Week 8!! || 100MileMonday

But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.
Proverbs 4:18

I hope each one of you had a fabulous weekend and I want to congratulate you making it through Week 8 of the SPRING100.? Way to go!! ?? As always, a super easy form to fill out below. ???? Log miles walked May4-May10th! ? If you have any questions at all in regards to the SPRING100, leave a comment below or send over an email to Spring100@shilohPhotography.com!

Spring100 MILE LOG



Featured Spring100 Photo by Spring100er Bronwyn!

“Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil.”
Proverbs 4:26-27

We have successfully completed week 8 of the Spring100 by God’s grace and entered into week 9!! ? Keep on going strong y’all! ?? Tonight I am going to keep this pretty short and sweet as we have tons of fun Mother’s Day Spring100 features with words from Fellow Spring100 participants to share below! ??? But I will leave y’all with this; continue pressing forward in this challenge and don’t give up! If you have finished your 100 miles, set bigger goals and see how many miles you can accomplish by God’s grace at the end of this challenge!! For the spiritual race we run, I am reminded of Proverbs 16:9 which fits perfectly into the walking theme as it says, “A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.”. Continue to commit your way to the Lord, surrender daily to His perfect will and run with endurance! As always, I am praying for each of you. Praying the Lord would encourage your hearts, renew your minds, and strengthen your bodies as you enjoy the Spring100 walks/runs. Continue forward in the strength of the Lord!! And to all the Spring100 mother’s out there, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY. ? ENJOY week 9! ??

Week 8 QUESTION! Are you walking/running a little bit every day, or taking longer walks just a few times per week? AND Do you have any walking tips for fellow Spring100ers who are slightly behind? Comment below and don’t forget to encourage other Spring100 participants!

??These posts are made possible by YOU!! Your photo submissions and comments make these post extremely fun and my job of putting them together super easy. Thank you! So with that being said, don’t leave without commenting and remember to send in your Spring100 walking/running photos + Videos to be featured! Next week we will have another Featured Video and I want to see you! Email Spring100@shilohPhotography.com and we will give you video submission instructions!

“To my Mama(Leah J Ohlhausen), who is walking the streets of gold with her LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. May I be a Godly woman you can be proud of. I love and miss you! “ Spring100 Linda O.

“Here is my photo for this week’s Spring 100! 😀 With my mum! I really enjoy taking walks with her and we’ve also been taking some drives together while listening to music! ;D” Spring100er Bronwyn

“Our Mother’s Day walk with our wonderful mom! I know on Mother’s Day, we tend to think of our moms, but I wanted to include my grandmother, my mom’s mom who lives in Alabama. I know my grandmother and my mom make mistakes( they wouldn’t be human if they didn’t), but I want to put their qualities together and be the best I can be for God I’m so grateful that God allowed them to be my mentors and to teach me how God wants me to be for Him.? Also on our Mother’s Day walk. My brothers are thankful for our mom bc as they firmly stated “ She is the best mom in the world!”” Spring100er Ashlyn H.

This is our last family photo, taken Easter 2018, exactly 1 month before our sweet Mama (with very short notice for us) saw Jesus face to face. We are so thankful for the patience, gentleness & love that Mama showed us, and the countless ways she continues to influence and impact our lives.” Spring100ers Ruth & Rebekah C.

“Gita is my spiritual mom, friend and sister. She loves me unconditionally, prays with me, cries with me, and rejoices with me. Isn’t that the mark of a true mother?” Spring100er Sheri C

“We appreciate our mom and the way that she has taught us to value a relationship with God and with each other.  Thank you, mom, for everything you do for us!” Spring100er Kaitlyn R.

“I am so thankful that the Lord has gracefully made me a mother!  Daily, He shows me His faithfulness by providing all that I need for this amazing assignment.  One of my daughters, Serena, is doing the Spring100 Challenge with me.” Spring100er Dawn D.

“We are so, so thankful to have a mom who loves us and loves the Lord. She is a huge blessing, godly example, and best friend to each one of us. ❤️ “Her children rise up and call her blessed…”Proverbs 31:28 Spring100ers The Haab Family

“Enjoying a Mother’s Day walk with my dear mother and sisters. I am so blessed to have a mother who loves the Lord with all her heart and I appreciate how she has sought to instill that love in each one of her children. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! ?” Spring100er Amanda S.

