Week 5! || 100MileMonday

“A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.”
Proverbs 16:9

SPRING100 week 5 is finished! WAY TO GO!!!! SO much energy and determination. THANK YOU! Now is the time to log your miles for week 5 in the easy mile log below. We count Monday-Sunday as a week cycle here at Spring100 so add up the miles for walked April 13-19 based on that! Any questions regarding the log or Spring100, feel free to leave a comment or shoot me an email: Spring100@shilohphotography.com

Spring100 MILE LOG



Sharing the featured videos for this week!! If you have a Spring100 video, let me know. I will tell you how best to send it in!

Here we are entering week 6 of the Spring 100 and I am so excited to see everyone nearing the half way week!! ?? I am reminded this week that the weight and sin mentioned in Hebrews 12 are 2 different things! The  word weight mentioned in Hebrews 12:1 means “a burden or something so heavy and cumbersome that it impedes a runner from running his race as he should.” So just like you wouldn’t run a marathon with a back-pack full of cumbersome bricks, you shouldn’t run the spiritual race with spiritual bricks that will weigh you down.

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” Galatians 4:31

We are commanded to “lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us” in Hebrews 12! Weight may not be necessarily sinful things but it is something that is holding you back from running the spiritual race to your fullest! We will be faced with both weight and sin in this life that will need to be thrown off in order to run this spiritual race set before ust! It will be a life-long pursuit of spiritual purging. 🙂 The Weight can come in packages that may not be weight for others but are weights for you! Your weight can be an actual things like the amount of time you spend on the internet or the books you’re allowing yourself to read or some form of entertainment that you are over-indulging in! But weights can also be goals, habits, thoughts, aspirations, or future dreams which are not necessarily bad but are keeping you from setting your eyes on Jesus and running with endurance!

“No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully.” 2 Tim 2:4-5

The Lord calls us to take a good look at our lives and remove/lay aside everything that weighs us down and keeps us from a life of obedience[2 John 1:6]. We must be honest with ourselves and with God. Remember, there is nothing done in secret[whether thought or deed] that He does not know[Ps 139:1-2]. Do you have sin or weight that is entangling you and holding you back from running? This week I want to encourage you all to pray that the Lord would show you the extra weights and sins that are holding you back from fully running this race for His glory. When He answers, don’t ignore it! Ask yourself, “Does —fill in the blank— help me run the race for Jesus or does it hinder me?” Then (in God’s strength) do just what Hebrews 12:1 says to- lay it aside… cast it off!!! Don’t say you just can’t throw —fill in the blank— off because, in all honesty, that isn’t the truth[1 Cor 10: 13]!  You can throw off the weight and sin through the strength of the Lord. “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Phil 4:13! I am praying for each one of you as you conquer the week before you and seek to throw off that weight and the sin which so easily besets us. God is faithful! And that is my random week 5 musing. ? Happy Walking/running everyone!! ???‍♂️?‍♀️

??‍♀️How about a fun challenge for week 6? ??‍♂️ This week make it your goal to walk a mile with a little extra weight just to get the feel of what that extra spiritual weight feels like and what a relief it is to finally take it off. ? Whether it be hand weights, extra large canned veggies?, a weighted back-pack, sibling riding piggyback?, or maybe just your baby on your front-pack! Get creative and snap a picture of how you did the weight challenge and send it in for next week’s post letting us know how it went for you!

Please note: this is only a suggested challenge and is not required. Please do not attempt this challenge if you are dealing with any health issues or do not feel physically qualified to try. Join at your own discretion! Thank you.

Week 5 Question!! What are some strange or interesting thing you have seen during your Spring100 walks/runs??

These posts are made possible by YOU!! Get creative, snap a Spring100 photo, tap a 60 second video, leave a comment, ENJOY your walks. Email your photos and videos to be featured to Spring100@shilohPhotography.com

Trenton H. + Friends all grins after completing a Half Marathon for week 5!???? Way to go guys!!!

The Cahill crew doing their week together and we are welcoming Jim & Anne J. to their first year of Spring100. SO happy to have you! ??‍♀️

Ruth and Monica braving the gorgeous Spring snow for week 5 of the Spring100! ♥️??❄️

Nephew time was a common theme for week 5! ?? The Fuhrmann ladies and Rebekah M. had cute walking partners for their Spring100 miles!!

Terry and Esther R. are loving Spring100 together and doing a fabulous job!! ????

These family’s are enduring some cold weather to get their Spring100 miles in!! Andrew + Celeb did a run in 38 degree weather with over 20 mile hour wind and the Thenhaus Family still need their winter boots as they walk their Spring100 miles in the snow! ??❄️?

