“…let us run with patience the race that is set before us,  Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Hebrews 12:1-3

PSA: I want to start out this post acknowledging the intense time we are in with the current Coronavirus! To those who have been personally affected by this virus, I an praying for you. May we remember that the Lord God is bigger than this Virus and He in control! With that being said, may we also move forward in wisdom. Medical experts agree that “Exercise can be one of the best things to do to boost immunity and fight against the Coronavirus.” With the Spring100 at hand, this challenge is a great way to do just that! Through this challenge we will keep physically active while joining together in online fellowship and weekly encouragement which may be limited in the physical realm until this virus passes! We are called to be good stewards of the bodies the Lord God has gifted us and exercise is one fabulous way to do that. ? So all that being said, no excuses. ? NOW is the time to sign up for this year’s Spring100(signup form below)!

“I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust. Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.”
Psalm 91:2-3

We are just 3 days away from the 4th annual SPRING100! That is so exciting!! Guys & gals from across the globe have joined the fun! 🙂 Old and young alike, ages 4 to 99(yes, you read that correctly!) From the younger crowds to new and older mothers + fathers, older brothers + sisters, single ladies and gentlemen, and grandmothers + grandfather. There is still time to enter and I will post the sign-up form below! TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS TO JOIN!??? I will include the fabulous shareable Spring100 graphics my sister Grace(thank you, Grace!!) created for this year’s challenge at the end of the post. NOW It’s time to answer some frequently asked questions regarding the Spring100. PLEASE, if you have any questions at all, leave a comment below or send an email to Spring100@shilohphotography!

Question: When is the first Spring100 day/post?? And when can I start counting miles??
Answer: Spring100 starts the first day of Spring(March 19th)! Each Monday we will have the Spring100 post called the 100MileMonday shared right here on the blog but since Spring started on Wednesday this year, we will have an Spring100 Opening Day post on Thursday and then get into our 100MileMonday posting next Monday! Start logging your miles on Thursday, March 19th!!

Question:Can I count my biking miles?
Answer: This has been the biggest question for 2020 Spring100. The answer is no, only miles walked or run count toward your Spring100 mile goal!

QUESTION: How do I make sure I get a Spring100 shirt?
ANSWER: To qualify for a Spring100 shirt we are going to need you to check in weekly and log your miles! Each Monday[100mileMonday posts!] there will be a simple log to fill in the number of miles walked that week. If you miss a week, not a problem! Just make up for the missed miles in the weeks to come!  I will tally up each participant’s mileage at the very end of Spring100 and if your end goal of 100 miles has been met, you’ll get your shirt!

QUESTION: Do I have to walk 1.1 miles ever day or can I walk 2.5 miles 3 times a week or run a few miles twice a week?
ANSWER: You can pace yourself however you want. We are just looking for that end goal of 100 miles by June 20th. So for instance, my sister doesn’t have the time to walk every day but she will walk 3.5 miles a few times a week! Others I know are training for a marathon and will be doing a 10 mile run once a week and count that as their Spring100 mileage. For some, due to new babies or spring vacations, you will be on a week and off a week here and there. So, take the walk at your own pace just as long as you make your miles total a 100  by the end of Spring100!

QUESTION: Where does the walk take place? Do we meet somewhere?
ANSWER: The walk takes place wherever you make it. 🙂 Since we have entries from across the world, this is not a group walk where we meet at a specific location. For me, I will be walking my drive-way or back pasture. If I am traveling, I will take advantage of the hotel exercise room. For other of you who have joined, you are using your treadmill, the local track, at a park, or around town. Some very blessed participants will be walking the beach! 😀 The Spring100 challenge is wherever you make it! 🙂

QUESTION: How will you know we have completed the 100 miles and aren’t just lying about the miles we walk?
ANSWER: This has been big question for some of you. My answer is simple! I am going to take you at your word! I am going to trust you all are convicted to only log the miles you have done and will be honest with me. So, your honesty is between you and the Lord! Remember, “A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight.” Prov 11:1