“My mom gives of herself daily, not only to her husband and children, but in faithfully caring for her own elderly mother. Her service and love outshines the flowers behind us.” Spring100er Hannah G.

“There are two qualities in particular that I admire most about our Mom – throughout our childhood, she took every opportunity to teach my siblings and I to love God’s Word and she is a prayer warrior for her family. Her example of taking everything (large or small) to God through prayer has made such an impact on our lives! Her wise counsel and prayerful spirit are a daily blessing to me and my siblings!” Spring100er Hannah H. 

“Motherhood is the hardest/challenging job ever but also the most rewarding joyful blessing!   ❤” Spring100er Rebecca D.

“Thankful to have one of my sons, Jacob, join me for a Mother’s Day Spring 100 Walk.  This morning at church six of my kids sang “I Have Been Blessed”, and I truly have been blessed through 27 years of being a mother.” Spring100er Mrs. Silvey

“Me and my mom walking together…happy mother’s day!! I love you mom! And i hope all the mother’s out there had a blessed mother’s day!!” Spring100er Nicki S.

“On a day for celebrating mothers I am definitely celebrating mine! God has blessed me with a mom who is not only my mother but also my friend and I love her so much <3” Spring100er Julia L.

 “I’m so thankful for this special day set apart to celebrate our mothers.♥ What a priceless blessing my mother is to us…her love, dedication and sacrifice is such a beautiful example to me!” Spring100er Martha Joy B.

“One thing I appreciate about my Mom is that she is very loving and always makes sure we have what we need and she loves God. ? AND she home schools me and all of my 11(and one more on the way!) siblings!!.Wow!? I love you Mom! ???Thanks for everything you’ve taught me!” Spring100er Caroline F.

“I appreciate my mother, because she is always patient with me and my sister. I don’t understand how she can be so patient! ? I love you Mom, and I hope to be as good of a mother as you are some day! ❤️” Spring100er Anna D.

“I am so blessed to call this lovely lady, my Mom!? I could say lots more, but in short…. I am blessed and inspired by her Faith in our Lord, her Love and Care for family and all she comes across, her Wisdom and Knowledge of the Word, and her Perseverance and vision of Hope for God’s greater work to be done on the earth! All that to say, I am so thankful for the privilege of growing up under her care and many prayers (cause Lord knows she needed Jesus to care for me (and my siblings of course??)) and I hope that the fruit of her labors are multiplied greatly for generations to come! Also, may each of you reading this be blessed in the Lord and remember the goodness of our greatest inheritance – Jesus Christ – no matter your earthly circumstances! ?Happy Mother’s Day Monday!” Spring100er Ruth C.

“So blessed to walk with our mom (who is also doing spring 100!) ❤️ She is an amazing example to us and we admire her in so many ways!! ?” Spring100er Anna P.

The Halbach Family enjoying a Fabulous Spring100 walk for this Mother’s Day week! ????

DeLadurantey Family seeing some great views as they grab a Spring100 Mother’s day week walk! ??

“Thank You Mama for being a wonderful example to us kids!!we love you so much!!” Spring100ers Palazzolo Family

I’m a mother of 3 and grandmother of 3. Photo of me walking near our home in Connecticut.” Spring100er Donna — So happy to have you join the Spring100 this year, Donna! ??

Mother-Daughter walking team Celesta and Audrey Kate enjoying week 8! Deborah S. is soaking up some Mother’s Day Sunshine and enjoying a Spring100 walk with her family! ?

“Anne J. with daughter, Lori C., and grandchildren.  The cousins picked dewberries and wildflowers on our walk.” Spring100er Anne J.

“Enjoying a Mother’s Day hike around a nearby reservoir. Just some of the Rojas Clan ?” Spring100ers Rojas Family

“Love my mom because she is so nice!!???” Spring100er Lydia D.

Bassett family and Hoverson Ladies checking in for week 8!! ????

