Week 3!!||100MileMonday

And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him.”
Colossians 3:17

Yay, week 3 of the Spring100 accomplished! ??? Way to go y’all!! We have our VERY first Featured Spring100 Participant VIDEO below and I am BEYOND excited! ???? But first, Now is the time to log your miles for week 3 in the easy mile log below. We count Monday-Sunday as a week cycle here at Spring100 so add up the miles for walked March 30th-April 5th based on that! Any questions regarding the log or Spring100, feel free to leave a comment below for fellow Spring100ers to help answer or shoot me an email. I will answer asap! Spring100@shilohphotography.com

Spring100 MILE LOG



The 2020 Spring100 groups is bigger than ever! Have you been blessed by the Spring100 over the years? Consider helping cover the expenses involved in this yearly Challenge! 
Click HERE for Details…

“See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.”
Ephesians 5:15-17

As we enter week 4 of the Spring100 I always like to remind fellow Spring100ers to redeem your walks! ? It is very easy to let that mile pass without much thought, isn’t it?! We pass the mile sliding through our favorite social feed on our phone or thinking about something completely random. We are told in 1 Timothy 4:8, “For bodily exercise profiteth little: but GODLINESS is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.” Life that is now and that which is to come…. WOW! Here at the Spring100, I believe a mile is not just a mile but its time that can be redeemed! A mile used to meditate on scripture, pray, or encourage others is a mile well spent. For me, my morning mile walk is a great time to pray. It is usually the only time of day where I can be guaranteed quiet concentrated time! If I’m not taking that time to pray, I have the audio Bible downloaded on my phone that I will listen to or I will turn on my BBN radio app! Families have mentioned these walks are a great time for family fellowship, catching up after a busy day, or brushing up on their Scripture memorization together. How wonderful is that?!?? And even a mile just spent soaking up God’s creation and resting-resetting our minds to mentally prepare for the tasks that lay ahead is a mile well-walked?! So, a mile isn’t just a mile…. The time spent enjoying physical exercise can be so much more. Put your Smart Phone away??, look up, redeem the time, and make each mile count both here on earth and for all eternity! Make an intentional effort to incorporate God’s Word, encourage others, and soak up God’s glorious creation when walking your miles this Spring100. All right, are you ready to conquer this new week of walking/running???‍♀️?‍♂️ Enjoy walking week 4!??‍♀️

Week 3 QUESTION!! How do you spend the time during your Spring100 Walks?? Enjoying time catching up with family/friends? Scripture memorization? listening to audio? Enjoying the beautiful views of God’s creation? Just trying to focus on not tripping?? OR…? Comment below and let us know!↓

??These posts are made possible by YOU!! THANK YOU for being such active participants. Your photo submissions and comments make these post extremely fun and my job of putting them together super easy! So with that being said, don’t leave without commenting and remember to send in your Spring100 walking/running photos to be featured! Have a Spring100 video and want to be one of the Weekly Spring100 featured walkers? Email to Spring100@shilohPhotography.com! I will give you sending instructions.

the Haab girls from Michigan made my day with this Week 3 Spring100 Photo!! ? Great job girls!! ??

The Maxwell Family is all smiles as they enjoy week 3 together! ??? Amber blessed me with her fun shirt and a few encouraging words “A run was the perfect place to show off my hope will not be cancelled shirt…. Our hope is anchored in Christ, not our present circumstances! Heb. 6:19-20” Amen. Thank you, Amber!✨?

Thenhaus crew conquering their Spring100 week 3 miles! Keep up the great walking!! ??

Love the beautiful Spring scenery from the Girotti family!! They say “Walking together with others is sooo helpful for staying consistent!” It’s true. Accountability and walking company is a blessing! Great job.♥️

Derby Ladies making my day with their Spring100 enthusiasm!! ????‍♀️ Rebekah says “We really enjoyed our first walks with all five sisters this week! Spring100 is keeping us active as we stay close to home!”

Yes, great to have the Covey’s back and keeping thing lively for week 3! Fabulous to see y’all enjoying your miles together.?? Keep up the great work!

