Week 2!! | 100MileMonday

Congratulation, week 2 of the Spring100 is underway and y’all are doing a fabulous job!! ??? It was great getting to know a few of you in last week’s comments and I look forward to getting to know you all a little better as the days go on!! Now is the time to log your miles for week 2 in the super easy mile log below. ? We count Monday-Sunday as a week cycle here at Spring100 so this week’s log will be for all miles walked or run between Monday March 23rd-Sunday March 29th! Any questions regarding the log or Spring100 feel free to leave a comment or ASK YOUR FRIENDS who have been participating over the years!!? This is a great way to get answers fast. You can also shoot me an email and I will answer as soon as possible Spring100@shilohphotography.com

3 VERY Important Notes before we jump into the fun:

LOG MILES ON THE CORRECT WEEK’S POST: PLEASE wait to log your miles each week until you see the NEW weekly Spring100 post has been published! I send out emails directly to your inbox when these new posts are live, letting you know the NEW 100MileMonday post/ Mile Log is available! Many are jumping on the blog before I have a chance to publish the newest post causing many to log in the wrong/ previous week logs!

PLEASE NO Picture COLLAGES: IF you send in a picture collage, chances are the collage won’t be shared! For my blog format, individual photos are best. So, if you want to have the best chance of having your photo(s) featured in the 100MileMonday posts, don’t send in collages. Thank you!!

NEW VIDEO NOTE: We are working toward another Spring100 video for next week’s post IF we can get plenty of footage from YOU! Send in a 60 second or less video saying hello to fellow Spring100ers, give a fun fact about yourself, share a word of encouragement or a scripture you’ve been enjoying. Email us at spring100@shilohphotography.com for sending instructions!

Spring100 MILE LOG



“Justice and judgment are the habitation of Thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before Thy face. Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of Thy countenance. In Thy name shall they rejoice all the day: and in Thy righteousness shall they be exalted. For Thou art the glory of their strength: and in Thy favour our horn shall be exalted.”
Psalm 89:14-17

So, how has your Spring100 walking been going??? Lots of diverse Spring weather from the pictures we received. Rain, snow, and sunshine fill the photos below.?☀️☃️ Views from all around the world are included in this week’s post. I LOVE IT! As we walk our Spring100 miles each week, it is my hope that this challenge will be a reminder of the spiritual race we are set on. We are called to run this spiritual race set before with endurance in Hebrews 12 but this is only possible as we steadfastly set our eyes on Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith. “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith”(Heb 12:2)! I love the verses from Psalm 89 that a sweet friend and fellow Spring100er sent my way yesterday, “Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of Thy countenance.” As children of the Lord God, our path is illuminated by the light of His countenance!! How amazing is that?! This reminds me of a Psalm I like to pray often during my morning walks. Psalm 43:3 says, “Oh, send out Your light and Your truth! Let them lead me…” As we enter week 3 of the Spring100, may we steadfastly set our gaze on the Lord Jesus Christ as we walk in the light of His countenance! May the Lord enable us to do so. ? Happy walking running y’all! ??‍♀️

Week 2 QUESTION!! How did this past week of the SPRING100 go for you?? And how was your weather for Spring100 week 2? Snow, rain, or sunshine? Comment below!↓

??Reminder! These posts are made possible by YOU!! Your photo and video submissions + comments make these post extremely fun and exciting! So don’t leave without commenting and remember to send in your Spring100 walking/running photos and videos to be featured! Email to Spring100@shilohPhotography.com

The Wood Siblings from Canada made my day with this Spring100 Photo! Love it. Great job y’all! ???

Amelia P. and the Sullivan Sisters all smiles for week 2!! Keep up the fabulous work ladies!! ??‍♀️?‍♀️

Catrina M. getting her miles in for Spring100!! Great Job, Catrina! ?

Needless to say, the Nelson family make my day.??? Love these photos and your Spring100 enthusiasm!

Sam and Kristina enjoying their first Spring100 in New Mexico and the Maxwell crew walking in Kansas! ??‍♀️ GREAT JOB y’all!!

How gorgeous is this view?!  Templeton sisters checking in from Turkey for week 2. SO happy to have you part of the Spring100! ??

I absolutely love Tisha’s ingenuity! She’s enjoying Virtual Spring100 Walks with friends. SUCH A FABULOUS idea. Great job, Tisha!! ???

