Week 11 Giveaway!? || 100MileMonday

Well ladies and gentlemen, it’s officially official. We have officially entered week 12 of the Spring100 AND WE HAVE OUR 2020 SPRING100 GIVEAWAY!!? As usual, formalities first. ? NOW is the time to log your mileage for WEEK 11(May 25th-May 31st)! Super easy form to fill out below.?? The Featured Video has been postponed this week so that we can have the Give-away and post the necessary details! Have a question? Leave a comment below or email me at Spring100@ShilohPhotography.com!

Spring100 MILE LOG



Featured Spring100 Photographer: Nathaniel Hendry

“I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.”
Psalm 16:8

First thing first! Y’all, we have 19 full walking days left in this 2020 Spring100 challenge. 19 days to get your miles accomplished! 19 days to accomplish what you may think is impossible because “For with God nothing will be impossible.” Luke 1:37!!! So, you are saying to yourself “I have tooo many miles left to walk… I just can’t do it!!” May I offer you a little bit of finish-line encouragement???‍♀️ “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”Phil 4:13!! YES, we can. Through Christ! Perhaps you have 50 miles left?! 2.7 miles a day and you will get it done! If you haven’t even done a single mile yet you only need to do 5.2 miles a day to cross the finish line! That may seem like a huge chunk to do at once but it can easily be split up. 2.6 miles in the morning and 2.6 miles at night will get you 100 miles if you start walking today. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Y’all, press toward the goal, find your strength in the Lord, and don’t give up. I am praying every one of you makes it to the finish line!! ????

Now it’s time for the GIVEAWAY!!

This year we have a fun one.?

What you could win!!

  • “Fully Filled” Glass Water Bottle with Bamboo Lid
  • $50.00 Nuts.com Gift Card! Y’all, if you have never heard of Nuts.com, this site is such a fun place to find a few treat. Nuts, candy, chocolate, dried fruits, organic options, and tons of goodies that get delivered right to your door! You name it, they probably have it. My personal favorite would be the organic Gummy Bears! 😉
  •  3 Fabulous Music CD’s generously gifted by fellow Spring100ers, the Mieczkowski Family!

How to enter! PLEASE Read carefully for details:

For 1 entry- Snap a Spring100 walking photo with a “100” theme(CLICK HERE to see a couple 100 themed sample photos and get your mind going. But PLEASE use your imagination and make it unique to you!) and send it in for next week’s post!! Send to: Spring100@shilohphotography.com

For an additional 2 entries – Record a video 20 seconds or less saying something like “Hi, my name is Rachel and I am walking Spring100 here in Sunny Texas!” Obviously you will use your own name and state/country! I will use every video received for a Grand Finale Featured Video on the last 100MileMonday post! I can receive video footage via DropBox(please email me for direct download link) or Google drive(ShilohPhotog@gmail.com)!

Entry Deadline and other random rules: All entries must be received by Saturday, June 6th at 10pm(cst)! Do not send previously used photos, the photo must be new! If you have already finished your 100 miles you can still enter the give-away. You will just need to be a registered Spring100 participant to enter! International entries welcome. Winner will be randomly selected and announced on next 100MileMonday Post!! Any questions regarding the give-away at all, comment below and I will answer!

P.S. if the Mieczkowski Family happens to win the giveaway, I will draw an additional name for the CDs. ???

WEEK 11 QUESTION!!  ??PINEAPPLE or WATERMELON? Which is your favorite????I know, it has nothing to do with walking but I have to ask at least once during the Spring100! ? DON’T LEAVE without answering and encouraging other Spring100ers. I can’t wait to hear your answer!!

??As always, these posts are made possible by YOU!! Your photo submissions and comments make these post extremely fun and my job of putting them together super easy. Thank you!

These two took their first Spring100 walk as an engaged couple for week 11!! ? Congratulations Jon and Bethany!!!!??❤️?

Anna P. and Family enjoyed a new view for their week 11 Spring100 miles! Beautiful Beach walks?. Wish I was there too! ??

