Week 6!! || 100MileMonday

Congratulations on making it through Spring100 WEEK 6! ??? As always, easy form to fill out below. Week 6 miles are for April 20th-26th!! If you have any questions at all in regards to the SPRING100, leave a comment below or send over an email to Spring100@shilohPhotography.com!

Spring100 MILE LOG



Featured Photo by Spring100er Bronwyn

“I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 3:14

Now that we are entering week 7, how is Spring100 going for YOU? Once you have finished week 7, you’ve made it to the half way mark so keep it up!! Some of you have actually passed that 100 mile goal or are so very close to it!? Well done!! Some of you are right on track and keeping up with the daily mile quota. WAY TO GO!!! ?? Some of you may be way behind. DON’T GIVE UP! ?? There is time to catch up! You can do it.? I like to remind fellow participants that write with concerns that they won’t finish of this; that even if you have yet to walk a single mile for the Spring100, from here on out you only need to walk 2.2 miles a day to cross that finish line on time! YOU CAN DO IT! Don’t drop out of the race… don’t give up! Continue going strong. Find your strength in the Lord and set your eyes on the prize!! 2.2 miles a day is less than 40 minutes of moderate paced walking. 40 minutes out of 24 hours is worth the effort to step away from the busy day and get some exercise. You have a large and encouraging group of fellow Spring100ers cheering you on! We can’t wait to see you all at the finish line! ? So, here is to the half-way week. Whether you are almost finished, half way there, or just beginning, may it be filled to overflowing with Fabulous Spring100 walks and fun memories! Let’s conquer week 7. Happy Walking y’all! ??‍♀️?‍♂️?‍♀️

Week 6 QUESTION:  If you could walk a mile with any Christian in history, who would it be and why?? Don’t leave without answering below. Can’t wait to see who y’all choose!!

??‍♀️NOTE: We are working on doing the featured Spring100 Video every other week which means we need your videos before next Monday’s 100MileMonday Post!! If you have one to send, let me know! I will tell you how you can send it in. ?

AS ALWAYS-These posts are made possible by YOU!! Your photo submissions and comments make these post extremely fun and my job of putting them together super easy. Thank you! So with that being said, don’t leave without commenting and remember to send in your Spring100 walking/running photos to be featured! Email to Spring100@shilohPhotography.com

The Thenhaus Family took me up on the challenge to add a little extra weight to their walk! They said, “Here we are with our extra weight. But….. ?She ain’t heavy, she’s my sister?” Loved seeing sweet Melody for week 6!???

Sheri and Amanda both grabbed a little extra weight to do the Weighted Walk challenge! ?? Sheri with hand weights and Amanda walking with a bag of books for World Book Day! ?

Nathanael and Abel were bearing the burdens of their brother for week 6…. literally! Love it guys. ???

Caroline took me up on the weighted walk challenge by carrying her little brother piggy-back nearly a mile! ?? Great job, Caroline!!

Christian accomplished the weighted walk challenge by carrying his brother William as they conquered week 6 and Tisha’s extra weight came in the form of a furry feline!! Great job, y’all!! ???

Hannah weighed down her back-pack and went out for a little exercise! But for Hannah, this isn’t anything new. She had the pleasure of back-packing across Europe a not too long ago!?? So heavy back-packs and long walking miles aren’t anything new for this world traveler. ??

And Kina took me up on the weighted challenge by carrying the Word of God! Loved this. May His Word be our guide, lighting our path every step of the way!! “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Ps 119:105??♥️

???♥️?LOVE how Kyra carried along a guitar for a little extra weigh in week 6 and I grabbed a 15 pound exercise pole for a mile! ☺️

Love having the Johnson’s along for the Challenge! They’re dodging puddles and grabbing their miles with a sweet neighbor/friend. Great job y’all!! ??

So happy to see the Templeton Crew from Turkey checking in! Doing a fabulous job. ??? Keep up the great walking!!

Linda walking with Pilgrim in Central Texas for week 6!!! Great job, Linda…. and Pilgrim! ?????

Busy as they are, these two guys found time to grab some Spring100 steps together!! ?? Great job!

Mrs. Jones had the peasure of a walk with lots of sweet grandkids for week 6!! How fun does that walking crew look?! ????

So many great photos from the Barth family doing their miles for week 6 that I couldn’t just choose 1!! Great job y’all!! Love the photos. ??

The Fitzgerald family is finding time to enjoy their week 6 Spring100 together!! They were met by some rather friendly donkeys along the way. ?♥️ LOVE IT!

Esther V. enjoyed a a “penny walk” with these cute kiddos! Great job on week 6!! ????

Fellow Spring100er’s Before and after pictures of our six mile run! Sometimes it’s harder than it first appears. ??? Great job guys!

