Spring100 FINISH LINE!! || 100MileMonday

First things first, the FINAL mile log is below. PLEASE fill out miles walked from Monday June 15th TO Saturday June 21st! Saturday was the last day of Spring and the FINAL day to record miles walked or run for the Spring100! PLEASE NOTE: if you finished 100+ miles this Spring100 there will be 2 FORMS to fill out today! Read instructions thoroughly. The second “Finish Line form” is crucial if you finished 100+ miles! If you have any questions, please leave a comment below or send me an email and I will get you answered asap: spring100@shilohphotography.com

Spring100 MILE LOG



Featured Spring100 Photographer: Melody Wood

“For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.”
1 Timothy 4:8

Today is the final 2020 Spring100 post! ?? Thank the Lord, here we are all “meeting” at the finish line after a fabulous 100-mile walking challenge!! 94 days, hundreds of fellow walkers participating in 6+ different countries, and thousands of miles walked… Well done everyone!!? To God alone be all glory for His good work in this year’s Spring100!! For those who faithfully participated but were not able to meet the 100-mile goal, we are giving YOU a huge round of applause for your dedication and perseverance.?? REMEMBER, “bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.” This is just a physical challenge that is intended to encourage you in the spiritual race you are daily participating in. Run with endurance in the strength of the Lord, setting your eyes on Christ Jesus, the Author, and FINISHER of our faith!! For those who made it 100+ miles. CONGRATULATIONS! ?? A fun goal of 100+ miles was set, many obstacles were overcome, and by the grace of God, YOU MADE IT! Please be careful and diligently read the instructions below. If you finished 100+ miles this Spring100, there is a Finish Line Form below for you to fill out in order to obtain your 2020 Spring100 T-shirt!

“I will go in the strength of the Lord God: I will make mention of thy righteousness, even of thine only.”
Psalm 71:16



Finish Line Form officially closed



☞ If you finished 100+ miles, please have your final miles and the Finish Line FORM submitted by Thursday, June 25th at 10:00pm (cst)! Families: Please fill out and submit an individual form for each Spring100 participant who finished 100+ miles!

Keep your eyes on your email inbox! This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! I will be emailing all Spring100 finishers verifying mile logs, shirt sizes, and shipping address by Saturday, June 27th 11:59pm(cst)!  In order to ensure you get a shirt, I need you to check your email daily until then.

☞If you have completed the Spring100 BUT don’t receive an email from me by Saturday, June 27th 11:59pm(cst), EMAIL ME right away! Send the email to Spring100@shilohphotography.com. We have a VERY LARGE number of finishers and as much as I will strive to get everyone contacted, missing one or two could happen or my email could end up in your Spam! If you have finished, I want you to get your shirt. So watch that email and contact me if you don’t get a confirmation by Saturday evening!

☞And finally, all shirts will be shipped to finishing Spring100 participants around July 14th so you can enjoy them all Summer long! Stay connected on the blog(subscribe for email notifications at bottom of page). I will have a fun behind the scenes Spring100 Shipping post up once the shirts come in!

Phew!!!! ? Okay, formalities finished…. Now for the fun Finish Line Photos and Video!?? Once again, congratulations to each one of you for a job well done. ? It has been a blessing hosting this year’s challenge!! I pray each one of you has left encouraged and strengthen in the Lord!

With the encouragement of family and walking company of her son, Amelia C. overcame obstacles and finished 100 miles by the grace of God! ???❤️

Congratulations to Alanna M. and The Martin Family for crossing the Finish Line! ?? So blessed to have you all join the fun! ?

Moody sisters made it! ?? Congratulations on 100 miles finished!! ??

Jonathan + Heidi finished their 100 together and Amanda and Lindsay along with their Mom met the 100 mile mark this past week!???

Truly blessed to have the Haabs Family part of this years challenge! THANK YOU! ??❤️

Evvie M. and Lucy + Becca W. met their 100 mile goal and crossed the finish line! Well done ladies. ????

Catherine and Jake made it! They crossed the 100 mile finish line.???? LOVE the photo!

A fun blessing having Isabelle + Mercy from Turkey join the Spring100 challenge! They enjoyed walking at Ephesus for the final week of Spring100?. Rosie took some time to smell the roses after nearing her 150 mile goal. Love seeing you all at the finish line! ??

The Moody Ladies made it to 100!!! ? They have crossed the finish line. Such a fabulous job!! ???

Caroline set a fabulous goal of going the extra mile… err hundred miles? for this Spring100 and by the grace of God, she made it! Way to go!! ?? Finished out the challenge with a special treat…. Her dad’s homemade Salsa. Yum!!

Loved having the Halbach family for the 2020 SPring100 challenge!??