A sweet Spring100 walk on the beach for the Ford Ladies this Mother’s Day week! ?

The Cahill Family enjoying a lovely evening walk as they make their way to the Spring100 finish line!???

Kendalyn was blessed to have the entire family out for a Spring100 walk this Mother’s day week!!???

And yes, my family made it out for a after-dinner Mother’s Day stroll! HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to each one of you. Continue the good work in the Lord!! Your labor in the Lord is not in vain. ? “be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58

Happy to see the Herron Family back for another year of Spring100 and conquering Week 8 together????! Great job!!

Kyra + Rachael enjoying precious sibling time and tackling miles!! Way to go, ladies! ???

Spring100ers Catherine, Jake, and Basil conquering week 8!! ?? Keep up the great work y’all!

Y’all, give Anna P. a round of applause! She just finished her 100 miles! Barbara’s enjoying snow in… May?! Her spring100 walks have been on the colder side this week but that won’t stop her from getting her miles in! Great job ladies!??

Hannah G. happy to be enjoying week 8 of the Spring100!! Great job, Hannah! ????

Some lovely sights from fellow Spring100er Ashlyn and Ruth’s Spring100 walks for week 8!!?

Elisabeth L. enjoying some cool weather by the Mississippi here in Minnesota for week 8 of the Spring100!! ????

Becca + Lucy grabbing their week 8 miles together and Sarah’s helping her niece grab an extra mile for the Spring100! ??

Elissa J says “A friend and I logging our miles on a sunny yet empty CA beach.” Great job, Elissa! ????

Elizabeth W. says, “Celebrating finishing 100 miles this week!! ?” CONGRATULATIONS Elizabeth!! Y’all, give her a little congratulations in the message box!! ?? Rebekah C. and her fiance are trekking miles together from hundreds of miles away via WhatsApp! So fun!???

Emmi and I met up with Joel during our evening Spring100 mile this past week! Always fun to grab a lap or two with him! ????

“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”
Matthew 7:13-14

Rachel @Spring100

Hi! I'm Rachel @Spring100 and Blogger at ShilohPhotography.com! As the founder of Spring100, it is my hope and prayer this challenge encouraged you forward in the strength of the Lord. I am looking forward to walking 100 miles with you this Spring! "For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light" Ephesians 5:8


  1. Reply


    May 11, 2020

    Loving this spring 100 challenge! I’ve been getting my miles in by trying to walk everyday possible! With being in my third trimester of pregnancy, that works better than doing fewer bigger chunks of distance at a time. ? I’m absolutely loving the accountability and motivation to exercise leading up to giving birth!
    Thanks for doing this!❤️

    • Reply


      May 17, 2020

      THANK YOU for joining!! It’s been a pleasure having you. ????

  2. Reply

    Caroline Flournoy

    May 11, 2020

    Wow! Great job everyone! Congratulations to Elizabeth W and to Anna P. for completeing your100 miles! 🙂 way to go! 🙂
    I don’t really have a set schedule for my walking and running…I just go out whenever I have time to. 🙂 I try to walk/run at least 2 miles every time I go out so I just walk as much as I can, whenever I can, and however much I’ve walked at the end of the week I go with it! 😉 XD I usually end up walking almost every day so I usually have more than 7 miles at the end of the week but it’s really fun and I love it! 🙂 I would say to SPRING100ers who are behind on there walking and running to maybe set aside certain times in their day to walk/run and walk/run several miles at once at that time and to just press on and remember that the Lord will give you the Strength you need to complete the challenge! It may seem like you won’t be able to make but YOU CAN DO IT!! just keep running with endurance! I loved all the Mother’s day pictures and all the sweet messages. 🙂 Happy running and walking for week 9 everyone! 🙂 I can’t believe it’s been 9 weeks already! Well, they say time flies when you’re having fun and I’m definitely having fun so… 😉 XD 🙂 Have a blessed week everyone and keep pressing towards the finishe line. 🙂 …THE JOY OF THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH!