Dodging some dangerous eather for week 6 here in East Texas! A large funnel cloud quickly formed overhead during an evening walk but Miles were accomplished and everyone is safe. ?????? ?

Well now, how this for Spring100 walking company?! Rojas Family enjoying their week 6 with these gorgeous horses.♥️?

Margaret + Emily enjoy Spring100 week 6 together and Anna has a furry little friend by her side as she conquers her miles! Elizabeth B. was blessed to grab a mile with her cute little nephew. Great job ladies! ??

The P. family all doing spring100 together this year! LOVE having each of you. Great job on week 6!! ???

Sara and Gabe C. enjoying a gorgeous sunset during a SPring100 walk this past week!! They seem to find the best sunsets. Great job y’all! ??

Deborah doing triple duty with these energy packed kiddos in tow for week 6!!! Great job Deborah.???‍♀️

The Plocharczyk ladies enjoying a wonderful walk with their Grandma for week 6!! Great job ladies!! ??????

The White ladies making my day with their lovely photo! Enjoying week 6 together. ???

The Cooks + Halbachs have been faithfully finding time to fit in their Spring100 miles!! Looks like such fun walking groups. ????‍♀️

This group seems to be having a smashing time! ? Bethany says, “One walk this week consisted of walking to the overpass and waving to PEOPLE!! This extrovert loved it! ?” So if you were driving down the highway and saw 3 happy people waving from above, it was most likely these fellow Spring100ers! ???‍♀️?

So great to see Tisha enjoying walks with her sister and Nicki is checking in for Spring100 week 6!! Keep up the wonderful work.????

Janna C is all smiles for week 6!!! FABULOUS having you along for the fun. ??‍♀️?

Loved having Karmen check in for week 6!! It’s so great to have you join the Spring100.??????

Julia L. and family enjoyed some beautiful Spring100 weather for week 6!! GREAT JOB Y’ALL!! ♥️

The Marr Kids making their miles count together!! Well done y’all! ????

Leah was blessed with friendly company for her Spring100 week 6 walk!! ?????

The Silvey Ladies and the S. family saying hello as they speed through week 6! Great job y’all. ?‍♂️?‍♀️??

Beautiful scenery from Ester R. as she checks in for week 6!!?♥️

Abigail and Rebekah checking during their week 6 miles!! Great job girls. ???‍♀️?

The Hoverson Ladies said “The sun finally came out this week ?”. They look like they feel as happy as I do about that!! ENJOY!! ?‍♀️??✨☀️

How fun are these walking trios?! Becca, Maddie and Lucy enjoying time together and Catrina is soaking up some lovely sunshine with mom and sister. Great job ladies!??‍♀️?

I absolutely love having the B. ladies here for another Spring100 and happy to see they recruited the rest of their family. ?? ? Doing week 6 together. Great job y’all!!

Who else loves a good Spring100 sunset?? ??‍♀️ Hannah soaked it up during her week 6 walk and Melody + Rosalie enjoyed their gorgeous view during an evening walk! LOVE THE PHOTOS!!

The Moody and Hensley ladies blessed to be able to enjoy some walking fun together for week 6 of the Spring100!! LOVE IT! ?

The sun is finally shining and warmer weather has arrived in east Texas! Sunsets are being soaked up and God’s glorious creation enjoyed. Emmi has been faithfully ensuring I get out to get my miles even in the midst of an extremely busy work season. She has been the best accountability partner and makes each mile so fun! ENJOY this next week. May it overflow with blessings as you set your eye on Jesus Christ and RUN!!!!!!

Has the Spring100 blessed you and your family? Consider helping cover the expenses involved in this yearly Challenge! CLICK FOR DETAILS…

“I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.”
PSALM 16:8

Rachel @Spring100

Hi! I'm Rachel @Spring100 and Blogger at ShilohPhotography.com! As the founder of Spring100, it is my hope and prayer this challenge encouraged you forward in the strength of the Lord. I am looking forward to walking 100 miles with you this Spring! "For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light" Ephesians 5:8

April 20, 2020


  1. Reply

    Abigail Warkentin

    April 27, 2020

    Wow, that is such a hard and good question!!? I think I would’ve liked to walk with Corrie Ten Boom! She was and is such and inspirational woman!?

    • Reply

      Tisha Stille

      April 27, 2020

      I just finished reading her book!!! So so good!!

    • Reply


      April 29, 2020

      She truly was!! Definitely could learn so much from her. ??

  2. Reply


    April 27, 2020

    I totally agree with Abigail ?? There would be so much wisdom to learn from Aunt Corrie as they call her ?

    • Reply


      April 29, 2020

      She lived quite a life I’d sacrifice and surrender to the Lord!! ?