So fun to have the Neely team back for another year of Spring100 walking! Looking great!???

Sibling walks seem to be the theme this week!! Sisters Amanda and Sarah S. + Becca & Lucy W. conquering the Spring100 one mile at a time! ???

Great seeing these guys grabbing their miles! Nathan B. enjoyed a snowy run and Joel’s dodging Texas rain for week 2!!?? Great job, Guys!

Looks like Spring is on Vacation for Barbara in MA! ? She’s still enjoying a little winter weather for her Spring100 walks. Way to go Barbara!! ♥️❄️

Great to have Paula, Emily, Anna and Ellie M. join the Spring100 fun!! They are enjoying their spring100 walks together. ?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️

Great to see the Vanderford Siblings enjoying some Spring100 walking together for week 2!??

Emmi + Ruth have been walking buddies for week 2 of the Spring100! Love seeing then out after dinner grabbing their miles together.? Great job!!

??‍♀️ The Mieczkowski sisters took off running for week 2! ? Great job ladies! ??

Clara’s first Spring100 and she’s enjoying grabbing her miles on the driveway with big sister, Anna! FABULOUS sunglasses Clara.? Great job ladies!! ????

Love having the Thenhaus Family join this year! They are redeeming the time by grabbing some Spring100 miles. Way to go!!???

Anna L. tackling those miles and Chelsy’s grabbing a family walk for week Spring100 week 2!! Looking lovely ladies! ♥️??‍♀️

The Halbachs having fun walking their Spring100 miles together for week 2! So glad to have y’all join! ???

All smiles as Rachael C. completes her second week of the Spring100! ????

The Halbach Family conquering their Second week of the Spring100!! They are energized and ready to make it to the finish line! ?‍♀️?‍♂️??

The Mitton ladies having so much fun grabbing their Spring100 week 2 miles together! And finding some coffee along the way. ???

Cook family taking time to smell the roses… errr Bluebonnets ? for week 2 of the Spring100! LOVE THIS PHOTO!! ?? Keep up the wonderful work!

Emma and Sarah getting their miles in with Sadie(the dog?) and Linda’s stopping off for a quick selfie with Guard donkey Chester as she grabs her Spring100 miles. Way to go ladies! ??

Always love seeing the Cook sisters + Dad enjoying their Spring100 miles together!! Love the Texas wildflower. Keep up the wonderful walking!! ??‍♀️

The Hagey sisters making my day with their smiles and Spring100 Participation! ???

Great to have the Hurlin Crew here for week 2!! ??‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♂️

Hannah looking happy to have completed her second week of the Spring100 and the Peterson Family enjoying Spring100 time together! ??? Great job y’all!!

☀️Beautiful weather in VA allowed for some fun sibling time as Elizabeth grabbed her Spring100 walks! ??????

Cassidy J. enjoying week 2 of the Spring100 and Joel + Nathanael getting some miles in together! FABULOUS JOB y’all! ???

Part of the Fuhrmann Family conquering miles with smile!! Love it. Happy walking y’all! ??

Love having Kandace back for another Spring100!♥️ She’s conquering her miles with a little company for week 2. ???‍♂️?

Super happy to have Cindy W. join the Spring100 Challenge and Suzanne’s back for another Spring100 in California!??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️ She’s under the Shelter in Place but walks are allowed(so happy).???

Moody girls grabbing their week 2 miles even with the oak pollen! ??? Way to go ladies!! ?

Charissa from Canada and Kendalyn from Texas! Both looking lovely as they grab week 2 miles. ???

Hensley ladies happy to be joining the Spring100 and I’m so happy to have them!! Welcome and way to go on week 2 miles. ????

Esther deep in the heart of Texas grabbing miles for week 2 and Celesta and Audrey Kate are excited to be joining in for the 2nd year! Great job!! ??‍♀️?

Lamb family grabbing some sweet candid photos during their Spring100 week 2 walk!! ??

Micah’s overcoming injury and accomplishing her Spring100 goals for week 2!! Way to go!! ???

Martin Crew accomplishing Spring100 week 2! Looking fabulous. Keep up the wonderful walking! ???

Deborah’s doing double duty! Wagon pushing and Spring100 walking for week 2. Way to go Deborah!! ??

Elisha’s getting a little extra exercise on her Spring100 walks with cute kiddos in tow??. Way to go Elisha!! ?

