Week 4! || 100MileMonday

Week 4 of the 4th annual SPRING100 has been accomplished.? Bravo!!!! Each one of you is doing such a terrific job and are such a HUUUGE encouragement. THANK YOU! Now is the time to log your miles for week 4 in the easy mile log below. We count Monday-Sunday as a week cycle here at Spring100 so add up the miles for walked April 6-12 based on that! Any questions regarding the log or Spring100, feel free to leave a comment or shoot me an email. Spring100@shilohphotography.com

Spring100 MILE LOG



Featured Photo by Spring100er Rachel Lamb

“For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures”
1 Corinthians 15:3-4

First, I must say Happy Resurrection Sunday everyone(a little late)!! We enjoyed a beautiful day of worship and celebration at my house and I hope each of you enjoyed the same. 40:31 was my “verse of the week” for the Spring100! “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” After some long work hours, I found myself intensely physically exhausted this week YET the Lord instantly put Isaiah 40:31 on my mind and heart! When I am empty, The Lord God fills me up. His strength is made perfect in my weakness and in my exhaustion He carries me through the tasks He puts before me. It made me think of the spiritual race we are running! This spiritual race can only be run with endurance when we find our strength in Christ. “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise Him.” [Ps 28:7]! My heart trusts in Him and I am helped… every single moment of ever day!!????? “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength”. To wait means 1.) to remain in a state in which you expect [Ps 62:5]or hope[Jer 17:7] and 2.) to serve[Ps 100:2], to attend as a servant. So, as we run the race set before us, where is our hope and who are we serving? Ultimately, who are we running for? 🙂 As we run for, Hope in, and serve the Lord, He will renew our strength. Moment by moment and day by day! We will “run and not grow weary”. That is a promise! ? May the Lord richly bless each of your with renewed strength for week 5Happy walking/running y’all!! ??‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♂️

Week 4 QUESTION: What would your dream location be to walk the Spring100? Venice? Australian Outback? Colorado Mountains? North Pole? Or ??? Let me know where and why you chose that location. Don’t leave without answering below!!

If you have answered this question in years past, this year get creative and choose another location! ?

??‍♀️AS ALWAYS, These posts are made possible by YOU!! You all are seriously blowing me away! Your photo submissions and comments make these post extremely fun and my job of putting them together super easy. Thank you! So with that being said, don’t leave without commenting and remember to send in your Spring100 walking/running photos to be featured! Email to Spring100@shilohPhotography.com

Walking partners Chris, Lisa, and Jennifer W. grabbing miles for week 4! Great job y’all! ?‍♀️?‍♂️??

Daniel + Bethany enjoying beautiful Spring views for their Spring100 walks and Ella + Celia C. loving the sister time as they accomplish week 4!???

The Lodi family enjoying a family excursion under the cloud for week 4!!???

The White Siblings spending time together for week 4 of Spring100! Keep it up. You’re doing great! ????

Catherine + Jake M taking in some beautiful weather and Spring100 scenery for week 4!! Great photo! ??

Love seeing Kandace’s walks! She’s enjoying some lovely Central Texas Sunshine for week4!! ☀️??

So great to have the Thenhaus family join the Spring100. They have been enjoying some Sunshine filled walks for week4!! ??☀️

Walking partners make those Spring100 miles fly by! Joel and Bekah doing their mile together for an evening walk and Karmin M is enjoying walking company for week 4! ????

Love seeing Josephine and Maret’s photo come through. Looks like they are having a blast walking the Spring100!! Keep up the great work ladies! ??‍♀️?

Looks like Spring100 walking is also for the dogs! Abigail W. and Amanda S have their trusty companions along for week 4!??‍?

Alison N. Grabbing miles with her kiddos by her side! Spring100 is a great way to spend time together. Love this photo! ???

Looks like so many of you are enjoying some gorgeous sunshine! Can you send it my way….please?? ? Esther D soaking up Texas Sunshine and Nicole + Noelle enjoying a nearby trail for week 4!! ?

Wegner family finding time to enjoy miles together for week 4! Great job. LOVE THE PHOTO! ?‍♀️?‍♂️????

