Week 13! || 100MileMonday

“I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.”
Galatians 5:16

Way to go on completing week 13 of the Spring100!! ? We are just 5 days away from completing this 100 Mile challenge. There will only be 1 more 100MileMonday post after this week!!! This is unbelievable. ?? Below I have some important information to read over but first NOW is the time to log your mileage for WEEK 13(miles walked from June 8th-14th)! Super easy form to fill out below.?? If you have any questions at all in regards to the SPRING100, leave a comment below or send over an email to Spring100@shilohPhotography.com! ??‍♀️

Spring100 MILE LOG



Featured Spring100 Photographer Kelli Ebel

“And He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.”
2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Here we are with 5 days remaining in this year’s Spring100! 5 days left to walk and meet your 100 mile goal or add to the 100+ miles you have already walked.??? You’ve rounded the corner and the finish line is in sight…. Set your eyes on the prize and RUN!!!!! We are cheering you on. Find your strength in the Lord…. YOU CAN DO THIS! ? I don’t know how we’ve even gotten here but I am amazed! Amazed by the Lord’s goodness, strength, and grace. In each Spring100er it’s been so evident as I watch you all nearing and crossing the finish line! Whether you are one of our youngest walkers at age 4 or our oldest at age 99, every step walked in this Spring100 has been a gift from God. It’s True! A verse that has come to mind is Acts 17:28, “For in him we live, and move, and have our being…” So my friends, let’s finish the last 5 days strong and singing the Lord’s praise. I’ll be seeing you at the finish line! ?‍♀️??‍♂️?


☞ Your final day to walk Spring100 miles is Saturday, June 20th (the last day of Spring)!!!

☞ Our next post will be the FINAL 100MileMonday for 2020. This will be our Spring100 Finish Line Grand Finally! That post is going to be one of the most important posts to read through and follow instructions very carefully as it holds our final Mile Log and the Confirmation Form for those who finished 100+ miles for the Spring100 Challenge! The Confirmation Form will be new is different from previous years so be alert and follow instructions. If you don’t follow instructions, chances are 100% you will not receive that 2020 Spring100 T-Shirt you have worked so hard for!

☞ It would be such a blessing to have the final 100MileMonday post filled with faces of Spring100ers across the globe. You are walking “along side” several hundred fellow Spring100ers this year and only a small fraction have sent in photos. Let’s make the last post THE BEST YET! Send in your photos and short Spring100 videos to Spring100@shilohphotography.com by Sunday morning, 10am(cst) June 21st to be featured in the finish line grande finally!

QUESTION! I am swapping the question of the week out with a request! Would you take a moment and give fellow Spring100ers who have just a few miles left a good dose of encouragement? So many have finished BUT many are still working hard to make it to the finish line. From injuries to busy schedules, to the unexpected that finds it’s way into our Spring days, getting behind happens. Let’s encourage them on in the Lord! ??

Congratulations Kyra!! You made it to the finish line for wekk 13!! ???? LOVE THE PHOTOS ??

Metzger ladies checking in for week 13!! Looks like they’re enjoying sunny skies and sister time. ???

Loved seeing photos from the Michigan Spring100 gathering!! So fun seeing all those Spring100ers in 1 place. Thank you for hosting Rebekah D!!

Amanda S. made it to the 100 mile mark and set her sites on adding a few more before the challenge ends!!? Great job, Amanda!! ???

Alexa made it to the finish line!!!!! ?? Great job on the 100 miles, Alexa!!???? PSSSST!!! Today is Alexa’s BIRTHDAY!! Would you all leave her a little birthday comment in the comment box below????? HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! ???

Anna P. checking in for week 13 and younger sister Claire  She is working hard at reciting Bible Bee verses while getting her miles in!! Great job to both of you!????

Farrell family checking in for week 13!! Keep up the great work, y’all!! ????

Gabe and Sara C. racked up some miles at Great Smokey Mountain National Park for week 13!! ⛰??

Rosy and Gracie M. checking in and enjoying miles together for week 13!! Great job to you both.???

Megan W. and family enjoyed a beautiful hike up “Empire Bluff Trail” at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park for week 13 of the Spring100!! ???

Our sweet neighbor Kelli E. put in some major miles to finish 100 miles strong for week 13!! Great job and congratulations! ????

The Halbach family all smiles as they conquer week 13!! Great job y’all!! ??

Caroline enjoyed a few miles with her brother William for week 13 and reached her 200 mile goal for the 2020 Spring100!! ????

Ruth, Rebekah, and Mr. C soaking up some sweet sunshine for week 13! ☀️??

Maxwell and Renfer Sisters enjoying good company and grabbing their Spring100 miles this week!! ??? Fabulous job!!!❤️

The Thenhaus Family crossed the finish line and conquered week 13!! Congratulations!! ??????

??✨Barbara’s tackling those daily Spring100 walks in MA and Becca + Lucy are finding time to enjoy miles together for week 13! ?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️

Richelle H. grabbing some Spring100 miles during a hike with her brothers for week 13!! Looks like so much fun!! ???