Hendrich, Dudley, and Kientz sisters out on a beautiful Spring100 walk! ?Great job, Ladies! ??‍♀️

Mr & Mrs Girotti on a beautiful Sunday afternoon walk with a just mown field of hay behind them. ⛅️ Kelly M. making her way to the finish line for her second Spring100!! Keep up the fabulous walking y’all! ??‍♀️

Caroline caught few miles with Kina for week 11 of the Spring11! So fun to walk with fellow Spring100ers. ???

From Sweet Sibling walks that end with a great picnic to stunning Lake sunsets, Rosie’s enjoying the Spring100 challenging!!?? She says ” I reached the 100 mile goal on May 19th, and am continuing to walk and add more miles!” Congratulations Rosie!! ??

Kathryn’s conquering miles for week 11! So glad to see her back at it this week. ??? Great job!!

Nathanial H. enjoyed a 6 mile hike during a great camping trip with his brother and friend for week 11!??‍♂️ Great photography!??

So great to see the Thenhaus family soaking up some beautiful weather and God’s creation during a Spring100 hike! Fabulous job y’all!! ???

The Halbach Family having a fabulous time tackling their miles together for week 11!! ??‍♀️ Great job y’all!

The Haab ladies checking in for week 11! It’s been such a fun blessing having y’all part of the challenge. ??

So great having the Nelson family checking in for week 11!! Amber met her 100 mile goal and is going beyond. Way to go!!! ??? I love the verse from Psalm 23 she sent my way this week, ““Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” Thank you, Amber!!

The Wilson siblings finding time to walk together for week 11! Great job. Keep it up! ??‍♀️??

Aaron in Mexico and Hannah G. in East Texas both Completing another great year of Spring100 walking!! ???? Both officially crossed the finish line and completed their 100 miles this past week. GREAT JOB! ?

Micah’s making it out for a little Texas sunshine and Spring100 walks for week 11! ?? She’s got the finish line in sight! ??‍♀️??

The Mieczkowski ladies enjoy quality time together for week 11!! Lydia says,”Our last sister walk before Anna got married! The wedding was this past weekend and it was beautiful!! 🙂 We had a blast racking up the miles in local parks and spending quality time together ❤️” Congratulations Anna!! ??

Lindsay J. says,”Walking the beautiful trails around our home in Arkansas.” Great job Lindsay!! You conquered week 11. ?????

Alyssa C. says, ” Grateful for siblings joining me for walks – makes it so much more fun and the time passes wonderfully =) ♥️. ” I totally agree! Fabulous job, Alyssa! ??‍♀️

Gabe and Sara grabbing a Spring100 sunset walk togehter for week 11!! Love this photo. Great job! ???

Sheri, walking after a Florida storm under the live oaks and Spanish moss?. She made it to 200 miles this week! ??? Way to go, Sher!! Laura O. is quickly approaching the finish line and finding some gorgeous views along the way! ???

The Silvey’s celebrating their parents’ 30th anniversary with a family Spring100 walk! ?‍?‍?‍? Congratulations on 30 years!! ???

Emily, Ellie and Anna M. enjoying Spring100 walks together with some gorgeous views too! ?✨ Great job Ladies!!

Margaret and Emily making memories and doing Spring100 together for week 11! ❤️ Almost there!!

Gorgeous Texas sunsets enjoyed by Ruth, Rebekah and Mr. Cook during their walks for week 11 of the Spring100! ???

Kendalyn says, “Today’s Spring100 walk just might have ended up in cool, refreshing lake water. :-)” LOVE IT! Best way to cool off after a Spring100 walk. ???

Rebekah M. says, “I have nice friends helping me catch up on miles! This is Elli, Hallie, Candi, Lydia, and me!” GREAT JOB!!!!!!! don’t give up. You got this!! ???

The Hartel siblings are pressing toward the finish line and enjoy eachother’s company for week 11!! So close, y’all. Almost there!!! ???

