Well, look at week 11!! || 100MileMonday

Well, how did week 11 get here?!! Time really does fly when you’re having fun!! ?? NOW is the time to log your mileage for WEEK 10! Super easy form to fill out below.?? If you aren’t sure if your form was submitted correctly, keep an eye on your email. Automatic replies will be sent within 2 hours after clicking “submit” ! If you have any questions at all in regards to the SPRING100, leave a comment below or send over an email to Spring100@shilohPhotography.com!




Here we are rounding the corner to the finish line of the SPRING100! Wow… way to go to you all. ?? Each of you has made fantastic progress and it’s such a blessing to see your determination! A couple of you are actually nearing the 200 mile mark for the Spring100. That is truly fantastic!!! How was week 10 for you? I really enjoyed week 10. The walks and a couple runs I took were so refreshing!!

“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us” Hebrews 12:1

QUESTION: Have you thought about the fact that weight and sin mentioned in Hebrews 12 are 2 different things? 🙂 Random question, I know! 😉 I was reminded the other day of an instance a few year ago. It was early January, I was dealing with a bit of discouragement, and for some reason when I woke up one morning I just felt like I needed to go out for a run! Mind you, I hadn’t run in 10 years so the urge to run wasn’t natural. ? For me, it was to experience what it felt like to run and how it would be to physically run with endurance and I knew this would help me as I compared the actual physical run with my spiritual run! It was a super cold morning so I put on my running shoes and bundled up[y’all I am a “cold weather wimp” ;]. 2 long sleeve thermal tops, puffer vest, a heavy jacket, gloves, ear warmers, long exercise pants… you name it, I wore it! 😉  I looked like the abominable snow woman in South Texas??[click here for visual]. These were all what I considered necessary garments for running in the “bitter cold”! As I took off running I didn’t make it very far before I found these “comforts” were actually weights holding me back from fully running! They were literally entangling me and I had to throw off the extra weight of the jacket, gloves, and hat in order to better run!

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” Galatians 4:31

I learned 2 things that morning run! 1.) I couldn’t physically run to save my life ? & 2.) The weight mentioned in Hebrews 12:1 was just like my heavy layers! You see, my heavy winter jacket wasn’t a bad thing and it brought me a lot of comfort BUT it was holding me back from running. The  word weight mentioned in Hebrews 12:1 means “a burden or something so heavy and cumbersome that it impedes a runner from running his race as he should.” This weight may be “things” that in themselves may not be sins but hold us back from running the spiritual race to our fullest[if y’all remember,  traditions -which seemed to be good things to them- were weighing the Galatians down when Paul had to reprimand them— Read Galatians 4].  We will be faced with both weight and sin in this life that will need to be thrown off in order to run this spiritual race! It will be a life-long pursuit of spiritual purging. 🙂 The Weight can come in packages that may not be weight for others but is for you…. It is something that is literally pulling you back when you are trying to run full force forward! The weight can be an actual thing like the amount of time you spend on the internet or on social networking? It could be the books you’re allowing yourself to read or the magazines you pick up at the grocery store or some form of entertainment, a  job you work, or the places you allow yourself to hangout?  But weights can also be overly-busy schedules, routines, attitudes, goals, habits, thoughts, aspirations, or future dreams which are not necessarily bad but  are keeping you from setting your eyes on Jesus and running with endurance! Or the weight could come in other forms.

