOU! Leave comments below and feel free to comment on other Spring100er’s comments. Friendships can be formed through comment sections y’all!? Also, these posts are made possible by your fantastic Spring100 photos. THANK YOU! Snap a picture of yourself walking and send to Spring100@shilohPhotography.com for next week’s post!

Silvey Sisters making my day with their Sweet smiles for week 7 of the Spring100! Great job ladies!! ✨?????

Rachel B and her precious kiddos enjoying Spring100 park walks while Ruth R. and her brother enjoy country roads for week 7! Keep up the great work!! ???

Sweet friend time for the Mieczkowski Ladies as they enjoy an after Church Spring100 walk with friends and fellow Spring100ers Emily + Abigail P!! ❤️ LOVE THE PHOTO LADIES ??

Rachel writes, “we got started early on doing 4 miles a day as many days as we could. Then we decided that we wanted to be able to run 4 miles by the end of the spring 100. ? this picture was after we ran 1.2 miles all at once, which is a first. The longest we’d done before this was 0.7. We were wayyyyyy more exhausted than we looked in this picture ?” WAY TO GO Rachel & Heather!! ????? Holly F. is very happy to have a few walks with this young man! Sweet times and special memories!!

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Friend time is the best time!! ? Maggie, Martha Joy, and Catherine enjoyed a 4 miles Spring100 walk filled with a little extra excitement as a storm

The Harbour Ladies enjoying their Spring100 walks and the Maxwells are making their way to the finish line 1 mile at a time! Can’t wait to see you all there!!!???

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2 Jasters and 2 Derbys enjoy a Spring100 run together! Great job y’all! ?‍♂️?‍♀️??

Miss Emmi is jumping for joy as she completes her daily miles!! Great Job!! ???❤️

Joanna K. says, “This week’s miles were seriously brightened through getting to walk and pray with a dear friend!! ….and climb a random tall object along the way…. ?” SOOOO happy to hear this, Joanna!?! LOVE the photo. ???

Abel, Lydia, and Ruth set out for a bit of an exploration for week 7!! Down country roads filled with some fabulous wildflowers. ????

The Bill Family enjoying Sunshine filled Spring100 walks for week 7!!☀️ Keep up the great work. ??

Spring100 Sunsets in Manitoba! Abigail is doing such a fabulous job and nearing the finish line?????. The Girotti Family continue to press toward the 100 mile mark for week 7!! Great job y’all!! ??‍♂️?‍♀️

A few of the Nelsons sending a smile our way for week 7!! Love the verse that was shared with this photo.??? Amber say, “I have been encouraged by this verse, recently, and quote it often while I’m out walking:“Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee”.  Psalm 143:8″ Thank you for the encouragement!!?

Anna P. + siblings sending a Hello our way for week 7 and so good to have Kaitlyn R. checking in during her Spring100 walk! ??‍♀️?

A very happy extended Spring100 family reunion after their Stay-at-home order was lifted! The Cooks are enjoying a week 7 walk together. ❤️???

Caroline + Jane and Rachael + Anna doing week 7 together! Sister Spring100 walks are the best.? Great job ladies!

The Dietz Ladies finishing their 100th mile and all smiles!!?? Great job, ladies!

Ashlyn, Caiden, and Colten H. (+ Lizzy the dog) conquering miles and making their way to the 100 mile goal!!! ?????

Bronwyn and Aliyah enjoying some gorgeous Spring views for week 7 of the Spring100!! ???

Linda keeping an eye on Pearl the goat as she grabs her miles for week 7!! ????

Getting in miles with friends is so much fun!! Candi, Rebekah M., Hallie-Grace, and Amy S. making the time fly by walking their Sprign100 miles together! ????

Suzanne S. says, “On May 1st I made it to 100 miles. My goal is 200 miles before the first day of summer.” WAY TO GO!! Love that goal.??? And Mary M. just made her 100th mile for 2020 spring100! Great job ladies!! ???

Look at all those goats!!???? Christian, William, and Mrs. E conquering their Spring100 miles for week 7. LOVE the photo!! ????

Elisha’s enjoying a family hike on her anniversary trip to Beaver’s Bend state park in Oklahoma! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! ?? The Esther, Kathryn, and Jon Del right on track and nearing the finish line! Great job!!