Love seeing these ladies all smiles as the accomplish their miles! Allison N. & Mrs. + Grace Silvey conquering week 2.??

Royal and Rosie from NE Ohio walking enjoying a rainy evening walk and sibling adventures! So glad to have you join the challenge! ???

Alyssa catching up for week 2 and the Bill family walking their Sprign100 miles together! Great job guys!! ????

This lady is speeding her way through week 2. Way to go Heidi!! ??? Charity is snatching the last few moments of daylight to do her miles. Way to go Charity! ?

So excited to have Abigail, Treasure, and Rosalin join the Spring100. They are dashing through week 2! ???‍♀️

Hoverson ladies enduring the cold to get their Spring100 miles in!! ?❄️ Way to go ladies! ???

Rachel B. enjoying Spring100 with that sweet little one and the Derby sisters are back at it for week 2! Keep up the fabulous walking/running ladies! ???

Hannah G. from East look grabbing some great miles for week 2 of the Spring100!! Way to go, Hannah!! ????

Caroline F. + Gracie & Rosie M doing a fabulous job for the second week of Spring100!! ??

Rojas family having fun as always on the sibling walks!! ? They are conquering week 2. Way to go y’all! ??

Kyra, Annika, Deanna, and Eliana P. enjoying some gorgeous scenery for week 2 of the Spring100! Keep up the great work, girls! ???‍♀️

The Dietz ladies doing week 2 together! ?? Keep on pressing forward. Way to go on week 2!!?

The L. family enjoy fresh air and family time for week 2 and Lindsay looking lovely as she conquers her miles! Way to go!! ??‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♂️

Three of the Willams crew (and Ozzie the cat hitching a ride?)! They are conquering week 2. Way to go!!! ???

Johnson crew grabbing miles for week 2!! It’s so good to have you back for another Spring100!???

Enjoying my Texas Spring sunset walks and sunshine here for week 2! Keep up the FABULOUS WORK everyone. Have fun walking/running!! ??‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♂️

The 2020 Spring100 groups is bigger than ever! Have you been blessed by the Spring100 over the years? Consider helping cover the expenses involved in this yearly Challenge! 
Click HERE for Details…

“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Hebrew 12:1-2

Rachel @Spring100

Hi! I'm Rachel @Spring100 and Blogger at ShilohPhotography.com! As the founder of Spring100, it is my hope and prayer this challenge encouraged you forward in the strength of the Lord. I am looking forward to walking 100 miles with you this Spring! "For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light" Ephesians 5:8

March 23, 2020
April 6, 2020


  1. Reply


    March 30, 2020

    Week 2 was great!! It rained on us a couple of times, but most of the time it was sunny. ☀️? It’s really fun to walk with my Mom, my sister, and our neighbor.? Now we’re gearing up for week three!

  2. Reply

    Sydney and Mary A

    March 30, 2020

    We had some lovely weather in here in NV, sunny and cool! We were so excited to get out and get our miles in this week.

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      So happy you had beautiful weather! Keep up the beautiful work Sydney and Mary. 🙂 🙂

  3. Reply


    March 30, 2020

    Would you mind praying for me? I mysteriously injured my foot a month ago and it is still not healed, so running and walking has been difficult.

    • Reply


      March 30, 2020

      I will be praying! Hope you are still able to enjoy the spring 100! ❤️???❣️

      Philippians 4:6,7
      “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

      • Reply

        Tirzah Faith

        April 3, 2020

        Thank you so much Ruth for the verse!

    • Reply


      March 30, 2020

      Praying for healing! Hope it gets better so walking and running is more enjoyable. ??

    • Reply


      March 30, 2020

      I’m so sorry, friend! I’ve been praying for you and will continue to do so! ?

    • Reply


      March 31, 2020

      Aw, praying for you now Trisha!!! May the Lord beak the foot injury and help you to meet your 100 mile goal. ??

    • Reply

      Lydia Jael

      April 2, 2020

      Praying! ?? ??❤️

  4. Reply

    Amelia Crane

    March 30, 2020

    The weather here in north Florida is beautiful, and the mosquitoes aren’t bad–yet! My seventeen-year-old son tags along when he can in between his own projects. In all honesty, I wouldn’t be out there walking if it weren’t for the Spring 100. As the Lord wills, this is a great start to a regular habit! 🙂

    • Reply

      Shiloh Photography

      April 3, 2020

      Haha! When the mosquitoes come around you may have to turn your walks into runs!??So happy that this challenge is encouraging you to get out and walk more!!!Keep charging through week 3!

