Week 11! || 100MileMonday

Y’all!!! Here we are finished with week 11 of the 2021 Spring100. WAY TO GO!! This Spring Challenge ends at 11:59pm(cst),June 20th so you still have time to grab miles. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!! 🙋🏼‍♀️🎉 Don’t forget to grab the JUNE Spring100 Calendar to keep on track. NOW is the time to log miles for week 11(MAY 24th through May 30th!) As always, our easy mile log is below. Feel free to email or comment with any questions! As we near the finish line, I will be super quick to answer. 😊 Info@spring100Challenge.com

Mile Log

Spring100 WEEK 11
MAY 24th – May 30th!!

Featured Spring100 Photographer: Gabe and Sara Cleator

“Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.”
Romans 8:37

Well, CONGRATULATIONS!!👏🏼🎉 We are entering week 12 of the 2021 Spring100 and just about 20 short days away from the LAST DAY to grab your miles for this challenge!! We have some fabulous and fun 100mileMonday posts coming your way in the next 2 weeks, so don’t miss them. As mentioned above, this 2021 Spring Challenge ends at 11:59pm(cst), June 20th so you still have plenty of time to get those miles. Behind? Grab a walking buddy, find a fun place to walk, and tackle missing miles. YOU CAN DO IT! 🙌🏻 The verse that encouraged my heart this week is Romans 8:37, “IN ALL THINGS we are more than conquerors through HIM that loved us.” How is that for a promise!! Pair that with Philippians 4:13 where it says, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” and you have the perfect motivation to get out and get those miles you need to cross the 100-mile finish line!! So many Spring100ers are already across the finish line and cheering you on!! YOU CAN DO IT. I am praying for each and every one of you this week! May you be both spiritually & physically strengthen, encouraged, and renewed.🙏🏼 The finish line is in sight, let’s fix our eyes on the prize and run with endurance!! Cheering you on. 👏🏼🙋🏼‍♀️💯

This Week’s Spring100 Scripture Reading Plan-MAY 31th through June 6th:

Monday: Hebrews 7-8
Tuesday: Hebrews 9
Wednesday: Hebrews 10
•Thursday: Hebrews 11
Friday: Hebrews 12
•Saturday: Hebrews 13
Sunday: James 1-2


1.) The question that has absolutely nothing to do with walking but has to be asked at least once during the Spring100… 😉PINEAPPLE or WATERMELON? Which is your favorite?? DON’T LEAVE without answering and encouraging other Spring100ers. I can’t wait to hear your answer!!

2.) For those following along with the Spring100 Scripture Reading Plan, are you on track with your reading?? And what verses have encouraged your heart this week!! Let me know in the comment section below! 🙋🏼‍♀️

These posts are made possible by YOU!! Your photo submissions and comments make these post extremely fun and my job of putting them together super easy. Thank you! So with that being said, don’t leave without commenting and remember to send in your Spring100 walking/running photos + Videos to be featured! Send to Photos@spring100challenge.com!

Ellie is “high-pawing” Bonnie her Border Collie puppy as she celebrates finishing Spring 100 for week 11.🐶👏🏼💯🎉 CONGRATULATIONS Ellie!!

Jim and Anne Jones reached the 100 mile mark and crossed the finish line for the 2021 Spring100!! CONGRATULATIONS to you two!💯🙌🏻 — The Cahill Crew enjoyed a rainy week of Spring100 walking in Texas for week 11. Keep it up y’all! ☔️

🐥 Gotta love this! Rebekah’s grabbing miles and finding a feathered friend to join the fun for week 11! 😆😉🧡

The Ansiel family blowing me away with their walking views! Grabbing miles and making memories in Cumberland Falls State Park for week 11 of the Spring100. 🙌🏻🙋🏼‍♀️

This large group of Texas Spring100ers got together and grabbed some miles! Great seeing y’all together for week 11!!🙌🏻

👏🏼By God’s grace, Krystle did what was thought “impossible’ as she overcame huge obstacles and reached 100 miles this past week! “For with God nothing will be impossible.” Luke 1:37. CONGRATULATIONS!!!💯🙌🏻🧡

Liz S. and her girls enjoying the Black Canyon National Park with an aunt and uncle for week 11 of the Spring100! 🙌🏻

Lydia H. writes, “Grabbing some miles, while enjoying the beautiful sunset with my favorite sisters.” WAY TO GO! So fun!! 👏☺️

