Week 10 || 100MileMonday

Y’all, we’ve just made it through week 10 of the Spring100!! ?? We have less than 30 days left in this challenge and I am so excited to see each of you cross the finish line! ?? NOW is the time to log your mileage for WEEK 10! Super easy form to fill out below. We are logging for May 18th-24th! So add up those miles when filling out the form! ? If you have any questions at all in regards to the SPRING100, leave a comment below or send over an email to Spring100@shilohPhotography.com!

Spring100 MILE LOG



Featured Photographer Anna P.

“But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.”
Proverbs 4:18

I loooooooove seeing so many of you choosing unique destinations for this past week’s Spring100 walks!?⛰?? When I saw Anna P’s photo come in last week my mind was instantly taken to Proverbs 4:18, “But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day”. Tonight as I get all the fun walking photos for week 10 of the Spring100 prepared I am blessed by the truth that as children of the Lord God, our path brightly lit before us! ?? The Lord does not leave us walking in the dark nor does He leave us to be our own guides. In Ps 48:14 it says, “For this God is our God for ever and ever: He will be our guide even unto death.” And we are told in Job 23:10, “The Lord knows the paths that we take…” He leads us by the hand(Is 41:13) and as we trust in and acknowledge Him, “He shall direct thy paths.” (Proverb 3:5-6). “And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.” Isaiah 30:21! So with a bit of encouragement from God’s Word, who is ready to conquer week 11 of the SPRING100? I am seeing so many cross the finish line and excited to see the rest of you hit that 100 mile goal!!?????‍♀️

QUESTION: What is your LEAST favorite weather to walk/run the Spring100 in???‍♀️☀️☔️? Comment below with your answer and don’t forget to encourage other Spring100 participants!

??These posts are made possible by YOU!! Your photo submissions and comments make these post extremely fun and my job of putting them together super easy. Thank you! So with that being said, don’t leave without commenting and remember to send in your Spring100 walking/running photos + Videos to be featured! Next week we will have another Featured Video and I want to see you! Email Spring100@shilohPhotography.com and we will give you video submission instructions!

CONGRATULATIONS to JOE M. for making it to the 100 mile mark this post week! FABULOUS finishing photo.????

⛰Bother-Sister Backpacking trip for Power Siblings and Hannah M captured this photo during a Sibling walk during week 10! ??

We are thankful that even though we have to walk inside due to the virus, we still have each other. – the Templetons from Izmir, Turkey ?” LOVE THIS! Great job, Templeton Family!!????

Caroline reached 100!!! ??❤️? Way to go!! She’s enjoying a week 10 walk with little sister Samantha and jumping a few puddles while they are at it! ☔️?

Rachel and Solomon enjoying a Spring100 hike in the Red Rocks for week 10!!⛰??

Rachel B. was blessed to have her family visit from Texas(also Spring100ers) and they grabbed their miles together! ???

Rebecca & Sydney looking fabulous grabbing miles and enjoying a hike for week 10 of the Spring100!?‍♀️??‍♀️

Elisha E. catching up for lost miles during week 10!! Great job!! Kristin enjoyed a river walk with sweet friend Ruth this past week. Way to go ladies! ??❤️

The Silvey ladies enjoying a walk this week with the Harbours, fellow Spring100ers! ?????

Charis and Chloe all smiles! After a recovering from a broken leg, Charis is super happy to be walking again. ?? Elizabeth and Kina got together for a wedding and grabbed a Spring100 mile together! ????

Lydia & Ruth having blast tackling their week 10 miles together!! ??‍♀️?

Julia L. captured these photos during a Spring100 walk! Love what she had to say, “It’s amazing what can happen in a matter of days – I took the picture of the Black-eyed Susan (?) bud on a walk last week. Three or four days later the same bud had fully unfolded! (that’s the two updated black eyed Susan pictures). It reminded me of the story of Christ – He went from a crucified “criminal” crowned with thorns to the risen, conquering King crowned with glory in just three days! ” Amen! ??

The Thenhaus catching some miles with sweet friends in the Rocky Mountains for week 10!! ???

Katie R. enjoying miles with her good friend Grace W. via Phone Call and Ruth, Joel, and Emmi grabbed their miles in wet Texas for week 10!! ??‍♂️??‍♀️??

Elisabeth A. checking in for week 10!! Walking her miles with sweet company.??❤️

The Sullivan & Metzger ladies enjoying Spring100 walking time together!! ??

The Haabs are saying “Hello” for week 10!! Enjoying their miles together????.