    ~Caroline Flournoy

    • Reply

      Bethany Griggs

      May 11, 2020

      That is great advice, Caroline!! I think that it would also be helpful or those who are behind to put your time for walking at a time of day where you enjoy being outside. When you pick a time of day when the weather is usually nice (chilly if you like chilly, or warmer if that’s what you prefer), then you will have more motivation to get out there.

      We can look to God for help with our spiritual and physical needs!!

      Seek the Lord and HIS STRENGTH, seek his face continually. I Chronicles 16:11

      • Reply

        Caroline Flournoy

        May 13, 2020

        Yes Bethany! that is great advice as well! 🙂 I’ve been blessed with lots of beautiful weather for my walking and running but there are some people who have been walking when it’s snowing!! :0 The coldest I’ve had to walk in was 25 degrees. 🙂 But yes, it’s much easier to want to go and walk/run your miles when it’s nice weather outside. I totally agree with that! 🙂 Have a nice day and happy walking/running! 🙂 🙂 ~Caroline Flournoy

  3. Reply

    Hannah G

    May 11, 2020

    I didn’t see the email about giving a word of thankfulness about our Moms until this morning, so I will leave my comment here. I’m thankful for how my mom has taken such good care of us through the years and sacrificed so much for us, especially these last few years as I was doing online college. She took up the slack on the housework so I would have plenty of time to study. Thank you, Mom!
    Good work to everyone this week! I walk at least a little bit every day. If I get behind during the week, I take some longer walks to catch up. For those who are behind, I would say try to walk a little extra each day until you are caught up! Keep pressing on. There’s still time to catch up!

  4. Reply


    May 11, 2020

    I’m trying to walk every day, but there have been days where I slipped or just didn’t get 1.1 miles done, so I’ve gotten quite behind.

    • Reply

      Caroline Flournoy

      May 11, 2020

      Don’t worry! you can do it! 🙂 Maybe you could try to walk more than 1.1 miles (maybe 2 miles) for just a couple days a week and 1.1 miles all the rest of the days of the week and that way you will slowly start catching up. 🙂 but seriously. just don’t worry and keep pressing on and it will be easier than you think it will be. 🙂 I didn’t think that I could do it when I first started because our family had a LOT of really busy things going on (including a rather large construction project) but I would just MAKE time for it and it has been so much easier than I thought it would be! 🙂 anyway. just keep going! And let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. ~Caroline Flournoy~15~

      • Reply


        May 17, 2020

        Isn’t it amazing how time flies by during the Spring100?! Thank you Caroline. Your comments always bless my day!! ??

    • Reply


      May 11, 2020

      Hi! My sister actually wasn’t able to start Spring 100 until April 1st due to just having a surgery in March. She has been able to catch up very well! There is still a good month left and you can do this!! I’m cheering you on!! 🙂

    • Reply

      Bethany Griggs

      May 12, 2020

      There is still plenty of time left to catch up!! If you can just do a little extra each day, you’ll be caught back up before you know it. 🙂

      That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;
      Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness.
      Colossians 1:10-11

    • Reply


      May 12, 2020

      Don’t give up!! ?❤️ We have many participants who are just now starting due to work scheduled or overcoming an injury. You got this!! ???
      “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians‬ ‭4:13‬ ‭‬‬

    • Reply


      May 12, 2020

      Don’t give up! I KNOW you can do it! Maybe try doubling up…. And , perhaps, once you catch up, you could do about 2.2 miles every other day? That might make it easier. ? I believe in you! Keep up the GREAT work!!!!!!!!

      • Reply


        May 18, 2020

        Oh wow, I just saw everyone’s kind comments. Thank you all!

        • Reply


          May 18, 2020

          Not a problem! Please don’t give up! I know you can do it! I know it’s easier for some people than it is others, but with a bit of work anyone can do it! You just have to find a way that works well for you, and keep it up. You’ll be at 100 miles in no time!

  5. Reply


    May 11, 2020

    Loved seeing everyone’s Mother’s Day pictures and messages! So sweet! ? I do a mixture of walking and running everyday; I do double on Saturday so I can have a day of rest on Sunday.

    • Reply


      May 12, 2020

      Fabulous idea on doubling up on Saturday, Amanda! ?