Absolutely love having Tisha S. and her family check in for week 13 of the Spring100!! Keep up the fabulous work.??‍♀️ So close to the finish!! ????

Rachael B. crossed the finish line hitting her 100 mile mark!! ? Spring100 time spent with siblings is always a blessing. ???Congratulations Rachael!

Rebekah and Ruth D. enjoyed a 13 mile Birthday run with Kristin and Josiah J. for week 13!! Great job, y’all!!???‍♀️??‍♂️ Happy Birthday Josiah ?

Lydia’s got her eyes set on the prize and finishing out the final days of Spring100 strong! Way to go, Lydia! ???

Elizabeth F. is grabbing miles for week 13 and the P. ladies crossed the finish line100 miles strong! WAY TO GO!!! ????

☀️ Lovin’ the sunny photo sent in by the Del family for week 13! Esther, Kathryn, and Jon grabbing Spring100 miles together. ?? ?? ???‍♀️??‍♂️?‍♀

My Mom, Micah, Ruth and I had fabulous time grabbing a 6 mile hike while exploring our neighbor’s property for week 13! ??? From dodging goats and catttle to squeezing through electric fences, we had a blast! ????

“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Hebrews 12:2

Rachel @Spring100

Hi! I'm Rachel @Spring100 and Blogger at ShilohPhotography.com! As the founder of Spring100, it is my hope and prayer this challenge encouraged you forward in the strength of the Lord. I am looking forward to walking 100 miles with you this Spring! "For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light" Ephesians 5:8


  1. Reply

    Caroline Flournoy

    June 15, 2020

    WOW to everyone!!!!!! Keep up the FANTASTIC work!!!!!!!! Congratulations to all who reached their 100 miles this week!!!!! WAY TO GO!!!! and for everyone who isn’t their quite yet…KEEP GOING!!!!!!!!! I KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!! Just keep going strong and the Lord will give you the strength to finish!!!! 😀 You got this!!!! 🙂 Everyone is cheering you on!!

    ~ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phillipians 4:13 ~

    ~Behold, God is my salvation,I will trust and not be afraid, For the Lord is my strength and song,He also has become my salvation. Isaiah 12:2 ~

    ~ It is God who arms me with strength, And makes my way perfect.Psalm 18:32~Fear not, for I am with you,Be not dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you,Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10~

    Happy birthday to Alexa! I hope you had a fun birthday and GREAT JOB on getting to 100 miles! way to go! 😀

    I can’t believe this SPRING100 has gone by SO quickly!!!! :0 It seems like only a couple weeks ago when my friend told be about it and I signed up!! 🙂 XD 😀 😉 Y’all have all done such a GREAT JOB with your miles!!!!! Keep pressing on towards the finish line!! you CAN ABSOLUTELY AND TOTALLY DO THIS!!!!!!! KEEP GOING!!!!!!!!!

    ~Caroline Flournoy

    • Reply


      June 15, 2020

      Beautiful and encouraging verses!!!!??? Thank you, Caroline!!!!?

  2. Reply

    Kyra Rose

    June 15, 2020

    Yaaay!!!!!! Good job everyone!!!!! You can do it!!!!!!?

    • Reply


      June 15, 2020

      Well done, Kyra!!!! ???

  3. Reply

    Lydia D.

    June 15, 2020

    Awesome job everyone!!! 😀 You can do it! Keep pressing on 🙂

    Happy birthday, Alexa!!! ?? I hope your day is wonderful!

    • Reply


      June 15, 2020


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    Abigail Warkentin

    June 15, 2020

    GO, GO, GO EVERYONE!!!!!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!??‍♀️?? I can’t believe 13 weeks have passed already! Time flies! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEXA!!!??

    • Reply


      June 15, 2020

      Hasn’t time passed by so fast?! ???

  5. Reply


    June 15, 2020

    Happy Birthday Alexa!!!
    Keep up the good work everyone!!!

    • Reply


      June 15, 2020


  6. Reply

    Rachel M.

    June 15, 2020

    Happy birthday Alexa! I hope you have a WONDERFUL birthday! ?????

    If you are behind…keeeeeeep going! Don’t quit. Don’t give up. Don’t stop. YOU.? CAN. ?DO. ?THIS!!!!!!!!!!? Little bits add up. (Like I walked 38.5 miles last week and I don’t know how hardly).

    Congratulations to all of you who have already finished!! ???

    • Reply


      June 15, 2020

      38.5 miles in a single week is fantastic!!! Congratulations for that statistic, Rachel!

      • Reply

        Rachel M.

        June 15, 2020

        Thank you! ☺️

    • Reply


      June 15, 2020

      ????? 38 miles is FABULOUS!!! Way to finish strong!!???

  7. Reply


    June 15, 2020

    Hey, everyone!!!! You all are doing such an amazing job!!!!! I know it can be hard to make time to walk with with schedules, and I certainly know it’s hard to walk with injuries! My right leg is pretty weak due to a brain tumor, and sometimes my knee with get a kink (?) In it, and that sometimes makes it very difficult/discouraging to walk, but…… I still try my best, and it usually works out okay! ? God can, and will help you through any difficulties you might face!!!