Linda O. says, “Bucky arrived Tuesday, interrupting my walk.” How adorable!! ? Great job, Linda!

Richelle H. checking in for week 10 and Jen and Laura D enjoying a gorgeous morning walk! Keep up the great work!!??‍♀️??

Calia C says ” last run with my sis Anna before she gets married!!!” Congratulations!! Jonathon and Meg B. enjoying their miles together for week 10.????

Lydia, Hannah, and Bethany enjoyed an early morning birthday walk for week 10!! Happy Birthday ??

The Hensley Family enjoy a beautiful beach view for week 10 Spring100 walks!! ?????

The Hoverson Ladies reached ? miles!!! ?????? Great job ladies!!!!?

The sweet Moody ladies enjoying a Sunday evening walk for week 10 and Gabrielle C. strolling the lake and grabbing her Spring100 miles! ??❤️

Hannah G. checking in for week 10 of the Spring100!! Keep up the fabulous work, Hannah! ???

Deborah S. did it!! She reached her 100 mile goal and crossed the finish line! ??‍♀️? Way to go!!! ???

Laura B. sent in these fabulous photos!! They are conquering week 10 and enjoying lovely sights while they are at it. ?

Emma H enjoying a walk down on the Big Creek Park Greenway for week 10!! ????

The Barth family says, “A couple of us have only 10 miles left!!!?? It’s been so fun doing this challenge with our siblings!????” Way to go y’all!! ? Almost there!! ??

Rojas family enjoying a hike with extended family in Alabama this Memorial Day weekend and Elisabeth L grabbing a warm walk b the train tracks in Minneapolis! ?‍♂️??‍♀️??

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Lydia M. sent this gorgeous sight from her Spring100 walk!! She says,”Enjoying this beautiful spring weather and the gorgeous flowering trees in our front yard! ?” Great photo, Lydia!!

Texas sun has gotten HOT this week! Grace is keeping covered and walking in style for week 10. ?? Elizabeth F. encouraging us and pressing toward the finish live! Great job, Ladies! ?

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Plocharczyk family checking in for week 10!! They say, “Our youngest sister passed the 100 mile mark this week! We have all been encouraged as we press toward the finish line and more importantly the “mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:14) ” Praise the Lord!!!!! Fabulous job y’all!! ????️

Texas weather has been beautiful for week 10! When rain was predicted, sunny sunsets came in it’s place. I have been enjoying every Spring100 walk and pray you all have been too! Keep up the fabulous work everyone. We are so close to the finish line!! ??‍♀️❤️

“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Hebrews 12:1-2

Rachel @Spring100

Hi! I'm Rachel @Spring100 and Blogger at ShilohPhotography.com! As the founder of Spring100, it is my hope and prayer this challenge encouraged you forward in the strength of the Lord. I am looking forward to walking 100 miles with you this Spring! "For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light" Ephesians 5:8


  1. Reply

    Abigail Maxwell

    May 25, 2020

    My least favorite weather is when it is burning hot with no breeze! Hope everyone is having a wonderful day! We are getting so close to the finish line!

    • Reply


      May 25, 2020

      I hope you enjoy breezy cool walks in the days ahead, Abigail!! ✨?? Almost there!!

  2. Reply

    Caroline Flournoy

    May 25, 2020

    Congratulations on all the great work for week 10 everyone!!!! My least favorite weather for walking in is HOT weather…it has been in the high 80s here in Ohio the last few days so I’ve been mostly walking in the evenings when it’s cooled down a little bit. 🙂 ;D 🙂
    I get hot really easily so it’s not very fun to walk in really hot weather… 🙁 I prefer weather in the 50s and 60s. 🙂 I finished my 100 miles this week and now I’m trying to get to 200 before June 20th! 😀 we’ll see how many I can get! 🙂 Keep up all the AMAZING work everyone!! 😀 I know you can get to the finish line!! Let the Joy of the Lord be your strength! You can do it! …I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14. Happy walking/running for week 11 everyone!! .
    ~Caroline Flournoy 🙂

    • Reply

      Kina Lamb

      May 25, 2020

      Loved the puddle pictures Caroline!! ???

    • Reply


      May 25, 2020

      Way to go, Caroline!!!! I love your 200 mile goal. That is fabulous!!??? Praying the Lord gives you the strength and cooler days to accomplish the 200 miles. ??

  3. Reply


    May 25, 2020

    My least favorite weather is when it is below 60 degrees and cold!! It was anywhere from 30-50 degrees for a good five weeks out of Spring 100 so far! Now, it is BEAUTIFUL and most certainly my favorite weather (70-80 degrees!) Love this season! <3

    Great job to everyone this week!! Keep pressing on!