  6. Reply

    Mary Mieczkowski

    May 11, 2020

    Congratulations, Elizabeth and Anna, for reaching 100 miles!! Keep up the great work, everyone! I generally walk 2+ miles every day in order to reach my goal of 200 miles by the first day of summer 😀

    • Reply


      May 11, 2020

      Thank you!
      That’s a great goal! When did you complete 100 miles? I may try for 200 as well!

      • Reply

        Mary Mieczkowski

        May 11, 2020

        I reached 100 miles during week 7. Honestly 200 miles doesn’t seem terribly hard to attain now that the first 100 miles are behind me!

    • Reply


      May 12, 2020

      @Mary ?? we will have to start the Spring500 for you! ?

      • Reply


        May 12, 2020

        Yes please! A Spring500 would be amazing! 😉

      • Reply


        May 12, 2020

        ???????? Fabulous idea!!!?

  7. Reply


    May 11, 2020

    Been having fun running/walking/jogging these miles! (A lot with my sister Lucy too!) It’s been taking quicker since I’m jogging for a longer distance! So nice to see Gods wonderful creation!! ??❤️ Thankful for the strength He gives to accomplish the miles!?

    “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”
    ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭27:1‬
    “Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.”
    ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭27:14‬
    These verses have so encouraged me lately!?

    • Reply


      May 12, 2020

      LOOOOOOOVE those verses!!!! Thank you, Becca!! ?❤️??‍♀️

  8. Reply


    May 11, 2020

    We like to try to walk 1 mile morning and afternoon on the weekdays. If we get behind, we try to walk two or three miles for our afternoon walks. We let each of us take a turn picking the route, and then they get to hold the phone, which has the mileage tracker on it, and make sure we are going the right pace and calculate our route. They Love to get to be the mile tracker! If you are behind, don’t be discouraged, just press on toward the finish line!

    • Reply


      May 12, 2020

      Love your walking routine, Abigail!!! ???

  9. Reply

    Kina Lamb

    May 11, 2020

    Great job Anna!!!!! Yahoo! 😀 😀

  10. Reply


    May 11, 2020

    Way to go, Elizabeth and Anna! 🙂

  11. Reply


    May 11, 2020

    Linda, Ruth and Rebecca, thanks for sharing your moms with us. They are now walking where Jesus walks. I can think of nothing better than that pure joy, but I know you miss your moms, so thanks for sharing your emotional journey with us.

    Rebekah, I also loved the heart on the pavement, and your fiancée’s pic in the corner. So fun! Congratulations!

    Again, the pictures are all beautiful! It was sometimes hard to pick out the moms from all the daughters! 😉

    So, how to persevere? Like anything else that you hope to finish, you must commit to doing it. Take a look again at Gita in my picture. She will be 99 years-old on June 5. She committed herself to walking 3 miles a day, rain or shine, hot or cold, back in 1994.

    Please permit me to tell you a story:

    Gita fled her country of Estonia on the day it fell to Russia. The date was 9-22-1944. She was 22 years old, and fled on a hospital ship filled with wounded soldiers, with her husband and brother, the last of her family. The next morning, the ship was torpedoed by Russian planes and sank in only 7 minutes, taking hundreds of souls to their graves. The planes circled back around and machine-gunned survivors in the water. They missed Gita, though she tells me the bullets looked red as they passed by her face. She was one of only a few survivors; her husband and brother died on that day.

    Four hours later, a German submarine found Gita’s life ring floating in the frigid Baltic Sea, and rescued everyone that clung to the life ring. She was taken to Poland with absolutely nothing except the dress she was wearing. Even her shoes had fallen off in the water. Eventually she found herself in a slave labor camp in Vienna, Austria, being photographed with a number that had been placed around her neck. The photographer was called out of the room, and warned her not to leave. Confused, she disobeyed, and when she stepped into the yard, she saw rolled barbed wire fencing and guard towers. Nazi guards with rifles stood in the towers.