Hoverson Family + Hoverson tackling the spring100 miles with their eyes on the finish line. Keep up the great work everyone!! ???

Gabe + Sarah seem to have the best Spring100 sunsets!!! Conquering week 4 together. ?‍♀️?‍♂️??

The Backman family *making memories* one Spring100 walk at a time! Walking to a near by lake for a little spring fishing.?

The Plocharczyk Family is back and better than ever! Conquering another Spring100 1 mile at a time. Great job P. family! ???

Many miles may separate these two but it won’t keep them from enjoying Spring100 walks together! ? With Rebekah in Texas and her Fiance Dimitris in Romania, they connect via WhatsApp to enjoy walking together whenever possible! Metzger ladies are enjoying beautiful Spring weather in Ohio and some walks with neighbor children! Great job y’all. ???

Benjamin and Marina enjoying a fabulous Spring100 walk with parents for week 4!! ????

The Nelson crew wrote, “This week we enjoyed lots of sunshine and perfect weather!  Such a gift from our Heavenly Father!  ” AMEN! That is a gift indeed. Enjoy your beautiful spring100 walks Nelson family! ☺️?

If ever you think walking the Spring100 is too much work, try taking Elisha’s load! ? She takes walking a mile to an entirely differently level with her 3 littles in tow! Great job, Elisha! ????

Shout out to Cherith and Jordan H for conquering a half-marathon for week 4! Cherith says, “My brother and I after we finished our Good Friday Half Marathon! God gave us strength to finish in a good time and we enjoyed listening to stories about Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection in the process.” Way to go! And a huge welcome to Shirley T. Such a joy to have you walking the Spring100 with us! She went above and beyond and even endured the rain to grab Spring100 miles! Great job! ??????

Waving hello to the Osborne family as they race through week 4! Well done. Keep up the fabulous walking! ????

Loved hearing from Rosie! She says, “The Lord has been showing off His power and putting His glory on display lately in NE Ohio weather! This past week, we’ve had warm sun, crazy wind, lots of rain, snow, a tornado, and a severe thunderstorm all within hours of each other. It has been fascinating! My pictures this week show what a difference a few days make. From warm, spring flowers to snowy, frost-covered flowers, in just two to three short days!” Amen! 🙂 The heavens truly do declare the glory of the Lord!! Keep up the wonderful work, Rosie! ?❄️

The Ebel’s are showing social distancing is possible while walking the Spring100 together! ?? Conquering week 4 in style.?? Great job!

Emmi enjoyed a a farm yard walk for week 4!! New ducklings are definitely a favorite around here. ??

Kina L. had a gorgeous view during her Spring100 walk!! LOVELY! ?

Love seeing the Stille family finding time to do their miles together!! Keep it up!! ??☀️?

Spring100 can’t be done with a small army of kiddos? Think again! Kendalyn is conquering her miles with 5 precious blessings by her side. GREAT JOB, Kendalyn! ?????

Spring100 walks being accomplished around the MI State Capitol by Jon M. and thumbs up from Timothy S. as he finishes out week 4!! Great job guys! ?‍♂️??

Halbach Family enjoying Thursday night walk downtown and counting up their Spring100 miles! Great job!! ????

Charissa I. enjoying a brisk Spring walk and Gabrielle C. accomplishing her miles with that little guy by her side! Great job ladies! ??

Amelia P. is checking in for Spring100 week 4! ????

So good seeing Avery here for the Spring100 and enjoying smiles for week 4 and Barbara’s finding unique sights during her Spring100 miles! ??‍♀️?

Barth Family checking in for week 4 and looking fabulous! LOVE the cow. ? Keep up the great work, Barth siblings! ???

Moody’s + Nelsons! These ladies are getting their spring100 week 4 miles and doing a fabulous job. ??????

Busy days won’t hold Austin back! He’s grabbing his miles for week 4!! ??

Tim & Charity + crew enjoying Amicalola Falls 1 mile… 23 floors! ???

Pretty Pleased to have Hope, Grace, and Paul a part of this Spring100! They are looking energized for their week 4 walk.????