So happy to have the Renfer ladies checking in for week 5!! Doing a fabulous job!!??‍♀️♥️?? Keep it up!

Sibling walks are some of the best kinds! ? Eliza B grabbing miles with her sister and Tirzah + Titus all smiles after a good walk together! ????

It’s a little warmer here in Texas. ? Kathryn enjoyed a sunshine filled with with sweet friends for week 5!!☀️

Always blessed to have Barbara here for the Spring100 and the Fitzgerald Ladies made my day with their selfie for week 5!! ??

“The Powers Family enjoying God’s majestic Rocky Mountains in Colorado!!” Love that caption and this photo. Way to go on week 5 Powers family!! ?

Whether it’s treadmill time or outdoor walks, Hannah + Mr & Mrs Girotti are conquering the Spring100 a mile at a time! WAY TO GO!! ????

Love seeing these ladies enjoying Spring100 walks together!! They finished week 5 strong.????

I absolutely love seeing Tim and Charity B. grabbing their miles as a family!! They are a dedicated crew. Way to go!????

The Lamb Ladies send a hearty hello to fellow Spring100 Bible BEEers for week 5! ??

Sweet Fellowship during Spring100 walks! Such a gift. ? ? Elizabeth, Emily and Gracie enjoying a sister walk and Sheri + Gita blessed to be able to still enjoy their walks together daily! ????

So great to have the Probus Gentlemen checking in for week 5! KEEP UP the great work! ???

The Maxwell Family and Moody Ladies are doing a terrific job grabbing their Spring100 miles! ??‍♀️♥️?? Always a pleasure to see their photos come in!

Catrina M. checking in for week 5o f the Spring100!! So happy to have her a part of this challenge. ???‍♀️♥️

Elizabeth W. looking lovely soaking up some Spring100 Sunset ? and Julia M. celebrating the completion of 100 Spring100 miles! ????

The Hendrich Family continually blows me away! In celebration of a family Birthday, 5 of them did the whole 40 mile walk. In around 13 hours! The rest of us did shorter distances including 27, 20, 13, and 10. ?? WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!

Deborah has made it to the half way mark! Both in her Spring100 and her pregnancy.?? Congratulations!!! She enjoyed a Spring100 walk with the Dietz Ladies, Fellow Spring100ers!!

Anna P. enjoying a Spring100 week 5 walk with her Dad and Sister! I have a feeling everyone got some cold spring weather for week 5! ?

The Covey Family finding time to walk their miles together for week 5! Great job, y’all. KEEP IT UP! ??‍♀️♥️??

How gorgeous is this sunny photo? Kendalyn and Crew looking fabulous as they grab their week 5 Spring 100 miles!????

Lori C. and her sweet daughter found something rather sweet during week 5 and Lydia & Rebecca loving their Spring100 time together!! ??‍♀️♥️??

So glad to have the Metzger ladies back for a second Spring100! They are making their way to the finish line!! ?????

Kyra along with her sweet sister conquering Cold Spring miles and Lucy and Becca are enjoying a little beach walking for week 5! Great job, Ladies! ??

Halbach ladies are checking in for week 5 and all smiles! Can’t wait to see them at the finish line!!??????

Happy to have the Hoverson ladies here for week 5 and Kristina and Samuel R. are enjoying Spring Mountain views as they grab their miles! ???

Margaret + Emily made my day with their photo! They are enjoying week 5 of the Spring100 together! ♥️??

The Rojas Family checking in and saying hello from GA for week 5!! ???‍♀️

So glad to see Hannah’s enjoying some East Texas Spring100 walks and her Spring100 T Shirt from year 1!! ?

Sweet Smiles and Spring100 treats! ? Charis + Meg B. and Katie F. finishing out week 5 of the Spring100! ??

Amanda and Lindsay braving the cold to keep up with their Spring100 goals! Way to go ladies!! ????❄️

Celesta + Audrey Kate conquering miles together and Rosie soaking up some gorgeous Lake views for week5 of the Spring100!!?

So happy to have the Haab girls here for week 5!! Keep up the greet work, girls. ??

The Marrs family making their miles better together and Rachelle spending quality Spring100 walking time with her mom for week 5! ??

Love seeing the Martin Ladies successfully tackling the Spring100 miles together! Great job! ??‍♀️♥️??

The Hartels are having fun walking week 5 together!! Great job!! ????