  5. Reply

    Abigail Warkentin

    March 30, 2020

    The weather here has changed from cold and windy, to nwarm and sunny! So nice to finally have spring weather! And I have been LOVING walking! I usually don’t go for walks much, but this has been really fun so far!?

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      Abigail, so thankful you’re enjoying your Spring100 walks!! Makes me so happy to hear. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  6. Reply


    March 30, 2020

    Week 2 was great with some lovely sunshine, which made for very enjoyable walks. ?? Looking forward to Week 3!!

  7. Reply

    Sarah Silvey

    March 30, 2020

    Week 2 was mostly nice and sunny here in Arkansas! It was fun getting my miles in while listening to music or quoting Scripture!

    “I will love You, O LORD my strength. The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
    Psalm 18: 1,2

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      LOVE those verses! Thank you, Sarah. 🙂 Happy walking!

  8. Reply


    March 30, 2020

    Great pictures everyone!!! I loved the first one with the 100 mile road marker!!!?Week 2 was lots of fun for me!?? We had a few warm sunny days which made for some wonderful walking weather! ❤️☀️??‍♀️
    Thanks for sending in all those pictures everyone! It makes the blog posts super fun! I Can’t wait to get started on week 3 ?. Y’all keep it up!

    Philippians 1:9-11
    “And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.”

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      So glad you enjoyed some lovely weather!!!!!!!! Keep up the great work, Ruth!! ❤️?

  9. Reply

    Emma H.

    March 30, 2020

    I really enjoyed my Week 2 walks!!!! It was mostly sunny here, but we did have a few rainy days. Had to get some miles in by doing laps around our basement! 😀

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      ????????? Great job on that basement mile!!!!!

  10. Reply

    Tisha Stille

    March 30, 2020

    We had a mixture of cold and warm (mid fifties) weather with clouds, rain, and wind. Definitely made the walks interesting! My sisters and mother have joined me this year, and I love getting in some healthy sister chats while walking our property. Hopefully I will remember to get pictures with them next week!

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      Soooooo happy to have your sisters and mother part of the Spring100!!!!!!

  11. Reply


    March 30, 2020

    Beautiful weather in Belgium last week with lots of sunshine which was wonderful !
    But this week it’s opposite so jackets out !
    Wonderful to see all pictures and everyone putting effort in ! Keep it up ! ??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♂️??‍♂️

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      So happy you’re enjoying beautiful weather in Belgium!! ?✨?

  12. Reply

    Joel Leake

    March 30, 2020

    Good job guys! Keep up the hard work..

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      Thank you, Joel!

  13. Reply

    Hannah G.

    March 30, 2020

    Week 2 went great! The weather was great for walking with good temperature and spring breezes. I enjoyed everyone’s pictures! On to Week 3!!

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      Keep up the beautiful work, Hannah!!! ??

  14. Reply

    Bethany H. Cook

    March 30, 2020

    Great walking! Mostly sunny, with some rainy days thrown in.

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      So glad you enjoyed sunshine for week 2!!!

  15. Reply

    Lydia D.

    March 30, 2020

    I didn’t as many miles in during week 2, but the ones I did get I had such fun hanging out with my siblings 😉 The weather was pretty nice! Thankful that it wasn’t rainy or snowy 😀

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      Yay for no rain or snow! ???????

  16. Reply

    Lucy Wilson

    March 30, 2020

    It’s been Beautiful weather here in VA!
    Having fun times walking with one of my sister’s Becca!

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      Sister walks are so fun!!!! Great job, Lucy!!

  17. Reply

    Sheridan Claude

    March 30, 2020

    Mid-Florida weather during the days this past week have reached 90 degrees, so Gita and I are walking in the evenings. So far, we are allowed to leave our homes, though it is recommended by the Florida Surgeon General that we stay inside, since we are both over the “safe” age limit. We praise God that we are still able to get out and walk! So good seeing familiar faces, and welcome to all that are first-timers!

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      Praising the Lord with you! What a blessing to be able to get out for a walk. ???