Nathanael’s been helping Emmi keep on track with a mile every evening!????

Miles apart but they still manages to grab a Birthday Walk together! Coral says “It was my friend’s birthday this week (Racheal C.). We did a sister walk at the same time for her birthday! Different countries and different times zones but together in spirit!” Happy Birthday Racheal!???

Tim and Charity B. with their blessed little crew accomplishing miles for week 3!! Love this photo!!?

The Hartels had a blast during a 4 mile walk for week 3! Ending that successful walk with icecream is a MUST. ?? Keep up the great work y’all!

Kelli, Christian, William (sweet nearby neighbors) are enjoying country scenery for week 3!! They said “A favorite verse this week: Micah 6: 8 “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God.”” LOVE THAT. Thank you for sharing!! Keep up the fabulous walking!!??‍♀️

Katina & Hannah make a fabulous Mother-Daughter Spring100 walking team and Cari is squeezing in miles in the midst of a busy work schedule! Great job ladies!! ??♥️

Sarah and Gabe enjoying a gorgeous Sunday walk for their week 3 walk! Love the photo and so happy y’all are doing the challenge together.??

Tressa, Tara, and Tisha S. looking fabulous as they grab their miles! So great seeing you all enjoying those miles together. ??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️

Kathryn and Kendalyn grabbing miles together with their cute kiddos in tow! ? Doing a fabulous job ladies!!

From Sunny days to rainy weather, the Del family just keeps on going! Great job on week 3 y’all! ??????

It’s a pleasure to have Rosie here for week 3!! She says “This week has been especially lovely with everything slowly coming to life around us.” Lovely photo, Rosie!! ♥️??

The Mieczkowski family is learning how to enjoy group walks while still keeping the 6 foot rule! 😉 They called it Socially distanced walking and talking.???

The Vanderfords walking with their Aunt on a last minute trip to Phoenix! Looks like they enjoyed a little sunshine too. Great job y’all!???

A little rain didn’t stop the Cook Family from getting their miles in!!??☔️ Y’all are troopers. GREAT JOB!!! ??

Beautiful Texas sunsets for the Cook family this week! They are enjoying their miles together. ???

Sister Spring100 time is the sweetest!! These ladies are getting those miles with a smile. ? Keep it up!!

Loved seeing the Fuhrmann family enjoying sunny weather for week 3! Great job y’all!! ??‍♀️

Evelyn and Sharon practicing safe social distancing ? while still enjoying eachother’s company. LOVE IT! ? And how gorgeous is Hannah’s Spring 100 view for week 3?! ???♥️

The Herron family happily conquering week 3!!?????? Well done Herron family!!

Loved seeing Nicole S. finishing her miles on the Driveway! Same view for Lydia, Ruth, and Emmi as they do their Driveway for week 3. ??

Blessed to see Barbara enjoying fresh are and finding time to tackle her Spring100 week 3 miles!! ???♥️

Great to see Royal A. getting those miles for week 3 and Gita + Sheri are zooming through their Spring 100 miles! Great job! ?????

A small portion of the Halbach family having fun together for week 3 and looking fabulous! ??

Linda O. walking her Spring100 week 3 miles with Aspen and Baby Mystic!! ???♥️

Amanda S. with her faithful walking companion? and Anna P. is armed and dangerous for her Spring100 walk! ?? Great job on week 3 ladies!

The Martin Family making our day with their Spring100 Participation! They are tackling week 3 together. Great job Martin Family! ????

So loved seeing the Ford Ladies grabbing their miles together for week 3!! ??

Linda + Amanda enjoying a beautiful Spring100 walk together. So great to see you for week 3! ??‍♀️?

The Cook couple enjoying week 3 miles together and Bekah’s been doing evening walks after long school days here in Texas! Love seeing everyone’s dedication! Keep it up and have fun for week 4.?‍♂️?‍♀️??