    -Anna P.

    • Reply


      May 25, 2020

      ???I’m so glad someone else loves warm weather walks!!???

  4. Reply

    Abigail Warkentin

    May 25, 2020

    My least favorite weather is definitely HEAT!! I love that spring is FINALLY here (in Canada it’s always a long time coming!), but I try to either run early in the morning, or in the evening! And I got to 100 miles last week, but I forgot to take a photo? GREAT JOB EVERYONE!! WE’RE ALMOST THERE!!??

    • Reply


      May 25, 2020

      Well done, Abigail!!!! Congratulations!!??

  5. Reply


    May 25, 2020

    My least favorite weather…… Hmm….. Probably a tie between the Texas afternoon heat and rain. ??

    For all the other sign Spring100ers, you can do it! Congratulations to those who have already completed their 100 miles. And to those who are still going, whethet right on track or even behind….. Don’t give up! Keep going, walk whenever you can, and you’ll start speeding along. ? Keep up the good work y’all!??

    • Reply


      May 25, 2020

      Loooooove the encouragement, Anna!! It’s so true. So much time to catch up if you’re behind!!! One mile at a time. ??

      • Reply


        May 25, 2020

        Speaking of rain……I just got drenched from head to toe after walking around the house and retrieving a frightened kitten ??️??

  6. Reply

    Mary Mieczkowski

    May 25, 2020

    My least favorite weather is either hail or extreme heat 😀 Michigan has really warmed up this past week to almost 90 degrees! I will be doing most of my walking this week in the evenings 🙂

    • Reply


      May 25, 2020

      ??y’all had a heat wave!!! Is it normal to be that warm in Michigan this time of year?? Great idea walking evenings!! ???

  7. Reply


    May 25, 2020

    My least favorite weather to walk in for the Spring100 is in the 30s with blowing snow! xD Thankfuly we haven’t had that for over a month now! It’s been fairly hot recently, making it up to the 80s this week. 🙂 Keep pressing on everyone!

    • Reply


      May 25, 2020

      ??? that would be my least favorite too! Enjoy the warmer walk, Hannah!! ?

  8. Reply

    Sarah Silvey

    May 25, 2020

    My least favorite weather to walk in would be rain. A rainy day is much more likely to keep me inside than a hot day would!

    Keep up the great work everybody! Loved all the pictures this week! ?

    • Reply


      May 25, 2020

      Hope you enjoy many dry spring walks in the days ahead!! ??

  9. Reply


    May 25, 2020

    My least favorite weather to walk in would be ice… but we don’t have that in Texas spring so I think I’ll say 90-100 degrees. ?

    • Reply


      May 25, 2020

      ?one of the blessings of Texas life, no need for snow jackets or ice scrapers…. usually! ? Keep is the great work, Elisha!! ?

  10. Reply


    May 25, 2020

    My least favorite weather? Torrential downpour thunder storms! The rain can be so heavy that you can’t see very far. Mix that with scary bolt lightning, and it isn’t a nice time to be out walking. We try to avoid walking on those days, but sometimes we get caught by one that sneaks up on us.

    Congratulations to Joe, Caroline, Deborah and Abigail for finishing 100 miles!!!

    Loved the gorgeous pictures this week! Red Rocks, flowers, sky, rainbow, lake, Canada geese, mare with her cute foal, and all the smiling faces! Beautiful! Thanks for sharing your joy with us!

    • Reply


      May 25, 2020

      ⛈⚡️ Eeew! I can see how that wouldn’t be pleasant to walk in.?❤️ May your walks be filled with dry ground and clear skies!

      • Reply


        May 26, 2020

        Your reply made me smile…dry ground and clear skies. Indeed, being caught in a squall requires shelter of any sort as quickly as possible, or rescue by a passing motorist. But I have some fond memories of sheltering in unlikely places from storms. 🙂

        • Reply


          May 28, 2020

          ?? Sometimes those unexpected showers and quickly found shelters offer a little walking excitement! ?

  11. Reply

    Linda Ohlhausen

    May 25, 2020

    My least favorite weather to walk in, is hands down humidity/muggy! I can handle heat, in fact I love warm/hot weather! (its a good thing I live in Texas!;) But when its muggy soupy out, I try to stay inside.
    Keep up the great work y’all!!! We’re almost there!

    • Reply


      May 25, 2020

      Eeeww! I forgot about that weather! That is DEFINITELY my least favorite….???