The Bright family enjoying a bright Spring100 walk for week 7! ? Great job y’all!! ☀️???

This Lovely lady getting her miles in and spending quality time with brothers while she does! Great job, Elizabeth!!! ?????

ALWAYS love seeing the Barnes Crew tackling the miles together. Congratulations on completing week 7!!!! ?????

Hard at work but still finding time for their miles! Austin + Joel conquering week 7!!?‍♂️??

The Neely team persevering through rainy walks and checking in for week 7!! Great Job Neely family! ???

The Martin family in Michigan is loving exploring God’s creation for week 7 of the Spring100!! Great photos!! ?????

Elizabeth F. checking in for week 7!! Looks like she’s enjoying some sunshine packed Spring100 walks. ???

Love having almost all of the the Bullington family members join this year! They are enjoying some beautiful weather for week 7. ???

Emma Grace + Esther enjoyed a hike up Mt Harris for week 7 ??? and Meg B grabbing miles with her running buddy, Buck! ?

The Lamb family checking in for week 7!! Love having them part of the Spring100. ??‍♂️?‍♀️

Hannah G. and Dixie did a few miles together and Karmen is soaking up some lovely sunshine during her Spring100 walks for week 7!! Great job ladies!! ☀️???

Love seeing Kendalyn and Crew!! She’s conquering her miles with some great Spring100 company. ❤️??

Absolutely love having the Haabs checking in with a photo for week 7 and Gabrielle C. sent in this fun stroller filled photo! ????? Great job!!

Gabe and Sara always make my day with the sunsets views they enjoy for Spring100! Looking fabulous for week 7. ??‍♀️???

The Barth Family tackling miles and spending some fabulous time together! Great job on finishing week 7 everyone!!!!!!! ???

I have set the LORD always before me: because HE is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
Psalm 16:8

Rachel @Spring100

Hi! I'm Rachel @Spring100 and Blogger at ShilohPhotography.com! As the founder of Spring100, it is my hope and prayer this challenge encouraged you forward in the strength of the Lord. I am looking forward to walking 100 miles with you this Spring! "For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light" Ephesians 5:8

April 27, 2020


  1. Reply

    Rosie A.

    May 4, 2020

    Spring100 has turned out to be a little pocket of blessings for my brother and me. But one thing I have probably loved most is the extra mental clarity and energy I’ve found it gives me the rest of the day when I’ve taken a brisk morning walk. For lots of studying and projects to work on every day, this has been a big help!
    I am continually praising God for this small break in each day, and am so thankful to get to be a part of this community of fellow walkers, runners, and hikers!

    • Reply


      May 6, 2020

      Praising the Lord to hear this has given you more energy and mental clarity!! SO happy to hear this!! I find the same exact thing happens for me when I get my morning walk in. Great job, Rosie!! Keep up the wonderful walking! ??‍♀️❤️

  2. Reply


    May 4, 2020

    So many wonderful pictures this week!! ? And congratulations to those who have already reached the 100 mile mark! Wow!
    My favorite thing about Spring100 has been the fellowship. It’s been so much fun to get to see everyone else’s pictures and progress and to know that we are not doing this alone! ?

    • Reply


      May 4, 2020

      Also, Harbour and Bullington ladies – so good to see you’re smiling faces! ?❤️❤️

    • Reply


      May 6, 2020

      So happy to have you a part of the challenge this year, Amanda! ??

  3. Reply


    May 4, 2020

    My favorite part of the Spring 100 has been spending time with my mom and my sister, as well as our neighbor.? Also, it’s soooo nice to know that there are lots of others walking with us, even though we may be many miles away!

    Thank you, Rachel for the encouraging post!☺️

    And to the others: thank you to those who sent in photos, they make the posts even more fun and interesting! Keep up the hard work, because I KNOW you can do it!!!?

    • Reply


      May 6, 2020

      Thank you Anna for your encouraging comments! ?❤️

      • Reply


        May 6, 2020

        Aww! ????

  4. Reply


    May 4, 2020

    My favorite thing has been the 100Mile Monday posts and recognizing friends and familiar faces in all the pictures!? Also, something else I have loved about Spring100 is that it has shown me that walking 1 to 2 miles a day is a rewarding habit to get into, and I can’t wait to continue doing so even after Spring100 is done!