So fun to have Abigail M. join for her first and finish her first Spring100 and Nicki’s finished her final miles with a friend by her side. Way to go! ????

Great having the Johnson crew here for a second Spring100!! ??

The Ford family enjoying the final days of Spring100 together and with fellow Spring100ers! ??❤️

Amber G. enjoyed a beautiful hike after passing the 100 mile finish line for Spring100!! ?Way to go!!???

Congratulations Coral for finish 200 miles this Spring100! ?? It’s been a fun blessing having you part of the 2020 Challenge. ?

All smiles for Bethany + Rebekah D. and Elizabeth W. as they find themselves on the other side of the finish line. Way to go ladies!??

Tim + Tirzah getting in their last few miles together! ?? Love it!! ?

??Stephanie R. went above and beyond making it to 200 miles for this Spring100 and the Del + White family enjoying a fabulous group walk for the final week of Spring100! Great job to you all! ??

They made it!! Plocharczyk Family crossed the finish line 100 miles strong. WELL DONE! ????

Rachael and Celia C. sending in smiles as they find their way across the Spring100 finish line! ???

Great to see the Hensley family sticking with it to the end! Great job!! ???

Abigail W. Amanda S. and Hannah H. seeing eachother at the finish line! Fabulous job ladies! ??

Candace S. sending in a few smiles as they enjoy a nature hike for the final week of Spring100!!! ???

Love seeing Spring100er couples! ?❤️ Rebekah walked miles with her fiance many miles apart and Meg + Jonathan B. enjoying their Spring100 walks together! ???

Love seeing Ruth C’s creative and artist views for the final week of Spring100!! She’s crossed the 100 mile finish line and just kept running. 200 miles completed for this lady during the Spring100! ??❤️

Spring100 Finish line victory for these ladies! Loved these fun photos submitted by the Metzgers. WAY TO GO!!! ???‍♀️??‍♀️

Such a fun blessing to have the Fitzgerald Family in the 2020 Spring100!! ❤️

?Sheri C., Gita B., and Hannah G. blessed us with their participation and encouragement! They met the goal and crossed the finish line!! ?????

Final Spring100 walks call for a smoothie! Neely team conquering another year. Way to go! ????

The L. family pushed it out to the end!! Loved seeing 104 miles completed by this guy. GREAT JOB!!!!!!!! ??????‍♂️

Joy M. made it!!!!! She met her 100 mile goal and crossed the finish line!! So happy to see her here. ????❤️

Renfer sisters finishing out Spring100 with a 7 mile hike in the Trinity Alps! Well done ladies!!!!???

Because when you’ve crossed the finish line, you have to celebrate! ?? Barth Family and Silvey Ladies met their 100 mile goals. GREAT JOB! ????

Loved Melody’s view during her last “spring200” walk on the beach!! ????‍♀️ Way to go, Melody!! ??

Joel + Rebekah finishing out the final week and enjoying a walk together as they cross the finish line! Mary M. met her 200 mile goal. ???? GREAT JOB Y’all! ??

Pretty pleased to see Anna P. and her family do Spring100 together and overjoyed to see them cross the finish line! ? ???

These ladies made it!! Elizabeth F. and Nicki + Noelle crossing the finish line. Great job!!!????

Kylie (center) just finished her Spring100 miles with siblings Christal and Trenton! Fabulous job!! ??

Jen and Laura grabbing their final Spring100 walks together and Leah K. grabbed a sweet friend for a few miles!! So great having you all join.???‍♀️❤️

THANK YOU for joining the fun Spring100 community! It has been a tremendous joy to walk across the miles together as we encourage each other.  This has been a BIG and blessed group! Keep your eyes set on Jesus Christ, The Author, and Finisher of our faith and RUN with endurance! ???‍♀️

“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.  For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.”
Hebrews 12:1-3

Rachel @Spring100

Hi! I'm Rachel @Spring100 and Blogger at ShilohPhotography.com! As the founder of Spring100, it is my hope and prayer this challenge encouraged you forward in the strength of the Lord. I am looking forward to walking 100 miles with you this Spring! "For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light" Ephesians 5:8


  1. Reply

    Rachel M.

    June 22, 2020

    Woohooooo!!! ??? great job everyone!!! ?? it was so much fun to walk the spring100 this year and enjoy the (sometimes) lovely spring weather. Annnnd I made it to 304 miles which I’m super excited about. ? a HUGE thanks to Rachel for all the work she’s done to make this possible!!

    • Reply

      Mary Mieczkowski

      June 22, 2020

      Nice job, Rachel!!!

      • Reply

        Rachel M.

        June 23, 2020

        Thank you! ??