LOVE the Halbach family’s Spring100 photos for week 11!! From Waterfront views to sunflower fields, this family enjoyed fabulous views for their Spring100 walks. So fun! Great job y’all! ????

Hurlin family finding time to grab miles together and say “We’re excited for the start of Bible Bee!” Great job y’all!! ??‍♀️

FaceTime fun with best friends Linda and Laura + New kittens help the miles go by for my sisters Grace, Lydia, Ruth and Emmi during week 11! Pssst… Emmi just made it to 100 miles this week. Way to go Emmi! ?????

Bronwyn & Aliyah H. Sending smiles and grabbing miles for week 11! Love having them part of this challenge!! ?✨❤️

Anna D. and Elizabeth F. grabbing miles and all smiles!! Great job on Week 11!! ❤️

Love having the Barth ladies check in for week 11! They are diligently grabbing every mile they can. Great job ladies! ???

And I am soaking up every moment of this beautiful Texas weather for week 11! ? Continue the fabulous work. The Finish line is in sight. Press forward in the strength of the Lord…. YOU CAN DO IT! ??‍♀️

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
Philippians 4:13

Rachel @Spring100

Hi! I'm Rachel @Spring100 and Blogger at ShilohPhotography.com! As the founder of Spring100, it is my hope and prayer this challenge encouraged you forward in the strength of the Lord. I am looking forward to walking 100 miles with you this Spring! "For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light" Ephesians 5:8


  1. Reply


    June 1, 2020

    I like watermelon more! It’s so refreshing!!!

  2. Reply

    Amelia Crane

    June 1, 2020

    Watermelon would be my choice. There are health benefits to both, but watermelon is so tasty on a hot, summer day! 🙂

  3. Reply

    Lydia D.

    June 1, 2020

    Pineapple, for sure!!! 🙂 Although watermelon is very refreshing on hot days… Fruit is just amazing in general! 😀

    • Reply

      Kina Lamb

      June 1, 2020

      That’s the perspective! 😀 😀

  4. Reply


    June 1, 2020

    Pineapple or watermelon? Easy question to answer….. Pineapple! Watermelon is….. Well, I’ll just say this: I REALLY don’t like watermelon AT ALL!?=???.? =???.

    Okay, y’all! Come on, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! If you’re not finished with your miles yet, keep up the AMAZING work! Remember, the more often you walk, and the more miles you walk at a time, the sooner you’ll get there!!! If you need more encouragement/ ideas, I am here for you! If you wanted to, you might could get my email address from Rachel, and email me, and in will do my best to encourage you and check in to see how you’re coming along!?

    Seriously, y’all, even those of you who have yet to walk a mile can do it! Sure, it’s going to take quite a bit more work and it’ll take more time out of your day..BUT, it is definitely doable! Just keep going, and YOU CAN MAKE IT!!!!! ???


    • Reply


      June 1, 2020

      It’s a good thing Rachel didn’t ask what our favorite fruits were….. I wouldn’t be able to answer since I like every fruit excluding any kind of melon ?

  5. Reply

    Kina Lamb

    June 1, 2020

    Congratulations John & Bethany + Anna!!!! 😀 😀 😀

    And I especially love that lake picture, Rosie. 😀 Did you take that on your phone?!

    And that was such a fun and lovely walk, Caroline! 😀

    I finished my Spring100 miles yesterday!! 😀 😀 Very excited! 😀 😀

    • Reply

      Julia M.

      June 1, 2020

      Great job, Kina!!! So glad to see you enjoyed Spring100 ?

    • Reply

      Lydia D.

      June 1, 2020

      Yayyyy Kina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ??? So happy for you 😀 😀

    • Reply

      Caroline Flournoy

      June 4, 2020

      Great Job Kina!!! So excited for you!!!!!! 😀 🙂 Does it feel good to be done? XD 😉 😀 🙂

      Yes!! 🙂 It was quite a fun and lovely walk and I enjoyed it very much! 😀

      I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14

  6. Reply


    June 1, 2020

    Definitely pineapple as a favorite here! =)

  7. Reply

    Amelia Crane

    June 1, 2020

    And Sheri Claude! ** 200 miles!! ** Wow, my dear friend, that is just amazing, and I’m so glad for your inspiration. Much love to you and Mrs. Barker!