Congratulations to Emma F.!! She’s crossed the Spring100 finish line!!🎉💯🙌🏻

The Brown family are all smiles as they write, “We are very excited that we have crossed the 100-mile finish line this week!! Praise the Lord!!!!! WAY TO GO!!! Congratulations, you’ve crossed the Spring100 finish line!! 💯🎉

Love having the Barth Family check in for week 11!! Enjoying Spring100 miles together and a gorgeous sunset.👏🏼🙋🏼‍♀️

Sisters Hannah & Sarah live in different states but were blessed to walk Spring100 miles together for week 11!! 🙏🏼🙌🏻

Ruth & Kevin were blessed to be able to enjoy Spring100 miles with Kevin’s twin sister Rachael and family for week 11 of the Spring100! 🙌🏻🎉

Hannah S. enjoying the company of her new puppy, Bonnie, for week 11 Spring100 miles!! Too cute. 🐶🧡

The Tappendorf family finding some unique Spring100 walks for week 11! They write, “Walking the double helix “Genome Way” in Huntsville, AL and the GPS track showing the double helix. Last picture: Hiking at New River Gorge National Park in West Virginia. ” Great job, y’all!! 🙋🏼‍♀️

The Halbach family enjoying a fun walk in the park as the grab miles for week 11! KEEP up the great work!!🙋🏼‍♀️🎉

Johnson ladies checking in as they tackle miles together and Elizabeth + daughter, Paige, hiking in Arches National Park for week 11!! 👏🏼☺️ Great job y’all!

Another fabulous and fun Spring100 walking group!! Spring100ers Silveys & Harbours enjoyed some miles with friends for week 11.👍🏻🎉

The Fagan family checking in for week 11 and said, “Still walking even with a knee brace!” WOWZA!!!!!! Thank you for your dedication.👏🏼 Keep up the great work y’all!!

The Matthews family enjoying a stunning waterfall hike for week 11 of the Spring100! So gorgeous.😍👏🏼

Spring100ers Catrina & Evvie M. enjoying family time while grabbing miles in beautiful Colorado this past week! ⛰👏🏼🙌🏻

Barbara M. is going above and beyond as she quickly passes the 100 mile mark and Becca + Lucy loving their time together for week 11 of the Spring100! 🎉🙋🏼‍♀️ Great job, ladies!!

A beautiful view from Krista H. as she grabs her Spring100 miles in Newfoundland!!🧡🙌🏻

Jon & Bethany M. logging miles from Greenfield 👏🏼 Village! She writes, “History, together time AND miles. 👌🏻” — Rachel M. is such an huge encouragement here at the Spring100 and she’s cheering everyone on as she conquers 100+ miles!! 🙌🏻💯

The Renfer family grabbing a mile on beach during a rare, beautiful sunny evening!! LOVE THE PHOTO. Keep it up!!🙌🏻🎉

💕Lydia M. checking in and says, ““Enjoyed many spring walks this week – best way to start your morning! 😊” — Paige writes, “I have already finished my spring 100 but me and Mya are walking extra just for fun!”Way to go, Paige!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!🙌🏻🙋🏼‍♀️💯

Daniel and Kathryn S. checking in for week 11 as they enjoyed a lovely walk around the track and time to talk!! 🙌🏻🙋🏼‍♀️

Steven and Lindsay B. grabbing miles together!! They say, “In addition to taking Spring100 walks on the wooded bike trails near our home, we also logged some distance while showing Lindsay around UAFS” WAY TO GO!!! 👏🏼🎉

The Downing family doing miles together for week 11 of the Spring100! KEEP IT UP!!!!👏🏼👏🏼

A little pitstop during a Spring100 walk for Katelyn and crew makes for a perfect picture and Rachael C. checking in as she conquers miles!! Great job👏🏼🙋🏼‍♀️

Sent in with the description “A (mostly) Spring100 group from our church enjoyed a lovely walk together tonight!” 😁 LOVED seeing such a large and energetic Spring100 walking group. Great job, y’all! 👏🏼

☔️Heidi and Eden keep the drizzle off during their Spring100 walks and Lynn S. saying “hello” as she grabs miles for week 11!! 👍🏻

Because Spring100 walks are always sweeter with a friend. 😊 The Cahills tackling miles and enjoying company for this past week of the Sprig100!! 🙌🏻