  3. Reply


    April 27, 2020

    Absolutely loved seeing everyone’s pictures this week!!! Keep up the great work!
    I would love to walk with the Apostle Paul… his books are such an encouragement to me, and I love his love for Jesus, Israel, and the truth! ?

    • Reply


      April 29, 2020

      Oooh!! Fabulous choice. ?

  4. Reply

    Mary Mieczkowski

    April 27, 2020

    I would so greatly enjoy walking with C.S. Lewis!! His perspectives on everything are so refreshing.

    Keep up the great walking, everyone!

    • Reply


      April 29, 2020

      Thank you for being a Spring100 encourager Mary!! ?☺️?

  5. Reply


    April 27, 2020

    LOL big time! That cat I’m holding lives at a gas pipeline plant! ??? But, we all look forward to seeing her at the halfway point of every walk! ?

    I would choose to walk with Fanny Crosby, because…..?…. Well, she didn’t complain about being blind! It would be good for whiny me to talk to her ? Besides that, I have always admired her for the poems and songs she wrote.?

    • Reply


      April 29, 2020

      Her hymns are beautiful!!! Fun choice!! ?

  6. Reply


    April 27, 2020

    I would love to walk with Bonhoeffer! I think he had some great wisdom for the church when it comes to standing for what is right!

    • Reply

      Rebekah Perkins

      April 27, 2020

      I was recently listening to an audio book chapter with my husband that Bonhoeffer wrote on communion. This particular chapter was about confession. Very GOOD! I should probably take the time to soak up the whole book.

    • Reply


      April 29, 2020

      I very much appreciate Bonhoeffer’s love for the Lord and bold stand in the face of evil. Listened to a biography on him that was really stellar. Definitely the Lord working in him and through him. Great choice Amber!! ?

  7. Reply

    Kina Lamb

    April 27, 2020

    Hello Caroline and Templetons and everyone else I know!! 😀 Oh my, Bethany, I can totally see you just having so much fun waving to all those people. Haha!! That WOULD be fun! 😀 Lovely photos, everyone!

    I would walk with Katarina von Bora! (Martin Luther’s wife.) She’s my hero of the faith. I have learned so much from her example, and she has all of the characteristics of the Proverbs 31 woman!!

    • Reply

      Caroline Flournoy

      April 28, 2020

      Hello to you too Kina! 😀

    • Reply


      April 29, 2020

      Love your unique choice Kina!! I’ve never heard about her. Now I’m curious! ??

  8. Reply

    Esther Nelson

    April 27, 2020

    If I was to walk with a Biblical character,I think I would walk with Queen Esther, and find out firsthand what her experience as saving God’s chosen people was like and glean all I could from this wise woman.

    • Reply


      April 29, 2020

      Oh, love that choice! ???

  9. Reply


    April 27, 2020

    I couldn’t decide for sure but I think that it would be great to walk with Sarah Edwards. She seems like such a good example of a godly woman and was so close to her Savior. I think I could glean a lot from her!

    • Reply


      April 29, 2020

      You may want to grab a notepad for that walk and take notes! ?? Great answer Jenna!!

  10. Reply


    April 27, 2020

    When I read your question…my mind flew straight-way to Jesus! It made me think of the story about walking with Him on the road to Emmaus. Wouldn’t that be an amazing mile, just soaking up His words and love?! That wouldn’t be near long enough!!!

    Thank you to everyone for your amazing pictures and happy smiles! Keep going, everybody!

    • Reply


      April 27, 2020

      P.S. Silvey ladies, it’s wonderful to see you enjoying your walk together! And, Karmen, I love your photo! ♥

      • Reply


        April 27, 2020

        It was so wonderful seeing your family’s picture as well! ?

      • Reply


        April 27, 2020

        Hi Maggie! *waves* ? We’ve enjoyed doing Spring100 together. We love seeing pictures of your family walking together, too!
        -Sarah Silvey

    • Reply


      April 27, 2020

      I agree with you 100%!!!!♥️

    • Reply


      April 29, 2020

      Amen, Maggie!! And to think, one day we will spend all eternity in His presence. ☺️? Praising the Lord for His salvation that makes this possible!!

  11. Reply


    April 27, 2020

    The day I carried two 5 pound weights, I walked with them for one mile. They were dead weights on my arms, so I pumped them as I walked. When the mile was done, I put them down. Boy, did that feel good!!! For the next two miles, I felt so light, I almost (almost!) could have ran. 😉

    LOVE the pics again this week! So fun, and some are funny, others are beautiful. Thanks for all of them!

    There are so many blessed Christians from history; people that the Lord used mightily. It’s a hard call, but I think I would like to walk with Adam. I would love to ask him what Eden was like, and what life was like during his lifetime, both in Eden, and after the fall. I would love to ask him to describe walking with God in the cool of the evenings.