“No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully.” 2 Tim 2:4-5

The Holy Spirit is urging you and me to take a good look at our lives and remove/lay aside everything that weighs us down and keeps us from a life of obedience[2 John 1:6]. We must be honest with ourselves and with God. Remember, there is nothing done in secret[whether thought or deed] that He does not know[Ps 139:1-2]. Do you have sin or weight that binds you and is holding you back from running? This week I want to encourage you all to pray that the Lord would show you the extra weights and sins that are holding you back from fully running this race for His glory. When He answers, don’t ignore it! Ask yourself, “Does —fill in the blank— help me run the race for Jesus or hinder me?” Then (in God’s strength) do just what Hebrews 12:1 says to- lay it aside! To lay aside is a deliberate decision to make a permanent change. Don’t say you just can’t throw —fill in the blank— off because, in all honesty, that isn’t the truth[1 Cor 10: 13]!  You can throw off the weight and sin through the strength of the Lord, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Phil 4:13. Yep, that’s my really random and long Week 11 musing! Phew, thank you for being a listening ear to my rambles. 😉  I am praying for each one of you as you conquer week 11 of the Spring100 and seek to throw off that weight and the sin which so easily besets us. God is faithful! If you need someone to pray for you as you throw off certain weights or sin, send me an email to rachel@shilohphotography.com HERE. I will be honored to join you in prayer!?

??2 questions for this week!! ?? 1.) What is the strangest thing you have seen during your Spring100 walks/runs??  2.) How many of you have already completed the 100 miles and are pushing forward for more??  Comment below answering one or both questions! Happy walking/running for week 5.

????DON’T FORGET! To make the 100MileMonday posts fun and interactive, I need to hear from YOU! Leave comments below and feel free to comment on other Spring100er’s comments. Also, these posts are made possible by your fantastic Spring100 photos. I would LOVE for next week’s post to be the BEST YET!! So that means I need you to  Snap a picture of yourself walking and send to Spring100@shilohPhotography.com for next week’s post! 🙂

Hannah & Bethany enjoyed their Spring100 walk in West Virginia this week!! Bethany says, “This house was built by our great great great great great great grandfather in 1770 and is the oldest house on its original foundation in the state!” Keep up the wonderful work ladies!!

My Mom has been enjoying her Spring100 miles with my Dad. Beach breezes and evening sunset walks are the best!! Looking lovely 😀

Great NEWS!! With a few training sessions and treats, Leah has Honey back to walking the spring100!! 😀 Way to go Leah ??!! Ruth has been so dedicated. Love seeing her out getting her miles in! ?

Date-night walk around the park for Katelyn who is looking GORGEOUS and Bekah is enjoying a bit of a run for her Spring100! Wonderful job, ladies!! ?

Gotta Love this walking crew!! Lydia, Ruth, and Abel have been so faithful to get their daily miles and Nathanael is going strong with his Spring100. Keep up the great work y’all!!

Can’t get over the gorgeous sunsets I have soooo enjoyed for the Spring100! ?? Keep up the wonderful work and DON’T leave without leaving a comment. ??

“Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.”
1 Corinthians 9:24

Rachel @Spring100

Hi! I'm Rachel @Spring100 and Blogger at ShilohPhotography.com! As the founder of Spring100, it is my hope and prayer this challenge encouraged you forward in the strength of the Lord. I am looking forward to walking 100 miles with you this Spring! "For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light" Ephesians 5:8


  1. Reply

    Sarah M.

    May 29, 2017

    Rachel, ❤️

    Your encouragement, examples, and Scripture were perfect. Thank you! The Lord has been refining me as I have had to take a slower pace because of my toe, and then today I have a cold + flu thing. But. This week I will finally be back to logging a few miles. @ Hannah and Bethany. That picture is amazing. What a heritage!!!! Is it still in the family?

    @ Rachel and company. Your beach pictures are amazing.

    Good job to everyone who has doubled. Awesome!

    • Reply


      May 29, 2017

      Thank you soooooo much, Sarah! I am so thankful for those lessons the Lord faithfully teaches us and for your encouragement!! ?
      Praying and looking forward to your complete recovery. Get some rest…. You’ve been put through the wringer!! ?❤️❤️

      Psalm 89:12

    • Reply

      Hannah Griggs

      May 29, 2017

      It was really special getting to visit the house. It is not in the family, but a historical society has purchased it and is doing regular upkeep on it and giving tours in the summertime.