    • Reply


      June 22, 2020

      ??? 304 miles?!!!!! Way to go Rachel!!!!!!! ????
      Aw, thank you. It’s been a pleasure hosting! ??‍♀️? Praising the Lord for such a fabulous Spring100!

      • Reply

        Rachel M.

        June 23, 2020


    • Reply


      June 22, 2020

      Wow, congratulations, Rachel!!!

      • Reply

        Rachel M.

        June 23, 2020

        Thank you so much! ☺️☺️

  2. Reply

    Mary Mieczkowski

    June 22, 2020

    Great work, everyone!! So exciting to see you all cross the finish line!! 😀

    • Reply


      June 22, 2020


  3. Reply


    June 22, 2020

    Hooray!!!!!????????????? Congratulations to everyone of you who finished the Spring 100 goal, and to everyone of you who haven’t! Walking 100 miles in 94 days can be a tough challenge to some (perhaps more than we realize), and I am very proud of everyone who participated in the challenge, whether they finished, or not!???? A HUUUGGGEEE thank you to those who made a special effort to encourage fellow Spring100ers! It makes it so much easier, and much more enjoyable to do the challenge, knowing that others are cheering you on!

    And thank you so much, Rachel, for making this challenge! It is so fun, and it had blessed me greatly this spring! You are a blessing Rachel….. I appreciate you! ?

    • Reply


      June 22, 2020

      Thank you for being one of those Spring100 encouragers, Anna!!!

      Aw, praise the Lord! He is so faithful to use us to encourage each other!!??

      • Reply


        June 22, 2020


    • Reply


      June 22, 2020

      I agree with Rachel, Anna! Thanks for all your encouraging posts over the weeks! 🙂

      • Reply


        June 22, 2020

        Aww, thanks!

        And thank you, Sheri, for your encouraging comments as well!!!? You’ve been a blessing!

    • Reply

      Caroline Flournoy

      June 24, 2020

      Congratulations to you too Anna!!!!? You have been such an encouragement to everyone and I have really been blessed by all your encouraging words and verses!! thank you for encouraging others in the Lord and for cheering them on! ?and yes, it does make it easier, and much more enjoyable to do the challenge, knowing that others are cheering you on!?

  4. Reply


    June 22, 2020

    “He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”(Isaiah 40:29‭-‬31 )

  5. Reply

    Anna Montague

    June 22, 2020

    Great Job Everyone!
    Hasn’t this Spring 100 been so fun and rewarding?!

    • Reply


      June 22, 2020

      It truly has been, Anna!!! Thank you for being such a fabulous part of it. ☺️???‍♀️

    • Reply

      Caroline Flournoy

      June 24, 2020

      YES!!!! it has been so fun and rewarding!! 😀

  6. Reply

    Rachel Bryant

    June 22, 2020

    Thanks for hosting, this was a great reason to get out and run and walk with the family this Spring and we made a lot of fun memories!! I finished with just over 200 miles logged and next Spring I think I’ll shoot for 300.

    • Reply


      June 22, 2020

      Way to go!!!!!!!! Love hearing goals were reached and new ones are being set.????

  7. Reply


    June 22, 2020

    This has been a memorable Spring 100! I loved getting to know faces and names, and just the joy of walking with brethren from all over the US and a couple of other countries!!! It is truly invigorating to do it together!

    My deepest thanks to you, Rachel, for hosting the walk, and also to your wonderful family!

    • Reply


      June 23, 2020

      It’s been such a joy having YOU join us for another Spring100, Sheri! Thank you!! ??

  8. Reply


    June 22, 2020

    Thanks Rachel!! Fun doing the spring 100 this year!!! Got a lot of time in with Lucy while walking running talking laughing together during spring 100!! This has been great!!

    • Reply


      June 23, 2020

      So thankful to hve you and Lucy part of this year’s challenge!! Thank you, Becca for joining!! ??

  9. Reply

    Rebekah D.

    June 22, 2020

    Wow! There have been so many encouraging words and Bible verses that have been shared and we can remember all summer long. I so appreciate all the hard work and dedication you’ve all showed! Good job everyone!!!