“I will go in the strength of the Lord GOD: I will make mention of Thy righteousness, even of Thine only.”
Psalm 71:16

Rachel @Spring100

Hi! I'm Rachel @Spring100 and Blogger at ShilohPhotography.com! As the founder of Spring100, it is my hope and prayer this challenge encouraged you forward in the strength of the Lord. I am looking forward to walking 100 miles with you this Spring! "For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light" Ephesians 5:8

March 30, 2020
April 13, 2020


  1. Reply

    Sydney Apperson

    April 6, 2020

    We have at least three steady walkers, but often we’ll have neighbors or other siblings tag along and we have a great time talking, catching up with each other, telling stories, and enjoying creation! I was so excited to find out that there are some beautiful walks around our house!

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      So happy you’ve found some beautiful walks around your house. The Lord is faithful to provide! 🙂

  2. Reply

    Bethany Griggs

    April 6, 2020

    I enjoyed seeing the video clips and all the pictures sent in this week!!! Great job on covering the miles everybody!

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      ?????? Thank you, Bethany!!!!

  3. Reply


    April 6, 2020

    Enjoyed seeing all the fantastic pictures from week 3!!! I love using my walks as a prayer time, as well as listening to uplifting music and just enjoying the Lord’s beautiful and amazing creation! And here lately it has been focusing on trying to avoid the many mud puddles that line our driveway. ?

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      ?Stay dry, Amanda!!

  4. Reply


    April 6, 2020

    Loved seeing all the photos & the video project from this week! 🙂 During my walks, I pray, listen to podcasts, walk with a sibling, or just enjoy the quietness of God’s creation. <3

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      Keep up the great work, Annie!!

  5. Reply

    Rachel Lamb

    April 6, 2020

    It takes 6 laps around our property to do 1.1 miles, so I try to memorize one verse per lap, or review as necessary! I’m working my way through the Psalms. Sometimes I also just read a book or sing. 😀 This week I had my nose buried in a book as I walked past the peach blossoms, but even still, I all of a sudden smelled honey! It’s neat how God designed flowers so they don’t prick or tickle your nose when you smell them. 😀

    • Reply


      April 7, 2020

      I love that idea! I actually tried it last night after seeing your comment. Thanks for the inspiration 🙂

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      RACHEL!!!!!! This is such a fabulous way to walk those laps. GREAT JOB!!!!!!

  6. Reply


    April 6, 2020

    Thank you for your encouragement to use walking time wisely! We’ve been going out as a family, so our walks are usually spent talking with each other. 🙂 It’s a nice thing to do as a family!

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      Love hearing y’all spend the time together!!! ???

  7. Reply

    Emma H.

    April 6, 2020

    If I’m walking by myself, I like to listen to music, sermons, or history lectures. My siblings and I all love history, so when we’re together we sometimes give each other history quizzes! Other times, we just talk with each other or text with our married siblings or friends.(I wouldn’t recommend texting and walking, though! I normally end up crashing into someone!) 😀

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      ??I have had my fare share of crashes when trying to text and walk! Good tip. ?

  8. Reply

    Jen Danner

    April 6, 2020

    We enjoy walking with our puppies!

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      Great way to multi task!! ???

  9. Reply

    Rosie Alexander

    April 6, 2020

    When I’m walking down our street everyday, I like to focus and meditate on a portion of Scripture from that morning. And my last lap down our street, I stop at a stone bench by the end of our street and walk down to the large pond to take in that day’s quietness and beauty. It is one of my favorite places in the world, so getting to finish up my walk there is always a treat.

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      Sounds absolutely beautiful, Rosie!! ???

  10. Reply

    Aunt Barbara

    April 6, 2020

    Thank you all for doing this again this year. Wish it was warm enough in Massachusetts to wear my Spring 100 shirts from the past two years. “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 ~ Love to all of you ?

    • Reply

      Shiloh Photography

      April 8, 2020

      So , so thankful to have you along again this year Barbara!☺️??

  11. Reply

    Mary Mieczkowski

    April 6, 2020

    Most of my walks have been either with siblings or virtual ones with friends! I have so been enjoying the warmer weather here in MI for week 3 🙂

    • Reply

      Shiloh Photography

      April 6, 2020

      Yay Mary! So glad you enjoyed week 3!Yes!
      warmer weather at last!??