    Loved seeing all the pictures this week!

    • Reply


      May 6, 2020

      Yay!! So glad you will continue on even after the Spring100 ends. That is such a great habit to get into! ???

  5. Reply

    Rebekah D.

    May 4, 2020

    Great job Rachel and Heather on the run!

    Something I have enjoyed this year is having running/walking partners that are focused on edifying conversation. As our church has not been able to meet the past seven weeks, Spring100 has been a nice way to have some much needed fellowship!

    • Reply


      May 6, 2020

      Aw, praise the Lord! So thankful this has offered a source of fellowship during a time when that is limited!! Keep up the great work, Rebekah! ??‍♀️?

  6. Reply

    Lori C

    May 4, 2020

    I have enjoyed walking with my kids, especially while telling round robin stories. It helps them pass the time!

    • Reply


      May 6, 2020

      Such a fun way to pass the time! Love having you here, Lori!! ❤️

  7. Reply

    Ruth Carnehl

    May 4, 2020

    It has been such a great blessing to be intentional to get out and walk, whether catching up with a friend, walking with family, taking the dogs out, or just wanting to enjoy God and all the Beauty of His creation… God has been good! Thank you all for sharing how you’ve been blessed and pressing eachother on to the goal… of Christ in us, the Hope of glory!
    Also, it was so nice to see the Cooks were able to meet up this week! ?
    Be blessed y’all, Christ’s life and love is deeper still….
    Ruth C

    • Reply

      Ruth Cook

      May 4, 2020

      Hi Ruth Carnehl!
      Hello, name buddy! 😀 Yes, we thoroughly enjoyed getting to see part of our family that day. 🙂
      Thanks for the greeting and the reminder. <3 Blessings to you as well!

    • Reply


      May 6, 2020

      I hope you continue to enjoy this challenge, Ruth!! Keep up the fabulous walking. May the Lord encourage and energize you through it!! ??

  8. Reply

    Abigail Warkentin

    May 4, 2020

    My favorite thing has been just getting out every day and getting excercise! 1 or 2 miles every day may seem like quite a bit, but it actually doesn’t take that long! I look forward to continue walking (and running!) evan after Spring100 is over! And the pictures of other ‘walkers’ just encourage you that you are not alone and can get to the finish line??

    • Reply


      May 6, 2020

      SOooooo happy you will be continuing your walking even after the challenge has ended!! That is great. ???

  9. Reply

    Andrew A.

    May 4, 2020

    I have really enjoyed getting out into God’s creation to get some exercise with my brother Caleb. It has been very refreshing to be able to breath in fresh air after staying inside for most of the day. I have been encouraged by all those who are participating in the Spring 100 and the testimonies that they have shared.
    P.S. Isa 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
    Andrew Austin

    • Reply


      May 6, 2020

      So great to hear from you, Andrew!! Thankful you’ve been encouraged by this challenge. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!! ????

  10. Reply

    Kina Lamb

    May 4, 2020

    The best thing has been memorizing the Psalms as I walk along. That has been a treasure beyond measure. It’s what motivates me to walk every day. 😀

    • Reply


      May 6, 2020

      That is truly a treasure! LOVE it. Great job Kina!!

  11. Reply


    May 5, 2020

    The pictures are such a blessing: from God’s people, to God’s creation! I have also been edified and delighted by all the video submissions these past weeks. Great job editing, Rachel!

    Rachel, amen to the fact that God’s Word is a lamp to our feet! God has given to us, “all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.”
    2 Peter 1:3-4. God’s redeemed are never without help, unless we ignore the means of prayer and the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit that testifies of the Bible and applies the words to our hearts.

    My favorite thing this Spring100 has been getting to be with my friend, Gita. We both live alone, so we have been able to encourage each other daily during this time of social distancing. Imagine going without human touch for weeks at a time because you live alone! It’s been difficult.

    Praise God for His grace!

    • Reply


      May 6, 2020

      Aw, thank you so much Sheri!!! I enjoy editing them!! Ooooh! Love 2 Peter 1:3-4. Thank you for continually encouraging us with your comments that hold God’s Truth. SO SO SO thankful you and Gita had each other’s daily company during the social distancing. Praise the Lord indeed!! ??