  2. Reply


    May 29, 2017

    Congratulations on getting Honey to walk with you again, Leah!! That’s great! And way to go, all you Spring 100ers!

    I have already completed the 100 mile goal, but I am still planning to do more. Way to go, those of you who are already nearing 200 miles!!

    • Reply


      May 29, 2017

      Way to go, Hope!!??? Keep on joining us. I will look forward to seeing how many miles you can accomplish by the final SPRING100 day!!?

      ?Psalm 33:1

    • Reply


      May 29, 2017

      Congratulations, Hope!?? ?Keep going! Maybe you can squeeze 200 miles in before the challenge ends.??

      • Reply


        May 29, 2017

        Thanks! And congratulations to you,too, in completing the 100 mile goal!!

  3. Reply

    Natalie W.

    May 29, 2017

    Have there been any strange sights on my walks? Yep! A flying turkey… a dead snake… even 3 deer! 🙂

    • Reply


      May 29, 2017

      Wow! I don’t remember ever seeing a turkey fly! : )

    • Reply


      May 29, 2017

      WOW!!!? A flying turkey?!! That’s crazy. Love your comment, Natalie!! Keep up the wonderful work. 🙂 🙂

      Psalm 34:22?

  4. Reply


    May 29, 2017

    Fun week!! The strangest thing I’ve seen on my spring 100 walks??… Probably the dead iguana (not sure if that’s what it really was, but in its flattened form it might as well have been!). And yes, I’ll have to have you tally for me but I think I’ve covered the 100 miles already! ?1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣

    • Reply


      May 29, 2017

      ☺️? Way to go Grace!!! Congratulations!! Keep on joining in the fun for the last few weeks of Spring100. And it was either a dead iguana or a baby dinosaur from what I saw.?

      Ps 34:15

    • Reply


      May 29, 2017

      Yes. I saw it too!?? It was a giant lizard the size of a baby alligator…

  5. Reply


    May 29, 2017

    Thank you for another encouraging post, Rachel!

    I’m Praising the Lord that I was able to finish the Spring100 early!!!

    I haven’t seen anything too strange during my walks. However, I walked my Spring100 during a flight layover and saw people getting massages in the airport terminal.

    @Lydia I have been blessed as I see your dedication to helping the little ladies achieve their Spring100 goal! And your photos are always so fun! Keep up the great work!???

    “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”
    ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭15:58‬ ‭

    • Reply


      May 29, 2017

      Way to go Micah!!!!!! ???????? Keep on coming back for the fun and I know yours still keeping up with the walking. ?❤️

      Psalms 147:11

  6. Reply


    May 29, 2017

    The most unusual thing I saw during a Spring100 walk was a (THANKFULLY DEAD) coral snake! ? It was dead on the road. Prompted me to look them up and learn a few awful facts on how poisonous they are… ??

    Doing a rough calculation, I’ve just passed the 100 mile mark — I’m soooo excited! I sure hadn’t been sure if that would be possible, trying to catch up after having a baby and all! God is so good and faithful!

    THANKS for your spiritual musings, Rachel! A true blessing. ??

    • Reply


      May 29, 2017

      ? no way!!!?!!!! Micah almost ran into one a few years ago. Super dangerous. ?

      You’ve done such a fantastic job ESPECIALLY considering you had a baby at the beginning of the Spring100. Way to go Elisha! ?

      Aw, praise the Lord! My musings are often jumbled but I pray that something posted here would be a real blessing to someone reading! ☺️?

      Psalm 115:1

  7. Reply


    May 29, 2017

    I don’t think that I saw anything unusual on week 10. Congratulations to everyone who finished their 100 mile mark. I personally am not done with mine, but I am on track.

    I am very happy for you, Leah, on getting your dog to go with you! 🙂

    Wow, Bethany! That is a REALLY OLD house!!!

    • Reply


      May 29, 2017

      Way to go keeping on track, Faith!!! ?