  12. Reply

    Tirzah Faith

    April 6, 2020

    A huge thank you to everyone for their prayers for my injury last week! I went from just getting off of crutches to walking over 13 miles in Week 3! Prayer is powerful and my foot feels completely back to normal. I’m still waiting to run, just to play it safe, but I’m so thankful to our Jehovah Rapha!

    • Reply

      Lydia Jael

      April 6, 2020

      So glad to hear this! Praise the Lord!????

    • Reply

      Shiloh Photography

      April 6, 2020

      So glad to hear that Tirzah! Praise the Lord!??

  13. Reply


    April 6, 2020

    Wow, wonderful post Rachel!? Loved the video!!!!❤️❤️❤️ I enjoy spending time with my siblings on my walks and also taking in the beautiful scenes around me! ??????? I also hope to do more Bible listening during my walks in the weeks to come! Can’t wait to plunge into week 4! Keep up the great work everyone!!!

    Colossians 1:10,11
    “ that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy

    • Reply

      Abigail Warkentin

      April 6, 2020

      Great job everyone!!?? If I’m walking by myself, I usually listen to audio Bible, or a podcast, or music! Sometimes I walk with my siblings, and then we just visit and have a fun time!?

      • Reply

        Shiloh Photography

        April 8, 2020

        Way to go Abigail! Listening to Bible audio during walks is one of the best ways to redeem the time! I love all the different ways people are using their walking time!??‍♀️?????

  14. Reply

    Lydia D.

    April 6, 2020

    I normally spend my walks chatting and catching up with my sisters 😀 Week 3 was amazing, and the weather was super nice!!
    Loved seeing all the pictures!! 😀

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      Yay! I am so happy you had beautiful weather for week 3!!!!!! ???

  15. Reply

    Julia M

    April 6, 2020

    This week was great! I was able to spend a lot of time talking with my sibs, running, and listening to some uplifting music ? Thanks for the great video, Grace 🙂 And the pictures were super fun, everyone ?

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      Keep up the FABULOUS WORK, Julia!! ?

  16. Reply

    Rachel Mitton

    April 6, 2020

    During the week when I walk by myself, I meditate on Bible verses. I like to pick a different verse for each week or sometimes I review a chapter I’ve memorized.
    On the weekends, though, I get to be home with my family! So I will walk with my siblings and sometimes my Mom will join us 🙂 During those walks, I enjoy quizzing my sister on verses, throwing a frisbee, or just having a good conversation! It has been so refreshing to get outside, even when it’s a bit rainy, snowy or chilly…my favorite is the bright sunshine though! 😀

    • Reply

      Shiloh Photography

      April 6, 2020

      I really love hearing how people are using their walks to memorize scripture! Great job on week three Rachel!????‍♀️❤️

  17. Reply

    Rachael C

    April 7, 2020

    Spring 100 has been fantastic!! Just knowing that friends all over the country…err…continent are doing this together, it’s been lovely and such a blessing!

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      So blessed to know you have been blessed by the Challenge, Rachael!! 🙂 <3

  18. Reply


    April 7, 2020

    I enjoy listening to videos with my mom as we walk : )

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      Those walks sound so fun!! 🙂

  19. Reply

    Laura B

    April 7, 2020

    I try to run a mile a day. It helps the time to fly if I listen to Marco Polos (videos friends have sent me in the last couple days). I’m able to focus on listening to the advice and sweet words of my friends and also get some good exercise.

    • Reply

      Shiloh Photography

      April 8, 2020

      That is such a neat way to redeem the times on your runs Laura! Keep up the great work!???

  20. Reply


    April 10, 2020

    I walk with my mom, my sister, and our neighbor…. So, we usually spend our time talking to each other and keeping each other company. Sometimes when I’m not talking to them for a few minutes, I take the time to think about all my struggles, and ask my wonderful Father to help me with them. ??

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      Great way to spend your walking time, Anna!! 🙂

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