Crandall family walking their Spring100 miles at Acadia National Park and Michelle M. checking in as she conquers miles for week 11!! FABULOUS photos and great job, y’all! 🙌🏻🙋🏼‍♀️

Flournoy crew all smiles as they log miles and enjoy each other’s company this past week!! So love seeing them do Spring100 together. 😊🙌🏻

We’ve been blessed with some gorgeous sunsets after rainy days! Thankful for the Lord’s mercies this past week of the Spring100 and looking forward to seeing Him work in week 12. Continue setting your eyes Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith!! He is faithful!!🙋🏼‍♀️🧡

HOW YOU CAN HELP! Since the beginning, Spring100 has been hosted free-of-charge to the participants.Donations are not required for participation but are truly appreciated and such a blessing! If you feel led to join us in covering the costs associated with Spring100, please view Spring100 Donation instructions!

“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Hebrews 12:1-2

Rachel @Spring100

Hi! I'm Rachel @Spring100 and Blogger at ShilohPhotography.com! As the founder of Spring100, it is my hope and prayer this challenge encouraged you forward in the strength of the Lord. I am looking forward to walking 100 miles with you this Spring! "For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light" Ephesians 5:8


  1. Reply


    May 31, 2021

    Pineapple and watermelon are both good! I can’t pick a favorite! Congrats to those who made their 100 miles!

    • Reply

      Rachel @Spring100

      May 31, 2021

      I agree, it’s hard to choose between the two! 😉💕

  2. Reply

    Aunt Barbara Mazzacco

    May 31, 2021

    WATERMELON 🍉 but pineapple 🍍 is a very close second. Having so much fun getting my miles in and I am memorizing Scripture verses while I walk.

    • Reply

      Rachel @Spring100

      May 31, 2021

      I am so so so happy to hear you’re having fun!! What a HUGE blessing.😍🙌🏻

  3. Reply

    Hannah and Lauren

    May 31, 2021

    Absolutely WATERMELON all the way! 😋 It is my favorite fruit of all time! 😄

    • Reply

      Rachel @Spring100

      May 31, 2021

      You really can’t beat a good, ripe, cold watermelon!!!😍🍉

  4. Reply

    Hannah Stiff

    May 31, 2021

    Pineapple every time!🍍. So sweet and juicy…

    • Reply

      Rachel @Spring100

      May 31, 2021

      I hope you enjoy lots this summer! 😁🍍

  5. Reply

    Abigail Stiff

    May 31, 2021

    Watermelon is my choice!🍉I love it especially when its from our garden! The seeds are actually good for your nails.🤚🏼 Great question for this week Rachel!
    Hope everyone is having fun as the weather starts to get warmer. I’ve been doing a lot of walking/running with our puppies which is always lots of fun.🐾🐶It was fun
    seeing you guys enjoying God’s creation! See you next week!


    • Reply

      Rachel @Spring100

      May 31, 2021

      Homegrown watermelon is THE BEST!!!!!!!😍🍉
      Thank you for your encouragement. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK, Abigail!💕🙋🏼‍♀️

  6. Reply

    John Silvey

    May 31, 2021


    • Reply

      Rachel @Spring100

      May 31, 2021

      🍉🙌🏻👏🏼 Delicious choice!

  7. Reply


    May 31, 2021

    I’m going to say watermelon! And my favorite verse of the week comes from Hebrews 11 where it speaks of the faith of Moses:

    “By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing HIM who is invisible.” Hebrews 11:27

    • Reply

      Rachel @Spring100

      May 31, 2021

      Love Hebrews 11!!🙌🏻💯

  8. Reply

    Caroline Flournoy

    May 31, 2021

    Amen!!😃 What a beautiful and encouraging verse!!😁😊😀 Thank you for sharing that, it really encouraged me!🤗🌼😊
    In all things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. Romans 8:37

    Watermelon!!!!! 🍉😍🍉 Very cold and ripe watermelon on a hot day is SOO nice!!!👍🍉🤠😍😂😉🙂😁 Which would you choose?!?

    Lovely pictures everyone!!🙂 Great job to those who completed their miles!!👍🏃and to those who haven’t yet, you got this!!!👍🤠🏃🙂
    I have a goal to get to 250 and I still have approx. 80 miles left but I’m really trying to do it!!🤠 we’ll see if I can make it!!🤠🏃😀😂 Keep pressing forward to the finish line!!👍🏃😀 We’re all in this together!!👍🏃😊

    The Lord is my strength and my shield; My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped;
    Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, And with my song I will praise Him. Psalm 28:7

    • Reply

      Rachel @Spring100

      May 31, 2021

      I would choose a cold ripened to perfection watermelon too!! 😄🍉 I love pineapple but have to decide I am just going to eat pineapple as it makes my taste buds go numb after eating it. 😉 Crazy and true!