    With all that said, Y’all keep yo the great work!!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! Don’t give up! You can still make it! We are all doing this challenge together, and I would like nothing more than all of us finishing together!!! You can do it!!!!!

    “He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.
    “(Isaiah 40:29)

    “And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
    “(2 Corinthians 12:9)

    • Reply


      June 15, 2020

      Perfect verses!!! Thank you, Anna!! ❤️???

  8. Reply

    Barbara Mazzacco

    June 15, 2020

    Come on everyone ?? You can do this !! Sing songs of praise while you are walking and pray and enjoy God’s beautiful creation ?. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEXA ???????. WhooooHooooo we are almost there ♥️

    • Reply


      June 15, 2020

      ???? Soooooo close!!!!!

  9. Reply


    June 15, 2020

    Congrats to all that have completed 100 miles!!!

    For those that are still heading for the finish line and need several more miles to complete your race, you might want to walk part of your daily needed distance in the morning, and part in the afternoon. Also, it helps if someone will join you! Walk with a sibling or son or daughter or friend. Talking and sharing as you walk also helps to melt the miles away. At least it seems that way to me! 🙂

    Above all, push, push, push. You know it will soon be over, so press toward the mark.

    Rachel, that’s gorgeous country you and your mom and sisters were exploring! Congrats on your 6 miles hike!!! Wow! Way to go!

    Some great pictures this week, in some beautiful, scenic places!!! Thanks for sharing, everyone!!!

    • Reply


      June 15, 2020

      Thank you, Sheri!!! ? I was so blessed by the gorgeous county walk!!?

  10. Reply

    Kelli E

    June 15, 2020

    Congrats to all those who have crossed the finish line! ? I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it, then all of your 100 mile photos inspired me to keep on keeping on! I had a bit of catch up to do and walked 26 miles this week to finish!

    We started together, we can end together! You CAN reach your goal!! Head up and Onward! God is with you wanting your BEST!

    Thank you, Rachel, for cheering us all on. This was my first Spring100, and I loved knowing you were all out there with me.

    Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.

    • Reply


      June 15, 2020

      Thank YOU for being a Spring100 encourager!!! ???? And congrats on the job well done. ? LOVE that verse!!!!

    • Reply


      June 16, 2020

      Amazing! You came from behind and finished so strong, Kelli! 26 miles in one week is excellent! 🙂

  11. Reply

    Abigail Maxwell

    June 16, 2020

    If you still have a few miles left, You CAN do it! We are getting so close to finishing! Just keep your eyes on the finish line! Try grabbing some friends or family to help make the miles pass! Keep on walking!
    Happy Birthday Alexa!

    • Reply


      June 17, 2020

      ??? Great suggestion on grabbing a friend, Abigail!!! Almost there!!

  12. Reply

    Bethany Griggs

    June 17, 2020

    Keep going everybody!!!!! There’s still time to catch up on those miles! ? One year I got down to the wire and had to log 18 miles the last week (at a much higher elevation from where I live). As long as there are days left in the challenge, there is still time to WALK THOSE MILES!!!!

    The joy of the Lord is your strength! (Nehemiah 8:10)

    • Reply


      June 17, 2020

      “As long as there are days left in the challenge, there is still time to WALK THOSE MILES!!!!”

      Yes!!!!!!!!!! ???????? Thank you Bethany!!!!! ?❤️❤️

  13. Reply

    Ruth Carnehl

    June 19, 2020

    This spring has been so inspiring! Thank you all for being the Body and encouraging one another to press on in the good works God has prepared for us! I have been so blessed to take time and walk with the Lord/or a friend/family in this time… remembering…
    “You will show me the path of life;
    In your presence is fullness of joy;
    At your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”
    Psalm 16:11

    May we keep pressing on in the Lord, whether for the last miles in this challenge or in whatever He has set before us… for what He calls us to, He gives the grace to complete! ??
    Happy birthday week to Alexa!
    Be blessed!

    • Reply


      June 19, 2020

      I love that verse from Psalm 16!! Thank you so much, Ruth!! 🙂 It’s been a joy having you part of this challenge.???‍♀️?

  14. Reply

    Martha Joy

    June 19, 2020

    GREAT JOB, everyone!!! We’re on the home stretch here, but to any of you out there who may feel overwhelmed with the miles you have left, DON’T GIVE UP!!! Even if you have to walk 10 miles tomorrow, grab a friend or family member, bring some water to stay hydrated, and hit the road!!? It will be so rewarding to cross that finish line!!!!! ??? There’s still time to grab those miles! Go, go, go everyone!!! We’re all cheering you on!?? The Lord is your strength!❤️
    ~Martha Joy

    • Reply


      June 19, 2020

      YES! Still time. Love the challenge to press forward even in the final hours!! Thank you, Martha Joy!! ❤️??

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