Mother-Daughter duos teams make the best Spring100 walking teams! ?? Sarah, Tirzah, and Rae blessed with the companies of their mothers for week 4. ✨?

Lucy + Becca enjoying their week 4 miles with a smile! ??‍♀️

Linda’s favorite Spring100 walking partner, mystic keeping her company in Central Texas and Marie, JoAnna, Rachel, and Esther enjoying a snowy walk for week 4!! ???‍♀️?

Always love seeing the  Mieczkowski family getting their Spring100 miles in! They are a dedicated walking family. GREAT JOB! ?????

Eileen enjoying a Colorado Mountian Hike with her dad for week 4 of the Spring100! Great job!! ⛰ ???

Thank you to Rachel Lamb for this week’s Featured Photo! If you submitted a photo and it’s not in this post, keep on snapping and sending your new weekly photos in. It’s my goal to feature EVERYONE but occasionally have to exclude photos due to a large number of photo submissions or image size issues. ??‍♀️? Thank you so much and have a fabulous week of walking/running!!

“I will go in the strength of the Lord GOD: I will make mention of Thy righteousness, even of Thine only.”
Psalm 71:16

Rachel @Spring100

Hi! I'm Rachel @Spring100 and Blogger at ShilohPhotography.com! As the founder of Spring100, it is my hope and prayer this challenge encouraged you forward in the strength of the Lord. I am looking forward to walking 100 miles with you this Spring! "For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light" Ephesians 5:8

April 6, 2020
April 20, 2020


  1. Reply


    April 13, 2020

    My dream place to do a walk for Spring 100 would be the beach! I would love to walk along the beach, whichever beach is the biggest and most empty (So not crowded with people) 😀 I have been enjoying this!

  2. Reply


    April 13, 2020

    My dream location to walk Spring100 would probably be Ireland because I’ve always wanted to see parts of Europe, and I think Ireland would be one of the prettiest.

  3. Reply

    Rachel M.

    April 13, 2020

    My #1 dream place to walk is on a road with no cars and with sunshine and warm weather. 🙂 😉 🙂 But also the beach…or hiking in the mountains sounds good right now too. 🙂
    Have a lovely week 5 everyone!!!

  4. Reply


    April 13, 2020

    I would love to walk inNorthern California:.. the weather is so lovely!

  5. Reply


    April 13, 2020

    Right now, I’d love to walk anywhere warm! It’s chilly here today. 😉 The forecast says it’ll warm up by the end of the week, though, so I’m looking forward to that! 🙂

  6. Reply


    April 13, 2020

    When I was in my twenties, a singing group went to Europe for a tour. One of my favorite places was Austria. There were snow-capped mountains as a backdrop to the center of the town we were in. It would be awesome to walk around there and even cross over to Switzerland with the breathtaking views there. The people there were very friendly and I saw lots of farms. My appreciation of the splendor of God’s creation has changed since those days. It would be neat to walk and prayer talk with my LORD over these breathtaking countries.

  7. Reply


    April 13, 2020

    I would love to walk some Spring100 miles in Edinburgh, Scotland! 🙂

  8. Reply


    April 13, 2020

    My dream place to walk right now would be along the coastline with my toes in the sand and (preferably) warm waters… Florida, Tahiti, California (brrr), Perth, Namibia, Oregon (brrr), Grand Isle, Louisiana, anywhere, really, as watching the waves come and go remind me of the impermanence of each moment, the vastness of God’s AMAZING Creation and His LASTING word!

  9. Reply

    Kristin Jaster

    April 13, 2020

    My dream spot would be Caribbean beaches…especially doing a sunset walk/run! 🙂 I’ve never been and the pictures look so beautiful!

    • Reply


      April 18, 2020

      ????I’ll go with you!!! ??

  10. Reply

    Mary Mieczkowski

    April 13, 2020

    I would love walking/hiking in the mountains of Vermont – specifically at the Trapp Family Lodge in the summer! We visited there a few years ago and it was super cool! The scenery is breathtaking and made me think of Austria 🙂

    • Reply


      April 18, 2020

      Oooh!!! That sounds so fun. I’ve heard Vermont is a beautiful place! ?