It’s a pleasure having Amanda S. and the Cook Family checking in for week 5! They are diligently making their way to the finish line. ??‍♀️♥️

Emmi has been diligent to ask me to join her for evening walks!! It’s my favorite part of the entire day. Enjoyed feeding the ducks and ducklings after one of our walks. ?? Keep up the fabulous work EVERYONE!!!!!! You continue to bless me with your energy and determination. So fabulous!! Enjoy week 6!????

“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1-2

Rachel @Spring100

Hi! I'm Rachel @Spring100 and Blogger at ShilohPhotography.com! As the founder of Spring100, it is my hope and prayer this challenge encouraged you forward in the strength of the Lord. I am looking forward to walking 100 miles with you this Spring! "For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light" Ephesians 5:8

April 13, 2020
April 27, 2020


  1. Reply


    April 20, 2020

    The most interesting thing I’ve seen on my walks was a (thankfully dead!) copperhead snake on the road!

    • Reply


      April 22, 2020

      The snakes have gotten really thick here too! We’ve spotted many corals and water moccasins.?? Stay safe and watch your step y’all! ?

  2. Reply

    Hannah G

    April 20, 2020

    Loved seeing all the pictures and the video clips this week! I haven’t seen anything strange, but I did have a bobcat cross my path one day while I was out walking! Happy walking, everyone!

    • Reply


      April 26, 2020

      Hope your future walks hold lots of (safe) interesting sights!! ?? Happy Walking! ??‍♀️

  3. Reply


    April 20, 2020

    Loved seeing everyone’s smiling faces from this week! ? The strangest thing I’ve seen so far in my walks (and it about scared the living daylights our if me! ?) was a decapitated rabbits head staring at me from the ground where our cat had so cleverly planted it. ?

    • Reply


      April 26, 2020

      ???? that would be a creepy sight!!!!

  4. Reply

    Tisha Stille

    April 20, 2020

    The thoughts you shared this week were such a blessing to my heart. Thank you for making the blog posts a constant spiritual encouragement to those making this journey together.
    One of my favorite things to see while walking is the muskrats swimming in the creek or gathering grass for their homes. So adorable!!

    • Reply


      April 21, 2020

      Aw, praise the Lord! Prayed it would bless someone. So thankful The Lord used it to encourage you!!??

  5. Reply

    Mary Mieczkowski

    April 20, 2020

    The strangest thing I’ve seen is a nearly decomposed deer skeleton :/ I am not naturally a squeamish person but I didn’t want to stare at it for very long! 😀

    • Reply


      April 26, 2020

      ????ha, I don’t blame you!!!

  6. Reply


    April 20, 2020

    Love the photos and video clips this week!! Great job everyone! 😀 I haven’t seen anything very interesting on my walks other than lots of flowers, a stream, etc. 😉 We have been staying at home walking so thankfully nothing TOO interesting, haha!! Looking forward to another week of SPRING 100!! <3

    Kina, I'm waving to you over here are as a Bible Bee-er 😀 It's been so fun seeing other Bible Bee-ers who are participating 🙂

    • Reply

      Kina Lamb

      April 20, 2020

      Waving back! 😀 😀

    • Reply


      April 26, 2020

      I love the sights of flowers and birds this time of year!! ???

  7. Reply


    April 20, 2020

    Thank you so much for the encouraging post today!
    I haven’t seen anything too unusual this spring yet but I do see rabbits, deer, birds, turkeys, horses galloping in the fields, and lots of squirrels! 🙂

    • Reply


      April 21, 2020

      You’re so welcome, Joy!! It’s a pleasure to post. ?

  8. Reply

    Kina Lamb

    April 20, 2020

    WAY TO GO JULIA!!!!! Congratulations! 😀 Great job. Thumbs up from me. 😀 😀

  9. Reply

    Rachel Mitton

    April 20, 2020

    So appreciated what you shared about Hebrews 12:1-2 and how we should be laying aside those things which hinder our walk with the Lord. I’ll have to think about this more when I finish my walk today 🙂

    The most interesting thing I’ve seen on my walks is all the birds! I especially love to hear them chirping and singing in the early morning.

    Hello to Kina and all the other Bible Bee people! {loved your picture!} And hello to everyone else who’s doing the SPRING100! I love to check in at the blog and see all your smiling faces 🙂

    • Reply

      Kina Lamb

      April 20, 2020

      Hello Rachel!! 😀 😀

    • Reply


      April 21, 2020

      So thankful it was an encouragement to you, Rachel!! May the Lord’s Word be magnified and do its good work in our lives. ❤️✨??

      I love seeing the different birds on my spring100 walks too! ?