    • Reply


      June 2, 2020

      Thanks, Amelia! I actually miscalculated my miles after sending the picture and tally to Rachel. I discovered (to my disappointment and horror) that I was 9 miles short of 200 miles, PLUS the 2 miles I was planning on walking today (Monday, June 1) to get my 200 miles done! That meant I needed to walk 11 miles today, rather than the 2 that I thought I needed, if I was going to be telling the truth!!! Yikes! Well, I gave it my best shot. I drove to Gita’s this afternoon and walked 6 miles by myself, then I went home and took off my walking shoes. RELIEF! And ate dinner and drank and drank and drank water, and went back to Gita’s and walked a slow mile with her. Then I managed another slow mile (barely) before calling it quits. So, I walked 8 miles today. Tomorrow, Lord willing, I hope to complete the 200 miles with a 3 mile walk. Thank you, Lord, for preserving my feet! 🙂

      • Reply


        June 2, 2020

        ??? Sheri, you are inspirational!!! ?? Wow, that is dedication. Way to go!! Praising the Lord for giving you so much energy and determination to get 8 full miles in today! ??

  8. Reply

    Sarah Silvey

    June 1, 2020

    Oh wow! That is a hard one for me… I love watermelon and pineapple both! I guess if I have to choose, I would pick watermelon. ☺️?

  9. Reply

    Mary Mieczkowski

    June 1, 2020

    Pineapple is super good, but there’s nothing like a fresh cold piece of watermelon on a hot day ?

  10. Reply


    June 1, 2020

    I’d probably saw pineapple… watermelon is good sometimes, but not always. 😛 I’ve got a question about the video foe the extra entries in the giveaway… If I did a video with my sisters and sent it in would it count for all three of us or do we all three need to do our own? Congratulations to the newly engaged and newly married couples! So exciting!

    • Reply


      June 1, 2020

      Ooooh! Great question, Heidi!!
      How about this…. I will count 2 additional entries for each person who introduces themselves in the video!? So y’all can send in 1 video together but to each get those 2 additional entries you each need to individually introduce yourselves in that video.? If only 1 of you speaks, it will only count for the 1 person who spoke in the video! Does this make sense?

      ??‍♀️For anyone else reading this comment, if you do a family video submission as I described for Heidi above, feel free to let it go slightly over the 20 seconds in order to fit quick introductions in! ?? I know we have some big families participating and getting those names in under 20 seconds would be a squeeze.First name only is just fine!! HAVE FUN!!!

  11. Reply

    Lindsey M.

    June 1, 2020

    I would say watermelon, but pineapple is good too.

    My sister and I didn’t get as many miles in last week as we wanted, so this week we are kicking it up a notch!

    These verses came to my mind, thinking of the parallels between this challenge and our walk with Christ: “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
    2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.“ Hebrews 12:1-2

  12. Reply


    June 1, 2020

    I choose pineapple, but watermelon is also amazing! They are both very refreshing on a hot day

  13. Reply


    June 1, 2020

    Watermelon — especially if cold when it’s sweltering outside! 😀

  14. Reply

    Holly Ford

    June 1, 2020


  15. Reply


    June 1, 2020

    Great job everyone!! ?????? Hm, that’s a hard one! Both watermelon and pineapple are so refreshing, but if I had to choose I would probably go with pineapple. ?

  16. Reply


    June 1, 2020

    Definitely watermelon! I am allergic to pineapple so I don’t ever eat it. 🙁

    • Reply


      June 1, 2020

      Aww, that’s too bad! I’m possibly allergic to watermelon…. It makes me nauseous, ? but maybe I just dislike it that much! ?

  17. Reply


    June 1, 2020

    One question about the entries….. Does the picture actually have to have the person in it, or can it just be 100-themed?