  18. Reply

    Linda Ohlhausen

    March 30, 2020

    Hello everyone! My name is Linda, and I am from Devine TX. I walk the back pasture of my friend/neighbor. Most of my pictures will be of horses, donkeys(Chester this week), and baby ponies! Keep up the great work y’all!!
    This week was humid. And Rachel didn’t post the picture, but there was a little interruption of my walk by the birth of a pony!
    Philippians 3:14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

    • Reply

      Lydia Jael

      April 2, 2020

      Hi Linda!?? I’m really hoping we have the opportunity to walk with you girls before spring is over! ? ?BUT if not… maybe we could walk together via FaceTime like I saw some other smart Spring100ers are doing!??❤️??????

      P.s. your new pony is adorable… I only wish I could meet him in person ? ?

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      LOOOOOOOOOVE having you here, Linda! ???

  19. Reply


    March 30, 2020

    The weather has been gorgeous here in Kansas this past week! It has definitely made walking more fun. =)
    I’m enjoying participating in the challenge this year for my first time!

    • Reply


      April 10, 2020

      So glad you’ve had some great weather!! ??‍♀️♥️

  20. Reply

    Mary Mieczkowski

    March 30, 2020

    I was able to accomplish quite a few miles this past week! Here in MI the temperatures ranged from just below 30 degrees to 60+ degrees. Typical Michigan weather!! Love all the pictures and I’m looking forward to week 3!

  21. Reply

    Kyra Rose

    March 30, 2020

    Love all the pictures! The Weather was lovely this week!!??

  22. Reply

    Rachel Mitton

    March 30, 2020

    This last week went super well! It was cloudy a number of the days, but we also did get of lovely sunshine, too! 😀

    Thanks for the reminder, Rachel, of how we’re in a spiritual race, as well!

    I loved seeing all the pictures. And it was so fun to see a number of familiar faces 😀

  23. Reply


    March 30, 2020

    Loved seeing all the wonderful photos this week!! ??? My week went well! I loved walking with my sister outside! This week, it was pretty rainy, so I used the treadmill for a majority of the time, however, two specific days I really enjoyed spending time walking out in the sunshine!! ??? (Thus the photo! ?)

  24. Reply

    Caroline Flournoy

    March 30, 2020

    The weather has been very unpredictable this week here in OHIO. It rained a couple days, the sun shone for a couple days, and the cold wind blew very hard for the next couple days! This challenge has been really fun so far and I am really enjoying all my walks/runs. 🙂 I’ve been doing a lot of my walking/running in the evenings because our family is doing construction on our rental cabins that we own right now and I am really busy during the day helping my Dad with that. It’s fun! love all the pictures and am excited for week 3! 🙂 Keep up the good work everyone! ~Caroline

    …May you continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…

  25. Reply


    March 31, 2020

    Keep up the great work everyone!!!

    • Reply

      Shiloh Photography

      April 3, 2020

      Thanks for the encouragement!!!❤️

  26. Reply

    Julia M

    March 31, 2020

    The first part of the week was awesome! Sunny days and beautiful evenings ☀️ In the last half of the week, it turned overcast and rainy 🙁 Thankfully, I was able to get outside and complete my miles during the rainy days! Overall, week 2 went great ? Thanks everyone for the great pictures! Keep it up ?

    • Reply

      Shiloh Photography

      April 3, 2020

      Great job getting your miles in rain or shine Julia! ?????

      “The LORD is righteous in all His ways,
      Gracious in all His works.
      The LORD is near to all who call upon Him,
      To all who call upon Him in truth.”
      Psalm 145:17,18

  27. Reply

    Lydia Jael

    April 2, 2020

    LOVE seeing everyone! Familiar faces and new ones!!❤️ The weather for week 2 was BEAUTIFUL! We had a couple of the warmest days yet this year! We did have a couple rainy days but it just added some wet adventures to the walks with my sisters!??? It’s really starting to get green here in East Texas… trees are blooming and flowers are popping up all over the place!???… I think this is what I enjoyed most during my walks for week 2. Seeing Gods mercy through His creations has given me great hope! He has blessed us with another Spring and He is a SOVEREIGN GOD! Praise the Lord!

    “ Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding!”
    Daniel 2:20-21

    • Reply

      Shiloh Photography

      April 3, 2020

      Wow! Thanks for that encouragement and verse Lydia!?? Very true, our God is a sovereign God!!!

Leave a comment and make my day! :)