  10. Reply


    April 20, 2020

    SonShine! Walked In the Rain; LOVE! Saw and heard Horses along the way! Love Seeing SNOW in photos, and a photo of God’s Magnificent Rocky Mountains, in Colorado…and Best of All, photos of our Lovely Daughter, her husband, and our Precious Grandsons! <3 😉

    • Reply


      April 22, 2020

      ??‍♀️? Great having you and your family part of the challenge!

  11. Reply

    Emma H.

    April 20, 2020

    Great job, Hendrich family!!!! Wow!! A 40 mile walk is super impressive!!

  12. Reply

    Emma H.

    April 20, 2020

    The most interesting things we’ve seen so far have been: two dead birds, a pine tree with lilacs growing on it(I have no idea how that happened!), two 1960s/70s cars, a vintage motorcycle with side-car, several deer, and a robin eating dinner

  13. Reply


    April 20, 2020

    I’m amazed at the 5 that walked 40 miles in 13 hours!!! That’s either dedication or insanity! 😉 Even the “shorter” walks were over-the-top impressive. Way to go, Hendrich family! Also, congratulations to Julia for completing her 100 miles! (If all goes well, I’ll have 100 miles tomorrow, though I’m not going to stop walking.) I also enjoyed seeing the California redwoods in the Renfer ladies’ picture, and the Colorado Rockies, to name a few.

    Thanks for all the pictures! It’s so fun seeing you all, and the different terrain and weather.

    This past week must have been my week for snakes. The weather has gotten hot and snakes are coming out of hibernation to soak up the warmth of evening paved roads. I came upon a 3-foot eastern rat snake stretched across the middle of the road in front of me. I had brothers that loved reptiles while I was growing up, so I’m not afraid of them. I worked with it gently, trying to coax it out of the road before it got run over. After awhile, it realized I wasn’t a threat, and stopped turning its head towards me and raising up as high as it could, and calmly slithered into the grassy growth beside the road. Whew!

    The next day I saw about a 15-inch snake. Groan…another one that I have to rescue. At least it was smaller. But, when I got close enough to see details, I decided to leave that one alone. Red-on-yellow; kill-a-fellow. Yep, it was a nice sized, venomous coral snake. I stayed respectfully back and watched it disappear into a forested area.

    Thank you, Lord, for your diverse and amazing universe! Thank you for life and health and companions! Thank you for eyes to see beauty, and for Your dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ!

    • Reply

      Amelia Crane

      April 21, 2020

      So good to see the pictures of you and Mrs. Barker! I had to smile at your snake stories because Travis and the boys thoroughly examined the snake I saw on my walk and let him go. 😉 Praising the Lord for the beauty of His creation!

      • Reply


        April 21, 2020

        So funny, Amelia! The snakes are coming out. At least in our part of the world. Melody killed a coral snake in her yard the other day. Thankfully, your encounter wasn’t poisonous! 🙂

    • Reply


      April 22, 2020

      Aren’t those number of miles walked outstanding?! Definitely inspirational! ?

      ?? So glad you remembered the Red-on-Yellow rule!!!!!!!!! We’ve had quite a few of those here lately.

      • Reply


        April 22, 2020

        Yes! It’s a ditty that I learned after moving to Florida. Thankfully, corals aren’t aggressive.

  14. Reply

    Lydia D.

    April 20, 2020

    Yay Julia!!!!!!!!! Awesome job! ?❤️

    Heyyy Kina!!! ?? It’s awesome how many Bible Bee people are doing this! 😀

    Loved going through and seeing all these awesome people ? Hurray for week 6! Y’all are doing so great!

    • Reply

      Hannah D.

      April 20, 2020

      Julia! Your done already! Wow. You’re such an encouragement to me and make me want atak those miles with renewed vigor!

  15. Reply

    Hannah D.

    April 20, 2020

    Julia!!!! Your done already! Wow. You’re such an encouragement to me, and make me want to atack those miles with renewed vigor!

  16. Reply

    Caroline Flournoy

    April 20, 2020

    Wow! 40 miles in 1 day!!!?!!! Good job Hendrich Family! And congratulations Julia M. on completing your 100 miles! 🙂

    An interesting thing that I saw on one of my walks was a whitetail deer running across the road a few feet in front of me and scaring me quite a bit ’cause I was walking in the dark and couldn’t tell what it was at first! XD

    Keep all the pictures coming! Love all the smiling faces! 🙂 Happy running and walking for week 6! 🙂

  17. Reply


    April 20, 2020

    The most interesting thing we see on every walk us a cat that lives at a gas pipeline plant. Another interesting (more like annoying) thing is a dog that tries to follow us when we walk.