  12. Reply

    Caroline Flournoy

    May 6, 2020

    The Spring100 has been a blessing to me in many ways… I have really been wanting to exercise more but I was just so busy that I didn’t really take

    time to do it… Kina Lamb told me about this and at first I didn’t know if I could do it because I was so busy with everything else that was

    happening in my life but after thinking about it for a couple days I decided to do it and just make time for it and I am SO glad that I chose to

    do it. I love all the online fellowship and all the people keeping each other accountable(and all the fun and interesting questions you ask).
    I love just getting out and taking time to get out in God’s beautiful world that He’s given us! The fresh air really does make me feel good and

    I love to just think or sing while I’m walking. 🙂 I’m the only one in my family who is doing the challenge but my siblings love to come and walk

    or run with me and it’s really fun to get to talk with them and spend time with them. 🙂 I’ve had several very good edifying conversations with

    one of my older sisters who has walked with me several times and it’s fun to talk together and build our relationship more. And even though

    I’m very busy and I thought I wouldn’t have time it has been pretty easy to find time to walk and run and it’s so nice! I usually try to walk 2

    miles every time I go out but that doesn’t always work but I make up for it the next time I go walking by walking more…the most I’ve

    walked/run at once is 4 miles, intermittently walking,jogging and running. 🙂 the weather here has been pretty nice for walking and I just love

    to walk and enjoy the beautiful sun and breeze. 🙂 I’ve walked in the rain several times and it’s actually pretty fun! 😉 I actually walked 2 of the

    4 miles I walked at once with my older sister I mentioned above in the rain(we each had our own umbrella) and we talked the whole 4 miles! it

    was a very good conversation. 🙂 the coldest weather I’ve had to walk in is 25 degrees but I ran the whole way and that kept me pretty warm.

    I just love all the exercise I’m getting and I also love challenge’s. I DO NOT regret signing up for it and I really want to do it again next year! 🙂 it

    has been a big blessing to me 🙂 Thank you Kina for telling me about this! 🙂 😀 Wow. :0 this is longer than I meant it to be. 😀 I hope it all makes sense. 😉 Happy walking and running for week 8 everyone!! 😀
    And let us run with endurance…looking unto Jesus,the author and finisher of our faith.
    ~Caroline Grace Flournoy-15-

    • Reply


      May 6, 2020

      Caroline! I LOOOOOOOOOOVED your note. When it comes to comments, I believe the long the better! ??? “I DO NOT regret signing up” PRAISING THE LORD to hear this!!! It’s my prayer that this challenge would not be a burden to anyone but a huge blessing spiritually and physical. Your comment encouraged me, your pictures brighten my day, and you video was fabulous! Thank you again!Keep up the fabulous walking/running! ????

  13. Reply

    Caroline Flournoy

    May 6, 2020

    hmm…I’m not sure why my comment is formatted like that. I didn’t write it out in that format. I hope you can still decipher it. 🙂

    • Reply


      May 6, 2020


      Yes, I can definitely decipher your comment! It was fun for me to read an extra long comment. Keep up the good work with your walking! ?

    • Reply


      May 6, 2020

      Not a problem, Caroline. It’s readable. Thanks for including a video as well as the photo with your brother. 🙂

  14. Reply

    Kyra Rose

    May 6, 2020

    I have loved doing this challenge! It has been so great to get outside and think, pray, listen to music, or talk to siblings!! Thanks so much for hosting spring 100!!!!?

  15. Reply

    J Lodi

    May 6, 2020

    The Spring 100 has given my family and I the motivation to spend time walking together regularly; The increased family time and mutual enjoyment of God’s creation has been my favorite part.

  16. Reply


    May 7, 2020

    Great post!
    The video was one of my favorites!!! Thank you Tisha and Carolyne!!
    My favorite part about Spring 100 this far has been being able to get out and relax for a little while every day (usually in the evenings). I have also enjoyed being able to get out and enjoy all the great spring weather we’ve been having!??❤️
    Good job on week 7 everyone!

    Philippians 1:6
    “being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;”

Leave a comment and make my day! :)