  11. Reply


    April 13, 2020

    My dream place to walk would be in Tennessee with my family’s dear friends. ? If I had to choose a second place, I suppose it would be in the beach in Pensacola Florida.

    • Reply


      April 13, 2020


    • Reply

      Lucy Wilson

      April 14, 2020


      • Reply


        April 18, 2020


  12. Reply

    Martha Joy

    April 13, 2020

    Another GREAT Spring100 post!!!! So fun to see so many very familiar faces in this one! 😀 Keep up the great work, everyone!!!!!!!

    Hmmm, my dream location to walk?? Well, I actually love walking here in my home state of AL! 😉 Add in some special family member walks, and maybe some miles with dear friends from time to time, and we’ll be good to go! 🙂 I so enjoy Spring100!!!!! Keep running with endurance, everyone!!!

    • Reply


      April 18, 2020

      I’m sooooooo thankful you enjoy Spring100, MarthaJoy. That is such a blessing to hear!!!!! ❤️☺️

  13. Reply

    Emma H.

    April 13, 2020

    My dream place to walk right now is the beaches of Normandy,France. It would be so wonderful to walk and remember the legacy of the men who fought and died there back in 1944.

    • Reply


      April 13, 2020

      Good question! ? I don’t have a specific location actually as there are way too many I want to discover ? I think anywhere peaceful and surrounded by trees and flowers ?

      • Reply


        April 18, 2020

        ? I think that sounds lovely!!

  14. Reply


    April 13, 2020

    Hello everyone! Great work for Week 4! I love seeing so many smiling faces. ♥

    As to a dream walking location…I think I already have it! Walking the roads around our house provides so many amazing views, especially in the evenings as the sun is setting. God’s creation is an awesome testament to His power and goodness! Praise His name!

    • Reply


      April 18, 2020

      So thankful the Lord has blessed you with beauty and dream location walks!! ??

  15. Reply

    Grace Silvey

    April 13, 2020

    Hello! I was not able to exercise last week due to sickness but I’m ready for week 5!!! I love these posts and look forward to them every Monday!!
    God bless!!!

    • Reply


      April 18, 2020

      May the Lord renew your healthy and allow your to catch up for lost miles!!! ??

  16. Reply

    Rachel Mitton

    April 13, 2020

    My dream place to visit has always been Israel…but since that probably won’t happen anytime soon, walking in the woods {away from cars and people } is also pretty great! 😀
    As always, I loved seeing all the pictures!
    And thanks for sharing your verse for the week, Rachel! My verse for the week is John 15:1-2 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.”

    • Reply


      April 18, 2020

      I love your verses of the week, Rachel!! Amen amen amen. ??☺️

  17. Reply


    April 13, 2020

    Love this!! Great job everyone!! ????? My dream place to walk would be a quiet lake or beach where the weather is 70 degrees and up! ❤️

    • Reply


      April 18, 2020

      ? I love 70 degrees and up!! The warmer the better!!! ????

  18. Reply

    Sarah Silvey

    April 13, 2020

    Loved seeing all the great pictures of everybody and some familiar faces! *waves to Averey* ?

    My dream place to walk?? My looong driveway… if there’s no puddles and no cars passing by. It’s surrounded by woods and so peaceful! ☺️

    • Reply


      April 18, 2020

      You sound like you’ve been blessed with the perfect drive way!! ??? ENJOY it!!

  19. Reply


    April 13, 2020

    Well, to choose one place I would choose somewhere in the west….maybe Colorado or Montana. Mainly because I would love to visit there sometime, and see the breathtaking scenery of the valleys with the mountain ranges in the backgrounds! ?

  20. Reply

    Lindsey M.

    April 13, 2020

    I love to walk surrounded by nature! Mountains, woods, fields, streams, they all fill me with wonder and praise for our Creator.

    • Reply


      April 18, 2020

      ?? that sounds pretty perfect!!

  21. Reply


    April 14, 2020

    Loved the beautiful, happy pictures! What a feast for the eyes and heart! Rachel Lamb’s featured photo is breathtaking, and reminds me of my favorite place to walk. That would be Heaven. Just imagine…walking there with loved ones, and even more amazing will be walking with our Lord Jesus! Wow!