    • Reply


      June 2, 2020

      Just like with any Spring100 photo, it is always best when the Spring100 participant is present in the photo!! 🙂 🙂

      • Reply


        June 2, 2020

        Alrighty! I already sent my picture (with me in it) in anyway. ? I was mainly asking out of curiosity for a camera-shy friend. ???

  18. Reply

    Jen Danner

    June 1, 2020


  19. Reply


    June 2, 2020

    Again, some gorgeous pictures!!!

    Congrats to Anna! May the Lord strengthen your bonds of love with each other and Himself in the coming years, if He should tarry. A three-fold cord is not quickly broken!

    Congrats to Emmi for completing 100 miles! Congrats also to Rosie, Amber, Aaron, and Hannah for completing your 100 miles! And congrats to my great-niece, Joy, for making 100 miles last week! (She didn’t post a picture, but she told me yesterday in church.)

    It was great fun to see Jon and Bethany together!!! 🙂

    Last Spring 100 I chose pineapple. This year I’m choosing watermelon. Guess that shows that I love them both!

  20. Reply

    Rachel M.

    June 2, 2020

    Pineapple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We grow watermelon in our garden and so we have it A LOT in the summer. Usually we have so much that it comes out our ears. 😀 When it is hot outside and picked jussssssssssssst right, it’s pretty good. But it gets old sooo quick, so I say pineapple is best. :):):)

    Keep up the great walking everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Reply


    June 2, 2020

    I think I would pick having a succulent piece of watermelon on a hot sunny day rather than pineapple. Although I love cooking with pineapple.

  22. Reply


    June 2, 2020

    Congratulations to everyone who has reached 100 miles!!! And to the rest of us– we can do this, by God’s grace!!
    I choose pineapple! For a while I didn’t like watermelon, but now I occasionally try it. 🙂
    So is each person participating in the Spring100 able to submit their own photo and get a point for it, even if they are in the same family? What if there are two people or more in the photo? Thanks in advance for answering! 🙂

    • Reply


      June 2, 2020

      Each family member can enter but photos will need to be unique to each participant! So 1 entry per photo. Not per person in photo! ??
      Videos will be the only exception to this but as mentioned to Heidi, each participant must actively participate in the video by introducing themselves! ?

  23. Reply


    June 4, 2020

    Pineapple is AMAZING!

  24. Reply

    Caroline Flournoy

    June 4, 2020

    Hmm…I would probably choose Pineapple. I LOVE watermelon but pineapple is just SO yummy and sweet! 🙂
    Great work everyone!!! 😀 congratulations to all who reached 100 miles, and to everyone else…YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!! I KNOW YOU CAN GET TO 100 MILES!!!!!!!! The Lord will give you the strength to finish!!! Don’t give up!!!! Keep going strong and pressing towards the finish line! You’ve got this!!! Happy walking for week 12 y’all!! 🙂 😀 😉 😀 🙂 ~Caroline Flournoy

    • Reply


      June 4, 2020

      Wow! Caroline, that is probably the most encouraging comment I’ve seen in a long time! Very enthusiastic and sweet! I love it! You keep up the great work as well! I love seeing the pictures of you with your siblings!???

  25. Reply

    Rachel Bryant

    June 5, 2020

    Pineapple all the way!! Watermelon is good on a hot day, but only if it’s super fresh, plus it’s much messier for kids to eat, so pineapple wins on both accounts of taste and less messy….???

  26. Reply

    J Lodi

    June 5, 2020

    Watermelon, definitely. Hits the spot pretty much every time I eat it! Refreshing, especially on hot, Texas summer days!

  27. Reply


    June 6, 2020

    Definitely watermelon!! 🙂

    Quick question: Does each family get one entry or does each person get one entry for the giveaway? Hope this makes sense!

    • Reply


      June 6, 2020

      Each person as long as they each send in a photo! Families can share a video and each participant will be counted! ❤️

Leave a comment and make my day! :)