QUESTION: Any tips for tracking miles?
ANSWER: If you have a smartphone, I like a free app called RunKeeper! There are several apps available for mile-tracking. If you don’t have an app or phone, we have used several fun ways to track the distance we have walked before. Using the mile gauge on your car is one way. Also, google maps will tell you the distance. And you can always do it the good old-fashioned way, 5280 feet=1 mile. 😉 Get creative if you don’t have a smart phone or  digital tracking device and let us know how you do it!

QUESTION: How are the shirt sizes running?
ANSWER: From what I can tell, right on! I usually wear a small but am up-sizing to a Medium for these shirts just because I like a looser fitting exercise shirt and the shirts are 100% cotton meaning they may shrink. But they seem to be very accurately sized!

QUESTION:Can I count everyday activities as a part of my mileage. Like making dinner or walking to the bathroom? 😉
ANSWER: No, this challenge is for an addition and intentional walk apart from daily activities like bathroom breaks or walking to grab another dish of icecream! 😉

??‍♀️Now it’s time for you to leave your Spring100 questions in the comment section below!! Whatever you are wondering, many other 2020 Spring100 participants probably have the same exact question!

Spring100 Sign-up form




HOW YOU CAN HELP! Donations are not required for participation but are truly appreciated! If you feel led to join us in covering the costs associated with Spring100, please click the button below for Spring100 Donation instructions!

Shareable Spring100 Graphics! CLICK for Full Size versions.

Rachel @Spring100

Hi! I'm Rachel @Spring100 and Blogger at ShilohPhotography.com! As the founder of Spring100, it is my hope and prayer this challenge encouraged you forward in the strength of the Lord. I am looking forward to walking 100 miles with you this Spring! "For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light" Ephesians 5:8


  1. Reply

    Lydia Jael

    March 16, 2020

    Great info! Thanks ,Rachel!????

  2. Reply

    Kelley M

    March 18, 2020

    Excited to start tomorrow!

  3. Reply

    Katie Wegner

    March 19, 2020

    Hello, my friend tried signing up last night and it said the email was sent hut she never received it. Is there a way for her to still sign up?

    • Reply


      March 19, 2020

      Hello Katie!! If your friend can email me at Rachel@shilohphotography.com I’ll ensure she’s signed up. Probably is as my auto reply signup email has been having a few hiccups but best to check and ensure she is signed up!! ☺️?

  4. Reply

    Lindsey M.

    March 21, 2020

    Hi Rachel! This is my first time participating in Spring100, and I am very excited! I signed up last night, but never received an email verification. Was I supposed to?

    • Reply


      March 22, 2020

      Hello Lindsey!!
      Your registration was received. Thank you!! 🙂 🙂

  5. Reply

    Alison Nye

    March 23, 2020

    Hi! First timer here, where do we log our hours? It’s Monday and I don’t want to miss it. I tried the email above and it said it was invalid.

    • Reply


      March 24, 2020

      Welcome Alison! Log miles not hours each week when you get an email notifying you the new weekly mile log is available!! ??

  6. Reply

    Nicole Schafer

    March 26, 2020

    Hi my Rachel! My name is Nicole Schafer
    I just wanted to make sure my post was received??❤

  7. Reply

    Nicole Schafer

    March 26, 2020

    Hi Rachel! My name is Nicole Schafer
    I just wanted to make sure my post was received??❤

    • Reply

      Nicole Schafer

      March 26, 2020

      This is Nicole Schafer again! I meant
      I just wanted to make sure my log in post was received? I did it on Tuesday?? Wandering if that’s ok??❤

      • Reply


        March 27, 2020

        Hello Nicole!! Received. 🙂 THANK YOU!! Yes, most definitely ok to do it on Tuesday!!

Leave a comment and make my day! :)