    I took care of a dear saint for 2 years, 24/7. She was in a permanent fetal position and could only move her head from side to side. She couldn’t speak because she’d had a stroke, but she could smile out of one side of her mouth. I would often tell her that someday we would hold hands and walk together in Heaven. Her eyes would shine and she would give me her sweet, lop-sided, open-mouthed smile.

    I was holding her hands when the Lord took her home at 87 years of age, and the last thing she did as her soul was departing, was to give me a big smile…with both sides of her mouth. She was going home, and she knew it. It is my desire to one day make good on my words, and walk with my little Pearl, and so many other dear departed ones.

    • Reply


      April 18, 2020

      Aw, wow!!! Praise the Lord for that testimony. It was just what my heart needed!! Thank you, Sheri. ❤️❤️❤️

  22. Reply


    April 14, 2020

    What a beautiful story! Thanks for sharing! ?

  23. Reply

    Abigail Warkentin

    April 14, 2020

    I love walking in Manitoba, near my house! But right now I would love to walk with my best friend (who also lives in Manitoba), but that is unfortunately not allowed right now?

    • Reply

      Abigail Warkentin

      April 14, 2020

      But I would also love walking near a quiet lake where it is a little warmer then it is here now! (We still have some snow!) I’m getting envious of all the flower pictures!?

    • Reply


      April 18, 2020

      Hopefully you two can walk together soon!! ?

  24. Reply

    Rebecca Wilson

    April 14, 2020

    My dream (and I hope to do for REAL someday)
    Is to go to California and hike up and down the gorgeous water falls and beautiful places there for miles and miles!! (Also kayak) And hopefully meet some Spanish speaking ppl so I can speak to them in Spanish!? so there you have it, my dream!

    • Reply


      April 18, 2020

      ???? I hope your dreams come true soon!! So fun!

  25. Reply

    Jacob McCaffrey

    April 14, 2020

    Alaska would be a beautiful place to walk, but I would say the place I would love to walk the most would be the fields of heaven… What a day it will be when we get there! Thank you Jesus!

    • Reply


      April 18, 2020

      I do agree! ☺️??‍♀️

  26. Reply

    Rosy Marr

    April 14, 2020

    My dream location would be with my friend Kyra, in MI!! 😀
    Also, I forgot to log my points yesterday…. What should I do? 🙂 Thanks!

    • Reply


      April 15, 2020

      Rosy, just log it the first chance you get. You have time. 🙂

      • Reply


        April 18, 2020

        Yes!!! ☺️? Thank you, Sheri. ?

    • Reply

      Kyra Rose

      April 15, 2020

      Yay! Good job on week 4 everyone!!!?
      My dream location would be in Mexico with my friend Rosy!?

      • Reply


        April 18, 2020

        ☺️?✨? I think that would be a lovely walk!!

  27. Reply

    Kyra Rose

    April 14, 2020

    Fun post!!!!! Good job on week 4 everyone!! Yay? My dream location would be in Mexico with my friend, Rosy?

  28. Reply


    April 16, 2020

    Great job, everyone, with week 4!!!! This is SO fun! Who’s with me that this is a great way to use the extra time we get due to quarantine?

    • Reply

      Lydia D.

      April 16, 2020

      Yes! Totally!!

    • Reply


      April 18, 2020

      Amen! ??‍♀️??

  29. Reply

    Lydia D.

    April 16, 2020

    My dream spot would probably be Hawaii or any beach ?

    • Reply


      April 18, 2020

      Take me please!!!! ????

  30. Reply

    Ruth D.

    April 16, 2020

    Alaska would be my first choice! 😀

    • Reply


      April 18, 2020

      Ooooooh!!!!! ? I’ll join you!!

  31. Reply

    Julia M

    April 17, 2020

    I would love to walk on the shore of Lake Ontario ?
    Keep up the great work everybody!

    • Reply


      April 18, 2020

      ?sounds beautiful!!!

Leave a comment and make my day! :)