    Then she heard two women speaking Estonian, and approached them in amazement. They told her to walk between them and say nothing, and they walked her out the guarded gate, paid her trolley fare, and sent her to the person that she had been looking for. Even free, Gita would never have found the woman because she had changed her name and told no one her real name. But Gita’s rescuers knew it well enough to even write down her address! When Gita got on the trolley, she turned to thank the women, but they were gone. Angels? Gita and I think so. When Gita showed up at her friend’s flat, the woman was shocked. She told Gita she knew no one, and hadn’t told anyone her old name.

    By the grace of God, Gita survived numerous bombings, starvation and disease, and married an American officer. Back in 1994, she lost her husband to gangrene, then she had an operation for colon cancer. When she had recovered enough, her young grandson encouraged her to walk by literally pushing her from behind.

    When she could walk on her own, she just did it, no matter what. So, in the past 25 years, she has logged about 30,000 miles!!!. I’ve joined her for most of them. Only this past year has she slowed down. Some days she only walks 1 or 2 miles. But she does what she can.

    Commit, and stay committed. You CAN do it!

    • Reply


      May 12, 2020

      Wow…. ??Gita’s testimony If God’s grace is such a blessing!! Thank you for sharing, Sheri!! ??

  12. Reply

    Lydia D.

    May 11, 2020

    Yayyy Anna and Elizabeth!!!!!!!! AWESOME JOB! 😀

    I loved seeing all the awesome pictures, and the wonderful things you all wrote about your mothers! 🙂

    I normally do a long one versus walking everyday.

    • Reply


      May 17, 2020

      Keep up the great walking, Lydia!!! ???

  13. Reply


    May 11, 2020

    Congratulations Anna and Elizabeth on completing 100 miles already!!! Great job!!

    I walk 1-2 miles every day, and if I miss a day I just do a little extra the following days/week to make up for it. To those who are behind – you can do this! It doesn’t take much to commit 30 – 40 minutes each day to walking, and if you consistently do that, you’ll see those miles start to add up!! When I’ve gotten behind and had to make up for a lot of extra miles, I found I could do double what I normally did if I walked a mile in the morning, and then again in the afternoon/evening, so it got broken up and didn’t seem so overwhelming.

    Loved seeing everybody’s pictures this week! ?

    • Reply


      May 17, 2020

      Love your walking routine and tips for catching up!!! Thank you, Sarah! ??

  14. Reply


    May 12, 2020

    At first we were walking 3 miles every day except for Sunday. Now, since we’ve already completed 100 miles, we’ve just been walking 3 miles a couple days during the week.:)

    My tip for those who got behind would be: First of all, don’t give up! YOU can DO it!!!!!! Next, maybe try walking several times a day (if you can make time for that), and/or walk several miles at a time. If you can make time, do it every day, and you’ll see that you’re catching up rather quickly! ? Whatever you do, don’t give up…. I believe in you! I KNOW you can do it, it’ll just take a bit of work! ? Keep up all the good work y’all!!!

    • Reply


      May 17, 2020

      FABULOUS encouragement, ANNA!

      • Reply


        May 17, 2020

        Aww!. Thanks! I really don’t want the others to get discouraged and quit! I know they can do it. ☺️

  15. Reply

    Martha Joy

    May 12, 2020

    Oh, it’s so fun to see so many familiar faces from near and far! *Waves* to the Silvey ladies, Anna, Catherine, Jake and Basil, AND the Palazzolos!!!! ? Great job, EVERYONE!!! Wow, and *congratulations* to Elizabeth and Anna on already completing your 100 miles!!!!!?

    One way we enjoy grabbing our miles is by heading out for a mile or two after supper. It makes for an enjoyable evening together.♥ Early on in the challenge, somedays I was running in the mornings and then walking in the evenings, which helps get extra miles in. For anyone behind, keep going!!!! Through Christ’s strength, you can do it!!? One fun way to grab extra miles, is to gather family members together, or even have a friend over, and walk a long distance! Some of us recently walked four miles together with a friend, which made for fun memory-making PLUS you can log those miles together! 🙂

    Keep pressing onward and upward towards the finish line, looking unto Jesus!!!

    • Reply


      May 17, 2020

      I love your after dinner walks! It is really just a beautiful time of day to enjoy. 🙂 Thank you for the encouragement, Martha Joy!! ???

Leave a comment and make my day! :)