    • Reply


      May 25, 2020

      Heheh, you wouldn’t love being here the past week! It’s been pretty humid. ? Keep up the great work, Linda! ??‍♀️?

  12. Reply


    May 25, 2020

    My least favorite is the rain. I don’t like getting wet!

    • Reply


      May 25, 2020

      Hope you enjoy dry walks for the rest of SPring100, Lindsey!! ☀️

  13. Reply

    Lydia Jael

    May 26, 2020

    My least favorite weather to walk in?! Humid weather!! ?????? Everyone looks so energized! Love it.? Keep up all the good work fellow walkers! Praying the Lord blesses each and every one of you with strength and joy as we near the finish line!????❤️

    • Reply


      May 28, 2020

      Hehe, you’ve gotten a few of those walking days this year! ??? Keep up the great work, Lydia!!?

    • Reply


      May 29, 2020

      Lydia, are you one of Rachel’s sisters? Y’all look a lot alike

      • Reply


        May 30, 2020

        Yes! Both Lydia and Ruth are two of Rachel’s sisters. 🙂

        • Reply


          May 30, 2020

          Aha! ? I should pay more attention to her posts…. I would have known that sooner ?

        • Reply


          May 31, 2020

          ?? right on!

  14. Reply

    Jen Danner

    May 26, 2020

    My least favorite is raining. If it’s chilly, I’m ok! I’ll put on another layer. But we’ve had a few days of down pour and we just had to wait until it cleared up. Now a good misting is ok. 🙂

  15. Reply


    May 26, 2020

    My least favorite weather is when it’s really wet and muddy, and my favorite is when it’s windy!

    • Reply


      May 28, 2020

      Oooh! Windy walks are fun as long as your hair is pulled back. ?? Happy walking to you!! ?

  16. Reply


    May 26, 2020

    My least favorite weather is when it’s wet and muddy, and my favorite is when it’s windy out!

    • Reply


      May 26, 2020

      Oops, didn’t mean to do it twice! ?

  17. Reply

    Rebekah D.

    May 26, 2020

    I would say my least favorite weather to walk in is extreme wind, especially when trying to have conversation!! I’m learning to enjoy all weather that living in Michigan brings, so I tried a heat-wave run yesterday and felt exhilerated at the end!

    • Reply


      May 28, 2020

      Good for you learning to enjoy all types of weather!! ??❤️ Michigan weather has seemed a little moody as of late. ? Keep up they great work, Rebekah!!

  18. Reply

    Martha Joy

    May 28, 2020

    Oh, I love Mondays…that’s when the Spring100 post arrives! ? Great job everyone!!! We’re getting so close to that finish line…with God’s help, no matter how many miles you may have left, persevere!!!!! We’ve been having rainy walks lately…which makes for some wet shoes. ? But, I’ve found that most any weather can be very enjoyable when shared with someone! Some of us have been enjoying shared-umbrella walks around here. ?❤️

    ***Congratulations*** to everyone who has already crossed their 100 milemarker – – Joe, Caroline, the Hoverson ladies, Deborah, Abigail and Miss Plocharczyk! Great job ya’ll!!!!??????

    I hope everyone’s week is going well. Keep walking! ??‍♂️??‍♀️ “I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14)

    • Reply


      May 29, 2020

      ?? I’m so glad you love Mondays!!!

    • Reply


      May 29, 2020

      Martha, I really like your words of encouragement! Your comments are always a blessing to read!

      Also, I agree with you about Mondays! It’s going to be sad when the Spring 100 is over, and there will be no more 100 Mile Monday posts until next spring ☹️

  19. Reply

    Rachel M.

    May 28, 2020

    My least favorite weather to walk/run in is cold, windy, and/or cloudy. We’ve had several cool and reallllllllyyyyy windy days this Spring100. Running into strong, cold wind is. not. fun. This last week it has really warmed up (hopefully to stay lol, this spring has been crazy). Even though it is harder to keep going in hot/humid weather, I like that much, much better than cold.

    Keep walking strong everyone! Almost finished!!!!!!!!! Don’t give up if you are behind, just keep going. There’s a quote that says “Don’t watch the clock. Do what it does: keep going.”
    One thing that has been helpful for me is to take two shorter walks. It doesn’t seem to take as long :):), and if you don’t have a huge block of time you can still get your miles done.
    Have a great Week 11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Reply


      May 29, 2020

      Love your suggestion of 2 shorter walks!!! ??❤️ It really is helpful if you have a lot to catch on.? Thank you for the encouragement, Rachel!!

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