  18. Reply

    Julia M.

    April 20, 2020

    Thanks all for your congratulations 🙂 You all have been an encouragement to me as well ?
    Along with my sister Mary, the strangest thing I’ve seen on a walk was a decayed deer…. sort of disgusting!
    The pics were great! Keep up the good work y’all ?

    • Reply


      April 22, 2020


  19. Reply

    Katie Rinker

    April 21, 2020

    Spring100 has made exercising so motivating this spring! I love to take my walks with a good audio book.

    I think the most surprising thing I’ve seen on my walks is an old sock which lay in the road for a month or so haha.

    • Reply


      April 22, 2020

      I am so thankful to hear this, Katie! 🙂 Praising the Lord for using the Spring100 to motivate you.<3

    • Reply


      April 22, 2020

      Too funny! At least old socks don’t bite! 😉

  20. Reply

    Amelia Crane

    April 21, 2020

    Walking on a country lane can be quite interesting, especially later in the day! Just this past week, I apparently walked past a three-foot water snake several times on my trek down our driveway and back. When I saw him on my fourth pass, I appropriately screamed and went to get my husband and sons to decide his fate. One day two weeks ago, I was determined to get a walk in after dinner. It was getting dark, but I figured I still had enough light to get a mile in. On my first pass by our barn, three deer grazed just off the path who took note of me but must have decided that I was harmless enough, twitched their tails, and kept on with their dinner. They had disappeared by the time I came back around. Down to our mailbox and back is a 1/2 mile, along which four cottontail rabbits scampered out of sight one by one as I passed by. I was on my final stretch back to the house when the sounds of a Florida night began in earnest–the owl to the left of me in our woods, the Chuck will’s widow to the right of me calling from our neighbor’s pasture, and (yikes!) the roaming band of coyotes beginning their nightly conversation well ahead of me. What quickened my step a bit was the answer of our resident, lone coyote coming from just beyond our mailbox where I was only minutes before. I love being out in the middle of God’s beautiful world of nature, but that night, I must admit it was good to see the lights of home. 🙂

    • Reply


      April 21, 2020

      LOL, it’s not just snakes that are coming out. It seems that everything else is too! What an amazing walk you had!

    • Reply


      April 22, 2020

      I love the description of your walks and the sights they hold! Felt like I was right there with you.??

  21. Reply

    Emily Myers

    April 21, 2020

    That’s an interesting idea walking with some extra weight. For me I’ve got a lot of miles in the last couple weeks hoping to encourage labor to start☺. Well baby is finally here, so I’ve lost some weight to take on walks and probably won’t have much to report for the next couple weeks. This Spring 100 really helps me to keep walking. Thanks!

    • Reply


      April 21, 2020

      Congratulations on the birth of your baby, Emily! That is wonderful!!!

    • Reply


      April 22, 2020

      Aw, praising the Lord to hear of the safe arrival of that precious baby!! Congratulations, Emily. ??? Rest up and enjoy that blessing! Well done. ????‍♀️

  22. Reply


    April 21, 2020

    Inspiring ‘musings’ once again. Thanks Rachel. Interesting about the weight. A friend on a weight loss program was required to carry five pounds of candy for a week to remind her about food choices and the burden of extra weight. So carrying extra pounds while walking to consider, confess those extra ‘Weights’ you mentioned is a good idea.

    • Reply


      April 22, 2020

      Aw, thank you, Sharon! You are always an encouragement. Wow, I think that is a really good idea regarding carrying the candy to remind her of the food choices she made. I was reminded when carrying just a tiny set of 3 pound hand weights of how much extra work it took just carrying a few extra pounds once I made it to about half a mile. When I put down that weight, I felt light as a feather and able to finish my walk unencumbered! I really love the physical reminders that point us back to the spiritual! 🙂 🙂

  23. Reply

    Ruth Cook

    April 21, 2020

    I think the coolest thing we’ve seen on our Spring100 walks was when 10 or 11 cute little deer walked in single file across the county road one evening. They each hesitated a moment before crossing to the other side – aybe their mothers taught them to “look both ways before crossing”!! 😀
    I love the weekly posts and seeing everyone’s smiling, shining faces. So fun to recognize many of you! 🙂

    • Reply


      April 22, 2020

      Ah!!!!! LOVE seeing deer. ? Hehe, their mother must have taught them well! Always look both way before crossing the street.? Enjoyed your comment Ruth!

Leave a comment and make my day! :)