    • Reply


      April 29, 2020

      I had the same exact experience Sheri!! Know the feeling of “*almost* could have ran”! ??

  12. Reply


    April 27, 2020

    Besides Jesus, I would love to be able to walk with Corrie Ten Boom! ?❤️ I’ve always been so inspired by her story and her great faith in the midst of horrible persecution.

    • Reply


      April 29, 2020

      She would be a blessing to talk with during a good mile or 10! ??

  13. Reply

    Tisha Stille

    April 27, 2020

    I would like to take a walk with Betsie Ten Boom, Corrie’s sister. Betsie was constantly reminding Corrie to be thankful for anything and everything (even fleas) and to love those who were hurting them. Would love to listen to her heart!

    • Reply

      Rebekah Perkins

      April 28, 2020

      I would be more inclined to choose Betsie also…because i’m more like Corrie and need friends like Betsie, who can spur me on to spiritual maturity. When you read about both Betsie and Corrie, they are like the “rotting apple” that my husband frequently talks about. He says that “a rotting apple is beautiful”. If the apple doesn’t rot and die…it will remain unfruitful…but if it dies, it bears much fruit. I don’t see much of Betsie coming out of Betsie…but a whole lotta Jesus living inside of her! Love and compassion spill out of her life that is simply supernatural.

      5 Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. 6 On account of these the wrath of God is coming. 7 In these you too once walked, when you were living in them. 8 But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth. 9 Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices 10 and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator. Colossians 3:5-10

    • Reply

      Emma H.

      April 28, 2020

      Yes, I totally agree with you! Betsie was a wonderful woman of God! Two other people I would love to walk with would be Darlene Deibler Rose and Brother Andrew. Both have incredible stories!!

    • Reply


      April 29, 2020

      Yes yes yes, Tisha!!! Wouldn’t we better off if we all took a lesson from Betsie?! ??

  14. Reply

    Toni S Hammer

    April 28, 2020

    I would so enjoy walking with Joni Eareckson Tada, seeing her use those legs of hers again. She’d be dancing and leaping and praising God and we would be singing great hymns of the faith together!

    • Reply


      April 29, 2020

      Oooooh!!! I love your choice. She’s got such a beautiful testimony!! ?☺️

  15. Reply

    James Jones

    April 28, 2020

    My daughter named her four boys after men of the faith: peter Marshal, Eric Liddle, Hudson Taylor and William Wilberforce. These men were dedicated, faithful witnesses who were also culture changers sacrificing their lives and fortunes to build the Kingdom.Standing strong against the culture encourages me to do the same.

    • Reply


      April 29, 2020

      Such great names for your grandsons to be named. Yes! They truly were. ☺️

  16. Reply

    Hannah Bartin

    April 28, 2020

    Getting my miles in this year had been a battle! I’m working this year ( and working a night shift) so I’m waaay behind but I’m hoping I can get better at catching up on the weekends ?

    • Reply


      April 29, 2020

      Way to go squeezing them in when you can, Hannah!!! Always blessed to have you here. ???

  17. Reply

    Caroline Flournoy

    April 28, 2020

    Wow! that’s a hard question to answer… I would probably choose Nate Saint. I love his story SO much and am so inspired by him!
    A couple other people I would love to walk with would be Eric Liddell and Corrie Ten Boom. ahhh! there’s too many people to choose just one but if I HAD to choose just one then I would choose Nate Saint. 🙂

    Keep up all the good work everyone and keep all the great pictures coming! I love to see all the smiling and happy faces! 🙂

    • Reply


      May 3, 2020

      Great choices, Caroline!! ???‍♀️

  18. Reply

    J Lodi

    April 28, 2020

    I would love to walk and talk with Joseph or Daniel. They are some of my favorite characters in the Bible because they endured such hardship and adverse circumstances when they were very young, yet they kept their eyes on the Lord. I would love to hear some tips from them regarding keeping one’s eyes on Christ and maintaining joy and strong, godly character through difficulty.

    • Reply


      May 3, 2020

      Love those choice and your reasoning behind it! ?

  19. Reply


    April 29, 2020

    I would love to walk with Elisabeth Elliot, Joni Eareckson Tada or Queen Esther. Great question!! ?????

  20. Reply

    Ruth Cook

    April 29, 2020

    I would love to take a walk with Amy Carmichael. And, Ruth from the Bible.

    • Reply


      May 3, 2020

      I absolutely love the example of Ruth in the bible!!! ? Great choice!!!

  21. Reply

    Rebecca Bontrager

    April 30, 2020

    I think I would chose Nate Saint.
    great question though!
    Thanks Rachel for putting this on. It has been great for me to do more walking!!

    • Reply


      May 3, 2020

      So happy you’re enjoying the challenge, Rebecca!! ??

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