      😍You have set a HUGE GOAL!! Praying you make it in the strength of the Lord.🙌🏻👏🏼 Love that verse from Psalm 28!! Thank you for your encouragement, Caroline!!💕

      • Reply

        Caroline Flournoy

        May 31, 2021

        That’s funny!!😃 Pineapple does that to my taste buds too!😀😮😂😃

        I like to challenge myself to big goals and make myself do them!!🤠😀😃🙂

  9. Reply

    Rachel M.

    May 31, 2021

    PINEAPPLE! 🍍🤤😋 It’s sooooo good!
    Keep up the great walking everyone! If you are behind, please, please, please don’t stop. Don’t give up. You can do this. Walk 2 miles each day instead of 1. Go on two walks each day instead of one, because for some reason it seems to take less time that way. Run! you can go farther in less time… 😁🤣 Find someone to walk with you and TALK while you walk! It makes the miles go faster! 😊 If you don’t have anyone to walk with you, listen to music or something. Don’t give up. Keep going, one step at a time. 🌸🌹🌼🏃🏼‍♀️💯

    • Reply

      Rachel @Spring100

      May 31, 2021

      RACHEL!!!🙌🏻 Your encouragement is SOOOOO motivating!!!!!!!!!!!!! 👏🏼 THANK YOU for being such a HUGE blessing!!!!!! “Don’t give up. Keep going, one step at a time.” YES!!!!!!!!! 🏃🏻‍♀️🙌🏻

  10. Reply

    Trinity Collier

    May 31, 2021

    I did some math and I need to do 3.9 miles a day to make it to the finish line!!!
    Sadly Spring100 is right during plant season and my Dad just happens to run a station for Bonnie plants, and I’m a route helper, office assistant, and anything else they need me to do person🤪 I think if I start getting up at 5am and running I can complete the 3.9 each morning.
    Prayers appreciated! Press on friends!

    • Reply

      Rachel @Spring100

      June 1, 2021

      Trinity!!!! I’m praying for you!!! 🙏♥️🙌🏻 Press forward in the strength of the Lord. Cheering you on!!!!!

  11. Reply

    Abigail B

    June 1, 2021

    I like watermelon better than pineapple, but I like pineapple too. Finally got my 100 miles done.

    • Reply

      Rachel @Spring100

      June 7, 2021

      Way to go Abigail!!!!!! Congratulations!!!💯👏🏼

  12. Reply

    Katrina A

    June 1, 2021

    I like both fruit but I think I would pick watermelon first!

  13. Reply

    Hagey Family

    June 1, 2021

    Our family enjoys eating both of these wonderful fruits, but eating watermelon chunks in a bowl with a bit of feta cheese sprinkled on top is such an awesome salad! 🙂
    God’s Word is the best refreshment that we have – we are truly thankful that we can cling to the precious truths written in His Word! May He bless each one of you! ~ Pam Hagey

    • Reply

      Rachel @Spring100

      June 7, 2021

      Amen!!!!!! Thank you, Mrs Hagey!!

  14. Reply

    Sarah Silvey

    June 2, 2021

    Definitely watermelon!! I really like pineapple too, but if I eat to much of it, it makes my mouth feel really funny. 🙂 There is nothing like a juciy, sweet, ripe watermelon on a hot summer day!

    This week Hebrews 3:12-14 stood out to me- “Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God; but exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. For we have beocme partakers of Christ if we hold the beiginning of our confidence steadfast to the end” What a call to be diligent to exhort fellow beliveres daily!

    Thanks, Rachel, for the verses you shared. They were very encouraging! Hope everyone has a wonderful week 12 of Spring100! I can’t believe that the finish line is in sight…it seems like we just got started! 🙂

  15. Reply

    Julia V. Hilts

    June 6, 2021

    We choose watermelon 🍉! Sadly my older daughter and I are allergic to pineapple! 😥
    We still have some miles to go, and are hoping the weather holds out, or we may just end up walking in the rain! At least it’s warm summer rain. 😉

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