    • Reply


      June 23, 2020


  10. Reply

    Caroline Flournoy

    June 22, 2020

    GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!!!!!!! You all did a fantastic job and even if you didn’t make it to 100 you still did the best you could and that’s a good thing. 🙂 and there’s always next year too to try it again!! 😀 I finished with 20 miles over 200 and I’m thinking about trying for 300 next year! 😀 It’s been a HUGE blessing to me!! Thank you SO MUCH Rachel for hosting it!!!! 😀 🙂 😀 😉 Thank you everyone for all the encouragement to everyone!!! It’s so nice to know that people are cheering you on. 😀 I’m going to continue walking/running even though this challenge is finished because this challenge has gotten me into the habit of walking and running and I really feel much better when I walk and run a lot!! I can tell the difference when I don’t walk at all for a few days…I don’t have as much energy and I get tired more easily… Great job everyone!!! I LOVED seeing all the pictures and the happy smiles!! 🙂 😀 🙂
    You ALL did an AMAZING job!!!! I encourage you to keep walking often and to do this challenge again next year!!! I’m planning on doing it next year!!! Thank you Rachel!! you’ve really blessed me with this challenge! 😀 🙂 😀

    ~Caroline Flournoy

    • Reply


      June 22, 2020

      You’ve done an OUTSTANDING job, Caroline!!!!! 220 miles is AMAZING!!!!

      Your comments are always so encouraging, and they have been an enormous blessing to me!!!! The verses you share are always perfect! Thank you for always being an encouragement! I’ll look forward to walking “with” you next year! ????

      • Reply

        Caroline Flournoy

        June 24, 2020

        Aw. thanks Anna. ? You did an AMAZING job as well!!!!!!!??
        YOUR comments are always So encouraging as well and they have been an enormous blessing to me!!!! The verses you share are always perfect! Thank you for always being an encouragement! I’ll look forward to walking “with” you next year too! ???? have a beautiful day!

    • Reply


      June 23, 2020

      Thank you Caroline for being a JOYFILLED participant and pushing yourself to finsih strong. You did a beautiful job and blessed so many with your encouragement! ???

    • Reply


      June 24, 2020

      Congrats, Caroline! Way-to-go! We walked about the same number of miles! (I stopped counting after 200.) Thanks for your cheerful presence this Spring 100!!

      • Reply

        Caroline Flournoy

        June 26, 2020

        Thanks Shericlaude! 😀 That’s neat that we walked about the same number of miles! 🙂
        Thanks for all your encouraging comments and for cheering everyone on! 🙂

        Let no corrupt word out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. Ephesians 4:29

        I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called. With all lowliness and gentleness, with long suffering, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:1-2

        Have a beautiful day rejoicing in our Lord and Savoir Jesus Christ! 😀

        • Reply


          June 27, 2020

          Amen! Thanks! You too!!

  11. Reply

    Caroline Flournoy

    June 22, 2020

    For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.1 Timothy 4:8

    • Reply


      June 24, 2020

      Of course, the word “little” here means “for a little time” which simply means that it isn’t eternal. The physical benefit of exercise lasts about 72 hours. Only spiritual things will last for an eternity. But good health and good stewardship of the bodies that God has blessed us with is important. I’m sure you know this, but just clarifying for any that might not know it! 🙂

      • Reply

        Caroline Flournoy

        June 26, 2020

        Amen! so true Shericlaude. 🙂 Yes! good health and stewardship of the bodies that God has given us is SO important! And I do feel better after exercising!

        In whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit. Ephesians 2:22

        Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

        • Reply


          June 27, 2020

          Amen!! Perfect, beautiful verses!

  12. Reply


    June 22, 2020

    Hard to believe we have reached the end of this challenge! It’s been wonderful to join in with everyone participating and to stay motivated. Great perseverance, all! Loved the video to wrap it all up. 🙂

    • Reply


      June 23, 2020

      Loved having you here for another Spring100, Hannah! THANK YOU ???

  13. Reply


    June 23, 2020

    Hooray!!! Congratulations to everyone who reached the end, and even to those who didn’t! I’m pretty sure everyone who signed up walked/ran more than they would have without the challenge! 😉 And I know that my family and I really enjoyed all the walks together. I’m glad I signed up for my first Spring100 this year, and I hope to participate again next year! 😀 Thank you so much for hosting it, Miss Rachel!!

    • Reply


      June 28, 2020

      Well done, Leona!!! Such a blessing to have you join the Spring100.?☺️??

  14. Reply


    June 23, 2020

    Loved the video – so great to see so many shining faces! What a great spring this has been! A huge congratulations to all who pushed thru various distractions and difficulties to finish strong!

    • Reply


      June 28, 2020

      ??☺️ It truly has been a great spring!!

  15. Reply

    Bethany Griggs

    June 25, 2020

    Congratulations to everyone who paricipated in the challenge!!! Whether or not you made it to the finish line, you still got to join people from all over the world in walking and be a part. ? Let’s continue our physical walking as a reminder to be full of faith in our spiritual walks!

    (For we walk by faith, not by sight:)
    2 Corinthians 5:7

  16. Reply


    June 23, 2021

    442.84 miles total!

    • Reply

      Rachel @Spring100

      July 15, 2021


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