      Psalm 103:2

  8. Reply


    May 29, 2017

    Ahh love these “musings”/edification so much. Thank you! I’ve been thinking of this verse lately. What’s holding me back? Such a good (and can be difficult) question, so thank you!

    I can’t think of a single odd thing on my walks/runs.. I must just be forgetting. I’m still reaching for 100. 🙂

    • Reply


      May 29, 2017

      Aw, so thankful you enjoyed my musing! Praise the Lord. ?☺️? Isn’t it a difficult question but really necessary question? So thankful that the Lord will give us the grace and strength needed to lay aside the weight and sin!

      Way to go on keeping up Anna!! ???

      Psalms 18:1-2

      • Reply


        May 29, 2017

        Yes for sure! Thank you and thanks for the Psalm. I love the uniquely chosen verse for every reply ?

  9. Reply

    Rachel A.

    May 30, 2017

    Wow, Hannah and Bethany–that is quite a family story! Enjoying everyone’s photos from the Spring100–you’re almost at the finish line, keep going. And, congratulations to those who have passed the 100-mile mark! Oh, and thank you, Rachel, for those encouraging “musings”.

    I haven’t really seen anything very strange, except perhaps a muskrat (or other swimming critter) and some wildflowers I had never seen before and am hoping to identify.

    • Reply


      May 30, 2017

      Thank you for your encouragement, Rachel!! 🙂 Aren’t muskrats so fun to watch?!! We used to have one in our pond way back when we lived in the midwest. ???

      Ps 34:1-2

  10. Reply


    May 30, 2017

    Thank you for the spiritual encouragement and insight, Rachel! You brought up some very good points and some food for thought for myself for sure.

    I am not at 100 miles just yet…:) Congratulations to everyone that has passed the 100 mile mark already!

    The strangest thing…hmm…well one funny thing happened when I was walking with Honey. A man in his truck was driving by with his window open. As he passed us he started imitating dog barks at her! Not sure why he was doing this, but it was rather amusing. Honey just stared at him fearlessly. 😀 😀

    Your mom and dad are so cute, Rachel. I am glad they were able to take a few walks together.

    What a beautiful house and an amazing piece of history Bethany and Hannah!

    • Reply


      May 30, 2017

      Keep up the wonderful work, Leah!!! ?? Wow, how funny. Glad Honey stood her ground. ??

      Psalm 1:1-3 ?

  11. Reply


    May 31, 2017

    Great job everyone!!? Incredible house Hannah and Bethany! Mom and Dad your looking great!!? Yes, thank the Lord, I have reached my 100 goal! Strange things, hmmmm… I have spotted quite a few deer, “prehistoric” lizards?, and snakes… and I’ve also had a squirrel make friends with me, his name is Michael!??

  12. Reply

    Bethany Griggs

    May 31, 2017

    I haven’t finished my miles yet, but congratulations to all those who have!! Due to sickness and the busyness of life I’m behind, but I’m hoping to still make it! One evening I saw a couple of squirrels fighting inside a fenced in yard while another rabbit served as spectator on the outside. 😉 I also saw quite a few wild hogs which was something we never saw here until this year! Thank you to everyone for the comments on the Graham house! It was so special to get to tour it!!

    • Reply


      May 31, 2017

      You can do it!!!!? keep up the great work, Bethany. ☺️

      Wild hogs?!!? That’s something o haven’t spotted yet…. thankfully! ??

      Ps 31:7 ?

      • Reply

        Bethany Griggs

        June 1, 2017

        Thank you, Rachel!! <3 By the way, that was supposed to be two rabbits, not two squirrels… 🙂

  13. Reply

    Sarah Lee

    May 31, 2017

    Interesting story/picture, Hannah and Bethany! Love all the pictures – you all are doing fantastic on the Spring100 and hard to believe we’re almost to the finish line. 🙂
    “O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy.” (Psalm 107:1-2)

    • Reply


      May 31, 2017

      Lovely verses! Thank you for sharing, Sarah!! ☺️❤️

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